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 Oct 2016
Lexander J
I want to thank you friends, wanna thank you family
for burning my dreams, filling me with verbal dysentery
my thoughts never hated, I'd hoped you'd known
If I'd gotten my own way all the people would be gone

they said they wanted freedom, said they wanted hope
so using chloroform I choked
their pretty little mouths, ignorant to the pleas
desperate panic running down their knees

I'm the god of extortion, of twisted violence and distortion
a pathetic lie, a ******* let down
sat atop the throne of shattered dreams,
rusty nails and surgical wire my makeshift crown

falling in love with thy blackened abnormality
cauterizing the exposed wound of human morality

they say God loves you, say he's always there
I say God disgusts me, he never ******* cared -
pariahs of false dreams, society's preaching rejects,
building holy structures of false promise and respect

the antithesis to every moral you've been told
if God were alive I'd shoot him lifeless, bang bang, cold

oh yeah I'm the designer of death, the superstar of disdain,
killing in the name of love so others never feel my pain.
Some poems walk with me,
Some poems simply talk to me,
Some poems reach out to me,
Some poems scream and shout at me,
whilst some poems eventually grow on me.

Some poems slow dance with me,
Some poems enchant me - they are
breathtakingly mesmerising to me,
Some poems captivate me after hijacking me,
Some poems rip my heart out
and break every single piece of me.

Some poems absolutely impress me,
Some poems couldn't care less about me,
Some poems embrace every inch of me,
Some poems share my soul with me.

Some poems inspire me and motivate me,
Some poems **** the very life out of me,
Some poems resonate with every fibre of me,
Some poems switch a little light on for me.

Some poems will forever live inside of me,
Some poems twist themselves and lie to me,
Some poems are open and honest with me,
Some poems...are just like people to me!

By Lady R.F (c)2016
 Oct 2016
Jacobe Loman
Sometimes, I still see you.
A beauty lost to the deep snow.
Someone colder than winter itself.
Benevolent was the warmth brought.
Sinister as confidence was broken.
But, it's a mystery now.
Everything, unspoken.
 Oct 2016
Pauline Morris
I'm feeling today that something is wrong
Bells are going off, it sounded an alarm
Talked to my friends, they're inside of my head
Here's what they told me, this is what's said

"what's left of your brain this is what we find"
"your thoughts where unique, they where one of a kind"
"But years of abuse"
"Has shook everything loose"

But something not right
No longer needing to fight
Feeling so free
How could this be

"Well, with that gun in your hand"
"You where off to a different land"
"we, your friends all agree"
"with that single shot you set us all free"
"You'll no longer be afraid"
"With your death, you where saved"

No more body, means no more deep scars
I can finally reach out and touch the stars
This realization was stunning indeed  
A wonderful feeling of final being freed
 Oct 2016
Pauline Morris
I've felt it coming on for days
That ******* Dog is on his way
Nothing I did made his course sway

Why can't he just slumber
But deep in his throat I heard that rumble
I know I'm going to take a tumble

On the sharp rocks of life I'll be dashed
A bone crunching crash
It'll be fast

He pounced on he this morning
Now I'm in mourning
I seen him coming I had warning

In his big strong jaws he'll rip me apart
He'll devour my soul, my heart
That will only be a start

As he guards my hole
Not letting me go
My agony grows

Little girl lost
Always paying the cost
Look where she was tossed
 Oct 2016
Pauline Morris
I don't want to do this any more
Just leave me lying on the floor
I am nothing but the goo
That's been wiped of the shoes

Of all that have tromped
Of all that have stomped

They have whittled me down
Till there is no ME to be found
Shavings lying scattered
When the northern wind battles
I'm a broken window that rattles

Into dust I've been turned
Into dust I've been burned

It's true....what humans couldn't do
Well...the universe finished through
Leaving me dangling from the noose
Refusing to ever turn me loose

