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 Jul 2018
Just GS
This is my dedication to depression
All the lessons learnt from unsent messages
Regrets to blessings
I remember everything
I used to sing T. Swift's junk
To see you smile and lift you up
Now i talk to walls in hopes im not alone
Who knows how crazy feels? I know -
I lost a piece of me when you had to leave
Rest in peace - you made me the best me
I've always been so proud of you
That will never change hope somehow you know it
Still, i suppose we'll all be sad for a moment
Til we all laugh together again, a toast -
I'm thankful for the pain that keeps you close
 Jul 2018
Kathryn Heim
Lives persecuted
love's outcry
what others see
but still deny.

Would our beliefs today
stand the test
martyrs of Rome
put to rest?

A gift of faith
through the
hands of time
is the key within
this sacred crime.
 Jul 2018
Elizabeth P
Intimacy isn't just bodies for
Skin-to-skin contact to superficial
Swapping of spit
And all the other ****** fluids known to man.
Flesh degrades.
That's what medicine exists for.
Therefore *** is easy.

Intimacy is the heart-to-heart connections.
There is no shortcut, no replacement.
Those who have it thrive.
Those who don't feel the void
Yet cannot satisfy it alone.
Many try *** and fail.
*** exists to deepen intimacy,
And without such is simply a stream
Of happy, happy chemicals
An ephemeral high...

I crave the ability to gaze upon
The surface of a soul,
To glide my fingers in the warm pool
Of emotion,
Of trust,
Of love;
To hold another being in my arms
And soothe a ravishing, ravaged heart
Much like my own.
And to know that such is reciprocated equally
To my broken self.

I crave this more than anything
So I must wait.
Crashing..Splashing..G'nashing waves
Bashing so upon the rocky shore~
Gently..gentle breezes blow
Coming softly to the fore~
Wet sand..dry sand..soft sand too
Water salty .. foaming white~
Coming .. going..back again
Morning .. noon and darkest night~
Dark day .. bright day .. cloudy day
Always just the same~
When the sun is shing bright
When the skies are full of rain~
Water high .. water low
Water in between~
So long since I last went down
To one of the loveliest spots I've seen~
I left my footprints there one day
One day I must go back to see~
If maybe they are still waiting there
For little old sad me '

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
 Jun 2018
Mellow waves
So you thought you could change me,
Try to make me miserable, lonely and sad,
You thought i was like the rest, blameworthy and bad,

Yet look at me, I’m happier than ever,
I’m free and strong, i’m brave and determined,
I’m fearless, nothing can stand in my way,
I know my goals, my hopes and my wishes,

So take a step back and look at me,
I’m rising and rising, reaching the top
Piece by piece i will achieve all my dreams.
 Jun 2018
As sure as the night
into day will turn,

the soul would clutch
at the scars we still earn...

And the skin would miss
just as the heart would burn.
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