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 Jun 2016
Melissa S
Let's get back to the lazy days of summer
Where time stands still
Where we sit in the shade with our popsicles
and ice cream until we get our fill
Sip on some sweet tea and have a little picnic
or lay in a hammock reading with my sidekick
Where we walk around barefoot on the freshly cut lawn
or turn on the sprinkler for the kids to get their jump on
Where we watch the bees and butterflies flit and fly around
and listen to the whippoorwill's calling sound
Once God turns off the light we catch lightning bugs in jars
then lay back with our lover and count the stars
Let's get back to the lazy days of summer
Where time stands still
 Jun 2016
Lost you then

Never will again

You were the comfort

When I was upset

As you lay next to me

When I was in bed

When you weren't there

Are the moments I lack

This was a while ago

When you had your final moments

I didn't know

When I looked at you

It made me smile

Even though you had

A lazy lifestyle

I loved you then

Still do now

If I could forget about you

I wouldn't know how

Danni aged 11
This is about the loss of her beloved cat
 Jun 2016
Valsa George
In grandeur, a leaf of grass is no less high
Than all the glittering stars in the sky

There is beauty alike in **** and reed
When each fulfills Nature’s need

Thus the low and the high in equal glory stay
When their respective roles, they fairly play

With the focus of perception turned to levels transcendental
Everything would appear exponentially beautiful!
 Jun 2016
Karen Browner
unfertilized seeds of love
cherished, yet adored
for what they could have been

left in its pristine state

always loved
for its potential
but never allowed to grow

never to be soaring and strong
a force of nature

never to bear sweet succulent fruit

or to become a shelter when storms

here i stand
on this dried out land

where seeds were sown
and love never grown

lies silent

i miss what could have been
 Jun 2016
Karen Browner
To some the rain and clouds cause dismay
But I happen to like the gray
Let spring run its course
For soon we will remorse
About these last cool days in May
 Jun 2016
The stage has been set
Nature anxiously waits to see
How the Earth intends
To transform a seed into a tree

Cloaked beneath the soil
Hidden far from sight
Strengthened by the rains
Nourished by the light

And perhaps magic does exist
Just undetected to the human eye
Because that tiny little seed
Has now risen to the sky
shadows deepening
snow topped indigo mountains
flamingo pink skies
camped by a glacial lake
watching the end of the day
a single ****** swims past
its wake a thin silver line
then a loon calls from far off
and my heart disentangles
as the universe floods in
and washes away my pain
in a deep ocean of stars
bliss incandescent
the sound of a wave lapping,
summer thickens

and suddenly everything is
vaguely surreal, under the
hidden stomach of the stars

ghosts of silver struggle
in the white light.

when the water splashes
little islands croon.

love, rescues me from
the millions of pieces
where i lie scattered.
Thank you to everybody for reading and commenting it means the world to me!!!!
 Jun 2016
Valsa George
I watch the feathered beauties
of ravishing plumes
flying from tree to tree
making shrill calls

How I wish
I could catch these birds,
the lovely deities of the woody groves
to cage their loveliness and melody
to own for myself
I  am a lover of birds ! Even as a child I used to follow bird calls!
 Jun 2016


Cheering myself up

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