It makes sure I'm in it's twist
It makes sure I'm in it's fist

Please walk away
You don't want to see the sway
For I know what tomorrow will bring
So I'll just hang here and swing
 Oct 2016
SE Reimer

i know, you thought it just a bow,
a pretty band from blues to red,
’cause that’s all we were told
in sunday school for kids.
think it myth or truth or mystery,
the story’s incomplete,
if outside the lines of childhood
we cannot grasp or think.
for a bow is but a weapon,
’til its hung upon the sky,
but its symbolism's lost,
when we take it down to fight.
its band of colors make
our band of brotherhood;
its peace in men entrusted,
to lead from strife to good.

in colors of the spectrum,
in bow, all skin is on display;
a creator’s ev’ry wish,
let peace on earth remain.
so next we see the bow,
that follows after rain,
consider love and harmony,
a life laid down for friend.
think of laying down the weapon,
the feud, the fist, the fight,
no need to strike the darkness,
we can simply turn on light.
consider colors are all needed,
yes, each and every one;
apart we draw our boundaries,
but blend together, makes our sun.

so be a hunter, be a fighter
be a bowman... every one
but be light dispelling darkness;
we need all colors in this hunt!


*post script.

this is likely the first of a few pieces i hope to post about our nation’s color-war; a matter my wife and i have been deeply contemplating with growing consternation as time goes on.  having worked together in heavily, color-blended environments, we are broken by the walls that are being built up, rather than being broken down.  i do not love my sweet wife in spite of her differences; no, i love her dearly because of them!  thus, racial accord doesn’t mean we need to be the same. it simply means we need to learn to love and appreciate what makes us different.  color blindness is not the answer some once thought it; but color awareness without prejudice is a start.
 Oct 2016
Jacobe Loman
Violent waves crash ashore;
in this dream I cannot tell what is real anymore.
I see a figure standing ten feet tall;
the moon obstructed by a beastly maw.

Murmuring questions with a sleepy tongue;
answers haunted me in grim return.

Lobotomizing the entirety of my mind,
the feral creature only spoke with shapes and rhyme.

Poised before me was a legendary hunter.
A ghastly dire-beast, who could tear the world asunder.

Sporting a melancholic expression;
he opens the sealed mouth with a deadly suggestion.
His gums bleeding from pale infection.
Sourcing the problem I ache with poor digestion.

Unable to sniff out sustenance,
his own life-force is leading him astray.
In this nightmare; guilt turns night to day.
Lost in the dark the hunter cannot pray.

Mustering the strength, I mend his pain.
Reaching into the gnarly abyss;  
pulling out something of a shame.
Rapturing open wounds; I am fearful of blame.

Crying with a grisly howl.
I am becoming apart of the beast;
and the hunter becomes infused within.
A ritual complete.

The fabric of reality dissipates as the moon weeps.
I rejoice with newly kindled vigor as I exit this plane of existence.
Exalted I am, now I rest my troubled mind.
May this prolific dream endure all of time.
 Oct 2016
Pauline Morris
Sleepless eye so big and bright
Way up there in the darkened sky
Watching all that wage the fight
Seeing all the pain they have acquired
That leaves them balancing on the brink
Slowly and agonizingly they expire
Sleepless eye doesn't blink
 Oct 2016
Nishu Mathur
If trees be poems by the earth
In avid joy I read each one
Florets writ in fragrant verse
Inked with beams of the morning sun
In shade, a fruit, a whiff of air
I rest beneath wide branches spread
A cavort of emerald canopy
Bestows comfort upon my breath
I lean against the bark, recline
And think of how it stands in time

Through tunneled years it's stoic trunk
Stands proud against frost and rain
Drops it's leaves to nakedness
Till spring dresses in green again  
On but an arm, the  koel sings
'Tis home to birds that weave a nest
Haven to sojourners ache
Clasp around, hold close to breast
I trace the names of love engraved
Now forgot; asleep in graves

On felled bark my soul I pen
On papyrus the past I feel
The murmured songs of sentiments
In susurrus as branches kneel.
Nymphs would hide or fairies entreat
With fireflies in silver light
Creatures tip toe on their feet
Lithe, in the darkness of the night
In engraved lines meaning I see
What better song, what poetree?

Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky -  Gibran
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