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 Dec 2020
That is all we need
To hear your voice
To see you smile
A gentle hug for a little while
The photographs and memories are reminders
That is all we have left and need to make more of
While people enjoy a holiday that is harder to celebrate then most this year
Many of us know who we lost and they can be found
Just as long as we remember and stick around
If you are missing someone just take a moment

In memory our Mom who we lost in August this year
 Dec 2020
And my prayers
reach from
one of
your eyes
to the next.

and I see your
reflection in
every morning

your life
blossoming before
my ancient

and though
time is on
your side,

one side or
the other I
will always
be with you.

to wish you
well to dance
with you
on your
wedding day.

with you
I will always
have least
one more
thing to

a laugh or
a quiet smile.

around the
moon and
back again
are my thoughts
for you.

you have
always been
an inspiration
in my life.

and though
life is
a moment ,

and then that
moment is

I will
carry you
with me.

and we
will carry on,

like the night
the light
of it's silver

and I just
wanted to
give you
this thought
of you tonight.

I dream
the best
for you.
Find perfect patience now
What more is their to seek
To gild the lily or not?  What
Is it worth to praise humble
Virtue-The placid lake is all
That needs be..  Peace is its
Own reward but then all the
Quieted wishes answered.the
Promised Child is born but as
All Knows there is trouble in the
Beginning and so once again
Patience, the sea of calm is the
Answer that can wait forever
But never needs to.  War, pain
Plague and famine will be forgot. 
 For they teach that Patience-
Perfect Patience is all that's ever
Needed and the lesson learned is worth
The pain.  The brides maid is satisfied
With her role needs nothing more
Seeks not the groom for herself
But to such a one Love will come.
Patience is always with us and there
Is in all of us a place for her to come
We need only ask that she be with us
Patience is the happiness equal to  any
Reward  Overcomes any sorrow
 Dec 2020
Stephen E Yocum
Sitting for an hour by
his bed watching him
deep in slumber,
so peaceful, so still, a
little blond haired boy
with a glistening tiny
trail of night drool from
his angelic mouth coursing
down one pink cheek,
generated no doubt by
his gentle snoring.

His every breath heard
and registered, as if they
were magical gifts to us
both from another realm.

What Childs dreams
must he be having?
What green fields does
he run with that spotted
old dog of his, who licks
his face clean of ice cream
or peach juice and never
leaves his side. Who fetches
a ball for as long as his little
boy will throw it.

Everything about his
Childs face makes me
smile. He turns six next
week, oh my how these
years have flown by.

My son, I never thought I
could love anyone as much
as I do you. As much as I
forever will.

There in that darkened room
a cold chill of momentary fear
ran through me, and I asked
myself, "Can I do this?
As a single parent, can I
raise my son all alone?"
Dec, 2020
Thinking back looking at old
photo albums, remembering
my little boy, 45 years old now
a wonderful grown man, and a
father, and still my best friend.
I hear from my daughter in
law he still drools a little in
his sleep. And snores much
louder. My fears back then
were for not. We successfully
raised each other.
 Dec 2020
Just a feeling,
a tapping in
on a vibration

silent to the ears
subconscious connection

Reaching thru a tear in Heaven
to shake me, AWAKE
divine intervention

 Dec 2020
Sarita Aditya Verma
It’s the wisdom of the sky
Even when placed high it never fails to humbly look down

There is much happening everywhere
It knows and recognises in between the clouds

Scattered and collected, the wind, changes the signature of the wispy clouds
The sky remains blue

 Dec 2020
james nordlund
Starshine, I delight in, even if you're all
that's left of brilliant one, traveling
100,000's of years to this eye,
your shine will e'er be, for all eternity,
for I see you, now, you're being me too.

Ne'er a false-flag upon this brow, e'er bowed,
never cowered, humility's task at hand,
basking in the grind, as darkness must abound
light, just another body on la machine's
gears, blood may be no more than grease,

a tease, possibly, as I'm love, always will be,
to their delight, as they only strike
while the iron's hot, every moment,
as I must be not.  While their might
might make right, it e'er makes wrong, so

fraternity's song, shadows mimic whilst
speaking of light, rules, to the wee's
delight, as their dance of dark/light,
like agua uncontainably articulating,
sprouts wings, alights, takes flight.
Happy HanKwanMas.  Inspired by line, " tilted brain found a home in your lapis skies...", by JCA.  Thanx for the great contest and all you All do.  Have a good day   :)   reality
 Dec 2020
William Marr
drawing open the curtains
he pleasantly finds
in the bright sunshine
the maple he planted years ago
dressed in splendid green
still stands *****

the world is alive
and well
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