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 Jul 2014
Michael Duong
You were more radiant than the stars
with your elegant shine
you rose every morning
placing a tender kiss
upon my crimson cheek
you were the one
the one who started a fire
wild, uncontrolled and fuelled with emotion
I let it burn
and I shouldn't have
but I trusted you
I trusted you to take me out
but you just watched me burn
you were a setting sun
in the mist of summer
and the saddest
most awful truth
I have come to find
was the fire you started
was just for fun
you were the arson
who set my heart on fire
but instead of taking me out
you doused me in fuels
just watching me burn
 Jul 2014
Luna Lynn
the delicacy in the pedal of a rose
could not do any justice
to describe the state of my heart
nervous and fragile here I stand
open wide for your eyes to see
won't you promise to take such care
of the center part of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jul 2014
Joshua Haines
My dad dug his foot into my back like a shovel breaking soil.
If I do enough push ups, can I put a smile on your face.
If I move the earth for you, will meteors stop me.

I carried sparklers in my hands while cannon-kisses erupted in the sky,
and my cousin swore that I'd hurt myself.
But I explained to him that history repeats itself,
and that my hurt is unavoidable.

Like the hug of a grieving grandmother,
and the staring off into space,
as her tears stain my white oxford lie.
There's no way to get out of this place.
Finding new ways to live in death.

I don't want to be cool. I don't want to be cool.

And her fingers left a ******* on my back.
And my mouth melted onto hers.
I love her until my eyes **** in sleep.
And it's deep. And it's deep.

The swirl of the ceiling sank down
like a child being drowned by his mother.
And I missed my brother, and I missed it all.

I don't want to be cool. I don't want to be cool.
No, not anymore.
 Jul 2014
Michael Solc
I remember you,
when the darkness comes.
The prettiest, blackest,
most bottomless eyes
I’ve ever seen.
The shy smile that tugged
at your lips,
and the tender kiss that followed
haunt me like ghosts that laugh
like breaking glass
while I sleep.
You closed your eyes when
I kissed your forehead.
Before I let myself say the words,
that was how I told you
I loved you.

When the darkness comes,
my hands still feel the warm
curves of your body,
your soft dark hair against
my neck,
and your head nestled against my shoulder.
The fire inside dimmed,
and in your arms a calm
took its place.
You squeezed tighter as I held you,
and I loved you more every time.

The words did not come easily,
but truly,
and when I whisper them to
all these empty places,
they echo like rain on the rooftops.
In the dark, I swear to you,
and pray for day.

Your smile was never easy to find,
you hide it well.
I never minded,
because I’ve been told the same.
And because I knew
that when I found it
I had earned the light in your eyes,
and the music of your laugh.
I was special then.
And so were we.

But lies burn more deeply
than the deepest love.
I was always yours.
You were never mine.

I left the day I knew
you would never stay.
I wanted to ask you to come with me.
I wanted you to ask me to take you.
The silent sadness in your eyes
and the weakness in your embrace
told me I was already gone.
I held you tighter that last night,
then watched you walk away.
You never looked back,
and that was when I finally
let myself cry.

The days are quiet now.
Trains pass by, and
you’re never on them.
The sun shines on,
and everyone here goes on
as if nothing ever happened.
They don’t know what I’ve lost.
I die in silence.

When I saw you last,
you were in his arms.
Your laugh made me smile,
even as I fought back the tears.
I watched him kiss you,
and saw the light in your eyes,
the ease of your smile.
I saw you in love.
And when your gaze
flickered to me,
I saw a stranger.

And I wonder now,
when the darkness comes,
when you looked into my eyes,
who did you see?
 Jul 2014
SG Holter
"How come you are the one
Comforting me,"* she says after
Blowing her nose with the
Tissue I dispensed,

"...when I am the one leaving

So I comfort.
Swallow my own despair
And dry tears with my name on
Them that missed by a heart's

Depth and hit her face.

"You're not my girl anymore," I say,
Watching a red moon rise over
Woodland summer nightscapes.

"But that only changes so much.
I'm here for you. Just like before."

That's what friends are for.
Come walk with me and let us
shuffle grains of sand beside
the sea.
She makes love with me
washes up all over me
froths and foams and combs in waves
she makes a slave of me
come walk with me
she makes this mister,mister mystery
and mystifies
in her I live and die
she gives
I sigh
and live and die
unto eternity
come walk with me.
 Jul 2014
with my eyes covered i could walk
a straight line to your front door
and enter loving you blindly
i may know nothing of subtle niceties
or your estranged heart
but i know how soft your steps
on the landing during restless slumber  
and how many hands it takes to hold you down
i have sent letters to every house you called a home
only to have my longing stored
in the unlocked drawer

i know the shame that keeps you
shifting and creaking as you cower
from the night's breeze, hoping for rest
hoping heaven is as forgiving
as i am

i have watched the lights dim
in every room you become
a different shadow  
all your darkness protruding
i am the only one
i would bend my bones
to enter you as the sour breath
you wake up tasting
 Jul 2014
Luna Lynn
my heart bleeds wide open
I've laid down my life
right on the line
all in black and white
on dotted lines
just for you
can't you see how I've been slain?
hindered to be permanently scarred
and never to be normal again
I found peace in the passion of the pen
and its where my sanity had gathered
it's where my soul remained
to hide from hidden demons
to hide from painful truths
which grew from the seed of my youth
take my hand and
you'll see for yourself
I'm naked at the roots
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jul 2014
Grace Pickard
I am the water that trickles down your     throat
With each gulp you drink into me-I         satiate
I am the air your lungs breathe in and           out
Filling each breath only to be expelled consistently
I am the empty space between your blinks
The lacuna that widens your range of sight
I am the sun that beats down on your
Nourishing your cold bones- becoming emaciate
I am the moon pulling the ocean in and out
Mystifying your unmitigated thought
I am the matter surrounding all you
Which must cause you quite the horrid fright

Love breathes into life;
Without life, love dies.
For being alive: I give you my love, but my presence will haunt you...for you live because of me and vice versa.
July 13, 2014
©2014, Grace Pickard, all rights reserved
 Jul 2014
I have been devout and without
an avid follower of me
and nowhere found
the bed without a flower
after breaking ground
I grow
to glisten though
my distance closing
gentle breath show
my distance from the sun
there have been no answers
from doubt
i bleed and am blind still
the show we share
shadows forgotten
paths run walking or grown
the power is all
to quiet moments trust
to meet in far off oceans
where watching a sense
quite like fantasy
meets poetry and motion.
 Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance
Deceit comes in so many disguise
Caught unaware by its stealth blow
Shaking the core of your belief
Leaving you no ground to stand on
Relentless deceit, so many layers
Coming in the garb of trusted
Conceited, it takes pride in hurting
Deceit is conniving for fresh strike
Tearing away the soul and its existence
It has thrived through centuries
Launched many warring factions
Pitted against each other, thirsty for blood
For deceit will always draw blood
Silently bleeding the heart of its feelings
Deceit always innovates, with new disguise
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