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 May 2016
Sally A Bayan
Movements and images seen, are a part
They take places...they take forms in the mind
Whether aloud...or done in silence
Like, the crowing of the rooster
The breaking of a new morning
Or, telling of an hour, or two, passing;
A smile, a frown....a falling leaf
Thunder, in the summer, with, or without lightning
After the rains, a rainbow appearing
A whisper of a refreshing breeze, getting cooler
When sun is about to set,
The humming of ACs in offices
At the start of work hours, day's activities, end
Lights fade...streaks slide in, through the blinds
Then, come all sorts and shapes of shadows,
Streetlamps  guide, in the waning light
Heels and soles rush against paved roads
Sounds all hurry, to reach home
While creatures of the night
Heroes...or anti heroes
Move the dark.

All these...feed the muse in me
Writing unknown names that befit a person
Or a situation
My head spills out adjectives that wonderfully,
Sometimes, weirdly, describe my, and others' emotions
Verbs and adverbs, tell of solitary actions and moments,
Or, when i am with company...loved one(s), or otherwise
And while creating...building up metaphors and similes,
More questions arise:

How does it feel, to see your fellow human beings suffer,
How their human rights are being violated?
The little ones, the innocent ones, are now, the ones subjected
To hunger and torture.....To be with, or, without conveniences
Is just a drop of a worry, in a huge barrel of unsolvable problems
When will all these running, and fleeing...seeking refuge, end?
How is it, when you and your loved ones are escaping death?
For life....without almost death itself.

There are times,
When, my river is flowing with green and blue waters
So full of varying experiences...the truths co existing with us
Here, in this universe, which, some people say, is a blend of
Paradise...and Hell

Problem is
There also come the times
When i am sailing along the River Lull...and
None of these parts and figures of speech


Copyright May 14, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 May 2016
Lora Lee
the burning
is so powerful
that I
might as
well be
tied to a stake
like the pagan
wise-women of yore
mistaken for witches
no dousing
with gasoline
for the inside
is already so
slick with
that trickle
down my thighs
into the earth
and create dark steam
that turns into light
as its luscious
vapor rising
from my being
Soon I will
simply evaporate
and become
ether floating
up towards
and raining
love down
into the
tender receptacle
of your
So many sizzling emotions :)
 May 2016
He was a blanket, covering all of me. Fabricated by the most delicate hands, he kept me warm on cold nights. And one of my favorite parts of him is that one string attached to the right side of his neck; it was as if his life depends on it. Because that very string diverged into tiny threads which spread out to his hands and feet, and converged with four other strings that lead to his heart. They are rich in color, and I wonder how just those strands of life sustain him. But sometimes his strings would loop, link, twist and turn, and I would get so tired of being pulled along; every fiber in me started to turn into a knot of uncertainty.
He tugged on my heart strings that night though, as soon as I was about to cut the twine we had made with our fingers braided together. That's when I realized I can never really untangle myself from him and from the cross stitch of our crossed fates. Because for us to live, we need all strings attached.
thank you for inspiring me, geene! here's one for you. i love you.

and to wjh, you are the one of the main strings of my and our life/lives. you literally tie everyone together, keeping a solid tight bond. thank you for holding and caring for the svt members in your little precious own ways, and also for caring for us carats. sometimes i would get worried over you, but i remember that you worry over us more. you really are a strong rope which we can all hold on to. i love you so, so much. we love you with all our heart strings.
 May 2016
The Dedpoet
It wasn't a smooth journey,
Twists and turns at every corner
And there were whispered words
Of a premature death among the discord
Of his selfish persona, he wanted to
Know what it's like when you die.

Along the extreme elongated portico
Held in captivating glory of falling sun
Attached to a man sitting on sunsets
Alone in a chair with an empty coffee cup,
Dedpoet wrote his final verses:

I am not the harmonious fluke,
But the orchestrated chaos of the soul,
I flee no challenges, save life, whose teeth
Have sunken deeply as two rivals
At once, I am the coronation of effigies
Whom laughed behind their masked
Intentions, I sit on the pedestal of irony.

I strung magic words like pearls
And spoke like winged creatures through
Gentle air, both volatile strings pulled
Because the violins were in tune,
Alas, I am the curse to mine own life,
The fool who believes in love,
Both lovely and perverse,
My soul is a crystal pale glance
With moist and starry eyed conflicts,
I destroy the flower with regrets.

