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 May 2017
night is falling down
earth a floating spire
in a whirling sea of diamonds

you look up
blue-eyed coquette
thick and dripping tears
nestled in my arms
all is never perfect in this world
an industry of clatter and mishap
but we hold fast
like spooled silk
smooth legs and feet drink my soul
your torso a clinging angel snake dance
your hands caressing my face

if you slapped me hard
i would cry it would feel so good
and another and another
my fire burns hotter
like torrid butterflies eating mouths
brushing your nape
lush lips kissing
let me feel your teeth

i need razors
you hiss
wild eyes incinerate
this barren horn of plenty

i inhale you
tropic of Scorpius
spark in the dark
your stings, ambrosia
the devil's fire
and the grace of heaven
you are the blood in my veins

i love you
 May 2017
wandering in the west wonderland of the east
coast of  psychedelia along the northern coast
of a southern island
I came to  the perception
of me as a scorpion
tail held high prancing venomously
striking the hand  that fed me
along the willowing trails of honey nectar
the rainbow sailing sailboats in sun
colors glistening
the breathing cloud skies of blue gold
right next to a godlike creature sat I
tail up telling tales
with poison assed consequences,
making promises like a politician
was a bad trip then , until,
I saw  bodhisattva sipping brandy and being just him
along side a unicorn on a hill
outside Hollywood
I took his hand
his discipline his calm
his realm now mine. He gratefully shared.
Now this was my kind of dude.
I waited around and he melted away
and ten vestile virgins appeared in his wake.
Each more beautiful than I can say.
And we ate strawberries and flew in the sky wingless
partied on shortcake and cream and I was happy once.
A beautiful dream a memorable trip.
It opened my eyes. My senses cleansed.
I  try to live just like that.
Imaging Nirvana again, every day
Fluffy pillows swirling
around a beautiful blue sky,

Free birds
gliding across the heavens,
so gracefully they fly.

Giant tree branches
swaying from side-to-side,

Such beauty my eyes absorb
into my mind;
expanding infinitely wide.

Heavenly Earth,
so exquisitely designed,

Embraced by solitude,
peace of mind
I'm guaranteed to always find.

The smell of fresh open air
and wildflowers
inhaled into my soul;
an essence so divine,

Fragile delicate butterflies
fluttering by,
I love them all
as though they are mine.

I belong to the Earth -
the forests,
the mountains
and the seas,

Deep-down inside
I'm just a born-natural
free-spirit -
a lover of nature;
a born-to-be country girl / hippy.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 May 2017
Star BG
If perhaps we meet
upon road of my dreamscape reality,
I will be the one with feather in hat,
and candle in heart.
The one who sings with birds,
and radiates sun.
The one who looks into your eyes
to smile at the beauty I see there.
The one who whispers a poetic love song,
as wind encircles day.
If perhaps we meet
on the rainbow highway of life,
I shall reach out hand
and smile widely,
Smile, giggle, laugh whole heartily,
as we move on the carousel of life,
inside love, peace,
and harmony.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by LADY RF
My mind has switched off
without giving me
any notice at all,

I find myself staring
into thin air,
I've blended into the wall.

My thoughts are blank,
I'm lacking motivation,
my inspiration is bleak,

I'm lethargic and dull,
I'm feeling very, very weak.

I'm not myself,
or maybe I am,

I'm beyond confused,
my soul is tired;
exhausted is what I am!

I want to cry,
but I 'm too tired,

I want to scream,
I'm frustrated;
I feel like
I need to be rewired.

I'm on edge,
my knees are shaking,

Sweaty palms,
my heart is breaking!

I'm never going to get
my **** together,

I've been trying
for what feels like

As tired as I am,
I know I'll never give in,

I'm too determined to quit,
even though I know
I'll never win.

My mind has switched off,
I can't figure anything out,

I'm full of emptiness,
I'm going through
an emotional drought.

I want to cry,
but I know my tears
are all in vain,

I'm mentally exhausted,
I feel a terrible sensation,
a mental strain;
a relentless
invisible internal pain.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 May 2017
Jonathan Witte
Our house is a black box.
We drape every window

but one, a pinhole
to capture the sun.

At night our eyes go dark as ink.
Our memories marbleize at
the edge of the bedroom.

Come morning,
we are nothing

but inverted images
fed by shared light.

You tell me to smile
and I braid your hair.

Upstairs, the children
develop like ghosts.

I put on another record
and the dark disc spins,

its needle lulled
into grooves the way
you are lulled into me.

We could almost dance together,
but the couple at the window

will not move until
we come into focus.
Long drives, music, coffee and cigarettes,

Moving forward, not looking back to see any regrets.

Wind in my hair, horses in fields,

Traveling light, no need for weapons or sheilds.

Watching the sunset, love songs blaring
through the speakers, on full blast,

Inhaling nature, my mind is in slow motion, whilst my car is moving fast.

Driving down Highway "Peace of Mind,"

Final destination: Solitude!
This is where "Me" you will find!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 May 2017
Pagan Paul
Serenity in a crowd
Deft glances and secret smiles
Promised whispers of the future

Beauty before the eyes
The dampness of licked lips
An invitation to taste comfort

Duality in a single act
Spiralling heat and falling fast
Naked truth of the now

©Pagan Paul (12/01/16)
 May 2017
David Noonan
You're my fear
Everything that i hold dear
You hang on every word I say
As I pray, you won't grow
To one day, live that way
But to find your own words
Of world's old and new
That take you places
Beyond all that i once knew
Till that day, I'll always say
I'll carry your fear
Like a one true love
That i keep near
So grow my angel child
Take this life as you can
Be it one or be it many
Let it be dreams that you carry
And if you ever misstep
If you stumble or falter
I will always be humbled and proud
To be the one, to call you
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