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 Dec 2015
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

For the single mothers and homeless,
I hope you know the prayers are coming in,
Come again,
We have to rise up,
Lift our eyes up and see the bigger picture,
Like what's in front of us?
No wonder it's too bad for us,
Sent you card,
Hope you get well,
But it was either shot dead or a jail cell.
 Dec 2015
in life you wish for something
then there comes a time when you'll stop wishing
not because you already got what you wanted
but because you've finally accepted the fact that not all wishes come true.
*Wishing is like wishing for rain while standing in the desert.
Its hopeless.
 Dec 2015
Oh how this world spins fast,
Where a teenage life does barely last
As I remember events gone past

But for the future I seek
(Can I have a little peek?)
Some events I would like to occur
And to futuristic sight-seeing I will refer

I want to know if I am capable
Of something unmistakeable:
I want to love again

Have another young love
Be truly free, the soaring dove
 Dec 2015
My mind wanders alot,
and it always finds its way
to you.
#Confessions. more coming
 Dec 2015
I want to change the world
but, I don't know how.
 Dec 2015
Your harder to let go of
then I thought you'd be.
 Dec 2015
I'm constantly afraid of
not being good enough.
 Dec 2015
99% of the people I know
have never
me angry.
 Dec 2015
I miss my younger days when,
everything was so simple
and all I cared about was Disney
 Dec 2015
Sometimes I feel like I will never
find someone who loves me.
 Dec 2015
I hate who I am.
 Dec 2015
I never finish anything I start.

— The End —