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Joe Cole
Joe Cole   Editor
Horsham Sussex    Old and retired I'm not a poet but a simple dreamer who only dreams of being a poet The new photo is of my new …
SG Holter
SG Holter   Editor
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise …
Cynthia Thompson
Cynthia Thompson   Editor
Massachusetts    I have been writing all my life. I hate profiles! If you would like to know something, just ask, MmKay?
r   Member
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
Paul   Member
sydney    "be more specific" "How?" "Undress, walk naked, forget all the rules. If that's not you, perhaps just show what happens when you tie your shoelaces, …
Dreamer   Member
I just want to discover the beauty, covert within the tiny cracks and crevices, of every breathing life
Delilah Summers
Delilah Summers   Member
Forest City    Do you feel the things I'm feeling?
Sarah   Member
Land of Ambiguity    Strong and shinning skin, shattered and lackluster flesh
Wednesday   Member
Virginia, US    Haughty.
Shane Oltingir
Shane Oltingir   Member
England    My name is Shane. I drink too much, write too little; I have a novel in the works which may or may not be worthy …
wes parham
wes parham   Member
Atlanta, GA    Infrequent Poetry to tell stories, express a feeling, hopefully to entertain or inspire. Cover: “ Memorial for Karl Liebknecht” by Käthe Kollwitz. Wes writes, he …
Jessica Head
Jessica Head   Member
28/F/Fort A La Corne    If you love the bubbles set them free.
C S Cizek
C S Cizek   Member
Williamsport    Contact email: "Come on now, we're going to go build a mirror factory first and put out nothing but mirrors for the next year …
Meggghanq1   Member
Ireland    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind -Dr Seuss I'm pouring …
gd   Member
Canada    Strung and stitched entirely from impulsive emotions.
Jonas Gonçalves
Jonas Gonçalves   Member
Brazil    Sou um homem de poucas palavras; quase um Leminski twitter: @jonasgoncalos
ilina286   Member
Fiona Guest
Fiona Guest   Member
Manonsi   Member
Madrid    Hi there
Scarlett O
Scarlett O   Member
Tea   Member
"The thing we as a species, as humans, should be fighting for is not fame, fortune or success. It's freedom." 21 year old female // …
grace   Member
NY/NY    i wanna read american psycho again
Oyashumi   Member
Belgium    Trying to express myself in a kinda anonymous way
Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
That Place Where I'm From    "I am the very model of a scientist salarian" “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged …
Liz   Member
London    Writing to paint A picture with words Because I can't Be bothered To get the paints out
greyweather   Member
England    20 years old, living my second chance.
ponny jo
ponny jo   Member
i hardly title my poems/writings its mostly dates, working on changing that now. i try to use poems to organize my thoughts i would be …
Caitlyn Stewart
Caitlyn Stewart   Member
"Poems are hard to read Pictures are hard to see Music is hard to hear And people are hard to love But whether from brute …
Ben Ditmars
Ben Ditmars   Member
Human poet transfixed with love.
Alissa Rogers
Alissa Rogers   Member
The Lonely Mountain, NC    I'm strange. I make odd references and have no set rules. write about my short comings and try to turn the base thoughts into golden …
Jordan Frances
Jordan Frances   Member
[you never need to apologize for how you chose to survive]
Nicole Fraser
Nicole Fraser   Member
Wellington, Nz    Writing helps me express my emotions and emotions I pick up from around me,some are fiction some are non-fiction and some are both.
Joshua Haines
Joshua Haines   Member
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
princess sword king
princess sword king   Member
I dream through my words.

— The End —