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 Dec 2020
Sarita Aditya Verma
It’s the wisdom of the sky
Even when placed high it never fails to humbly look down

There is much happening everywhere
It knows and recognises in between the clouds

Scattered and collected, the wind, changes the signature of the wispy clouds
The sky remains blue

 Dec 2020
james nordlund
Starshine, I delight in, even if you're all
that's left of brilliant one, traveling
100,000's of years to this eye,
your shine will e'er be, for all eternity,
for I see you, now, you're being me too.

Ne'er a false-flag upon this brow, e'er bowed,
never cowered, humility's task at hand,
basking in the grind, as darkness must abound
light, just another body on la machine's
gears, blood may be no more than grease,

a tease, possibly, as I'm love, always will be,
to their delight, as they only strike
while the iron's hot, every moment,
as I must be not.  While their might
might make right, it e'er makes wrong, so

fraternity's song, shadows mimic whilst
speaking of light, rules, to the wee's
delight, as their dance of dark/light,
like agua uncontainably articulating,
sprouts wings, alights, takes flight.
Happy HanKwanMas.  Inspired by line, " tilted brain found a home in your lapis skies...", by JCA.  Thanx for the great contest and all you All do.  Have a good day   :)   reality
 Dec 2020
William Marr
drawing open the curtains
he pleasantly finds
in the bright sunshine
the maple he planted years ago
dressed in splendid green
still stands *****

the world is alive
and well
 Dec 2020
Sarita Aditya Verma

At times doing nothing
Is doing it all
The sun is up, warm and bright
Spreading light
The birds, fly up together
And come down
The works of nature, clockwork
In nature
Every day has a night
To replace
Every day

A quagmire--inside a burst of ideas,
she wrestles with the theme ;
Not to worry---the words will come,
as if floating through her head---in a dream.

Wondering--and seeking at the same time,
colors mixed in awesome glow;
Igniting passion within her world,
but still, the words have nowhere to go.

Cozy lamplight shines beside,
an antique desk from mother;
Oh, how to make her proud,
in sprawling portraits of each other.

Never resting--a futile attempt to grow,
while mindful moments within her soul,
Wear out--looking for a space to hide,
losing all her pride--but wait, her goal,
attained by happenstance, a mere gliding
of the pen across the page--a restless tale decides
to form--no more hiding...
as she writes these inspiring words:
"family is everything."
The ghosts of the past now rest,
for she's opened her heart at last.
 Dec 2020
How can thoughts be real
They're not solid enough to touch
So how can someone manifest
A feeling such as love?
Can you
Hold it
Breathe it
Squeeze it in your hands
It's forcing us to trust
In the invisible
Once again

Because although you can't see it
  It can still disappear
Love is the sad song
That left you crying in your beer

Blind sided
It can hit you
And you best believe it's true
Love is as real
As the way I feel for you
Traveler Tim
Dedicated to:
Everyone in the known universe!
 Dec 2020
Sarita Aditya Verma

Words have the power
A basket of them
Effective effervescent
Freshly plucked
Quite like the flowers

A garland a bouquet
Maybe, just a few
At the feet of the deity
Even the wildflowers, one sees
Bring peace

Words have the power
Use them freely
Once in a while set yourself free
Many I have known, since ever  
Have chosen the quiet

Locking the fragrance
Flowers wilt
The voice devoid
Locked inside
Into the vast void

Words have the power
Brings in a sense of belonging
Dare to bare, helps to bear
All that is
 Dec 2020
The sound of happy Sparrows
cost only a few handfuls of nuts.
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