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 Jun 2017
Third Eye Candy
smoke and the reason.
all the grains of sand in a minute.
and a blue collar pearl.
don't we love
how the love expires ?
it makes a giant out of hurt
but it can't be bought
though we all pay.

the both of our plans
were silent.
we were drifting into granules
of lost time.
we were pre-dreamt.... but had nothing
to sleep through.
we saw the end of the movie
and blamed
 May 2017
Marshal Gebbie
Potentates and Princes pawn their pricelessness for fame whilst those who wield true power play for keeps,
Others, in their ignorance, career through constant turmoil, spreading mayhem as the trusting public sleeps.
Such is the pattern of your present brash incumbent, such is the horror of the lucid standing by
With realisation dawning that the game has fast unravelled and blanket supposition that impeachment may apply.
For lies and deception fade to paleness in duplicity of the treachery in dealing with the enemy of old,
And as confidence collapses right across the realm of politics, embarrassment suggests that hard action must unfold.
Sniggers in the Kremlin are a bitter pill to stomach with them laughing up their sleeves at the chaos in this land,
Better that you bite the bit and remedy this problem, remove the fool from office and let Pence now show his hand.

New Zealand
18 May 2017
 May 2017
Victoria Jennings
For the first time in the years I've known you
I'm finally angry

Angry at all the broken promises
The leaving
The leaving
The leaving
The ending of us
Over and over

I'm angry you made me feel
So special
And you go and toss me aside

I'm angry at every man
Who has seen me as an easy target

Whether for my lack of beauty
Or my heart that is too big for my own good

I'm angry at you
At everyone
At myself for letting it happen

I'm angry for the pain

But most of all I'm angry
Because I know I'll always forgive.
 May 2017
The Goblins of Gloom do prey
At the borders of safety’s demise
This passageway frequently opens
A blessing yet curse despised

Passion for fury
****** out of control
Hell's fiery embers blister
As the burn of lust
Consumes the soul

Innocence caught in a vacuum
****** up, used and discarded
A fuel that feeds
The demonic machine
The evil eye lids have parted

Nightmares and spells
Conjured in hell
The righteous and wicked do ponder
Through evil doors
The wickedness soars
How many left open I wonder?
Traveler Tim
HP 2014
 May 2017
My fortress of solitude
solidifies regret
counterbalancing justification
with waning self worth

It could be worse
and I am imperfect
so I stay in this place invisible
seen only in degrees unworthy

But here alone
I can pretend I am strong
the truth hidden
by what I cannot show

Words are my friends
where my thoughts
are my enemies
Still, I remain

Not bad enough to leave
Just horrible enough to keep me hidden in this isolation
ashamed to show my face
afraid to be free and learn...

it's all true
 May 2017
South by Southwest
All I ever wanted
all I ever found
Clouds of agony
soaking the ground
Rivers of pain
inside insane
Just because you limp
doesn't mean you're lame
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