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 May 2017
I'm glad you could make it
Even if it means that now you hate me
I'm glad you made it.

It makes me a bit sad
I swear I was a bit mad
When I knew you were telling lies.

But now I don't care
Because I know
That no matter how much I give to you

No matter how far I go to be with you
No matter how much I spend thinking of you
No matter how emotional draining it is for me

You'll never see it
Because it is not exactly what you're asking me to do.
I'm glad you joined your old friends, even if it feels like dagger for me.
 May 2017
it hurts, it stings
it rips me off and takes me down
it makes me crawl
it makes me shiver
it makes me doubt
it makes me fear
it makes me cry
it makes me feel helpless
it makes me feel jealous
it makes me sick
it makes me sick
it hurts, it stings
it bleeds
it is love
 May 2017
odio tener que admitir que mis recuerdos siguen tomando vida cada vez que se cruzan con tu mirada

odio tener que sentirme indefensa, inútil e impotente a la vez cada vez que pienso en que tú ya no quieres

cientos de pétalos buscan un escape del cerezo
terminando muertos en el concreto

la última vez que me quedé callada por tanto tiempo no recuerdo haber explotado en llanto

la última vez que me sentí tan estúpida preferí callarme
¿por qué ahora no?

ah, cierto
antes tu sonrisa no me debilitaba
antes fingía tolerar y ser fuerte
antes tu mirada no me afectaba
antes era más
 May 2017
vuelve a acariciar mi cara y rómpeme
ya de verdad no me importa
tú seguirás y yo me quedaré aquí
con miles de pedazos de lo que solía ser mi persona
con miles de sueños y esperanzas
con un corazón roto
una mente destrozada
un impulso
un latido
 May 2017
is this healthy?
is this worth feel bad for?
am I going to feel bad anyway?
 May 2017
as a car in the middle of the night
running away
miles and miles away
in an endless
empty road

I drive miles away
away from your mind
and you stay there
petting her neck

— The End —