And now at the precious end
I gallantly provide a word of lasting torture,
Meet me at the gallows,
A sun with a court of stars
And let us fade into the light
As though into the shadows.
 May 2016

Storms wander from page to page
hard cover, soft cover, in between
a thickly clouded disguise
hiding truth’s origination

No shelter is wide enough to protect
from the constant deluge spilling
from faux heavens above
when spirits cry
 May 2016
John Ryles
"There are no Fairies in my garden,
or rather  I've seen none yet.
But I keep a look out,
in case I miss one with regret.

There is a king of magic,
beneath our cherry tree.
In amongst the flowers,
with butterfly and bee.

Blackbird in the evergreen,
nesting out of sight.
Blue *** in the bird box,
colourful and bright.

A  tiny mouse hides in the corner,
taking refuge from a cat.
As it prances round the lawn,
from the nearby flat.

We have some garden lights,
don't look much in day.
They twinkle in the dark,
we hope the fairies play.

So in my retirement,
I set imagination free.
That's when to my amazement,
A flutter of Fairies I could see."
 May 2016
Valsa George
Oh! How like you, I long to be a singing lark
Who among the fleecy clouds like a tiny speck
Remains hidden, drowning the air with music sweet
Rising higher and darting up with movements slick

In our ears, falls your song like peals of chiming bells
In clear, crystalline notes on this radiant day so bright
Why do you stay unseen in the far fringes of heaven?
Oh! Come out from the veils that cover you from our sight!

 Are you warbling of love in inextricable lays
Or chanting hymns to the God of greater heights
Diving up and down like a mysterious sprite
Are you trilling of the charms of enchanting sights

Soaring and swaying like a flitting dot of light
You ascend higher and higher to dizzier heights
I guess your wings brush against the sailing clouds
As you reel round and round in ecstatic flights

Have you bade farewell to the verdant groves beneath
Have you flown for good from your woody nest?
Why do you dwell in the heights, solitary and alone?
Have you made the firmament your haven of rest?

Hovering over unseen, you pour out melodies sweet
That fills our gloomy hearts with euphoric delight
Sweeping away from weary heads all sullen thoughts
And flaming our souls as ever blazing beacons of light!
 May 2016
JR Potts
My limbs wrested, and extended, towards the heavens
like young children’s hands on the first sunlit days of spring.
The muted grays of winter fade, soon replaced by softer blues.
I still remember the first time I caught wind of you,
your back against my trunk and it lent me your lungs.
I learned to breathe like you too,
in shy and quiet silences while trying not to shake-
the world
but darling you came into mine, trembling fault lines
like an earthquake reading poetry and upended my roots.
I was seduced by you and there was nothing you did,
or could do that would untie this bind we shared
our bodies intertwined, ancient wood and woman
tethered together by the invisible pleasure
of one another’s company.
You spoke to me with feathers
and kissed me with subtle gestures
while I shade you from the sun.
I had never known such a word
but on that summer I called it love
and I believed it to be true
until the day you did not come.
The earth and soil from which I sow
has slowly grown into a prison atop this grassy knoll.
I have become a tree with the memories of a man.
 May 2016
Valsa George
Bitten by love bug,
My heart swells with edema
My love, like a gnawing anxiety,
Burdens me
Like a knotty noose,
Stifles me
Like a watch dog,
Follows me

Like an inalienable shadow,
Always with me!
When I turn around,
It is right behind!
It lingers in me
Like a lovely metaphor
Like the intoxicating smell  
Of  the first summer rain

In my world there are only two of us;
You and I
Where ever I go,
The world wears your face.
A face I have never seen!

      I don’t know where you are
In which alien shore you dwell

Yet I write this message,
In secret code
Pouring out my longings,
      My unuttered love,
My invisible desires,
Into this scroll of paper
In cursive, indelible ink
I seal it in a bottle
With no address on
And let it drift over the currents

It is meant for the one
Who finds it
And thinks it is for him

If you feel, it is not for you,
Please don’t throw it as garbage;
Kindly put it back,
And let my love vessel float,
Over eddies and currents
Because my soul is encased within!

Just know this much;
It is from a lovely lass!
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