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 Jul 2020
Eshwara Prasad
Every day you insulted me.

Today you did not.

I feel very insulted.
 Apr 2020
Godfrey Amromare
Believe all you want about a holy communion
Prayerfully eat flesh...
Wet your tongue with the blood 🩸 of a dead 💀 God! ....
 Mar 2020
My heart yearns to be heard,
In a crowd of like minded people,
Yet I silence my feelings,
No one cares,
No one understands,

Why do I feel alone in a crowd,
I am social on the media,
I am connected to thousands of people,
But I feel close to no one,

Like this,
Share that,
I fail to understand how it is,
The more friends,
The less I have,

My followers acknowledge my existence,
They comment their thoughts,
But that is all,

I post to be noticed,
Even if it’s just a glance,
The taste of friendship is deceiving,
The first sample is always free,

Then the loneliness begins to settle in,
You cry out for a friend,
They comment their friendship,

Yet no one will come to the rescue,
To busy with their friendless followers,
But don’t worry about me,
Because loneliness is the closest friend to me.
It’s a poem
 Dec 2019
To be honest,
What is it,
We construct promises,
Built solely on hope and lies,
Just to watch it fall...

Is this what honesty is,
Polite lies,
Created for the ease of every person,

Or to hide intentions,
Hidden behind a vail of promises,
Greed, power, fear, personal gain,

I pray I’m an honest man,
I hope that my Lies have not hurt,
I believe that  I did it to help,
I didn’t mean it to hurt someone,

Politicians can easily be blamed,
We are clean,
While everyone else is not,
No one and everyone is to blame,

I ask,
Are you honest,
Or is that a lie,
What is honesty then,
It’s a poem
 Feb 2019
O Master,
O Master,
How I am unworthy,
I bow to you with every vow I make,

O Master,
O Master,
How glorious are you,
I kiss the floor you’re feet touch,

O Master,
O Master,
None are above you,
I shatter my knees to topple at your power,

O Master,
O Master,
I have wronged you,
I Gouge my eyes as my gaze insults you,

O Master,
O Master,
You thwart all before you,
I drew my blood to make you a red carpet,

O Master,
O Master,
How may I please you,
I burn my skin so I do not look like you,

O Master,
O Master,
Save us all,
I Consume my flesh to abolish my existence,

O Master,
O Master,
What have you done,
It’s a poem
 Jan 2019
Michael Blonski
The world is scared and bloated
like a preteen pregnancy
 Aug 2018
Former South Carolina GOP leader
kills dog to please God
Rob Beschizza

Germany's top domestic spy advised far right xenophobic political party on how to avoid being billed as "extremists"
Cory Doctorow

Guy who pretends to ****** people for a living named Russian Goodwill ambassador
Seamus Bellamy  

We're going to be eating bugs really soon now, again
Cory Doctorow

Surveillance camera shows off-duty NYPD cop dropping a weapon near man he shot in the face
Rob Beschizza

When should the press pay attention to trolls, lies and disinformation?
Cory Doctoro

Wells Fargo: we stole houses and we're being investigated for ***** low-income housing credits
Cory Doctorow

How Jpay gouges prisoners' families for "digital postage stamps"
Cory Doctorow

Alex Jones is suing the parents of a Sandy Hook victim for $100,000
Gina Loukareas

an appropriation
 Aug 2018
Walter W Hoelbling
talkshows and the yellow press
get excited in excess
over his shenanigans
that delight his faithful fans

rumors of these *** affairs
strong words for all macho players
     in the game of social thrones
texts with threatening undertones
     for minorities and women
     treating immigrants like demons

neither fans nor his opponents 
seem to notice the components
of the white house strategy

     throw them bones
     fodder for the yellow press

and while  they fight
clandestinely out of sight
works the Trumpian policy
money laundering   blatant lies
scolding allies   breaking ties
adoring foes   praising those
     usurpers of democracies
     experts in atrocities
slowly yet persistently
     undermine  civility  
     with foul language 
fill all courts with servile judges

court the aristocracies 
         of oil sheikdoms in the East
praising communist dictators
who have helped him build his towers

step by step he‘s leading US
from the groups of international powers
to an isolation desert
at the margins of the world
slogans we have rarely heard
over decades  
      now re-nourished
twittered with presidential flourish
make America small again

warning voices call in vain

no wonder the statue of liberty
is hiding her face in misery (*)
(*) This at the moment still is 'fake news' - but I would not be surprised if she did...!
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