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Looking into my memory, and seeing your Amazing Faithfulness.
Realizing one important lesson that I was blinded to before.
That sometime more is Less,  and Vice versa, this is the truth.
That when your eyes become open to Christ Holy Truth.
Then you shall see it for what's it is the truth of the matter.
That you have more when he is your world in everything.
 Dec 2016
Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
He skims the haze of the day
like a cat seeking its food
prowling lane alleyway
to find you in bitter mood.

On your door the unwelcome guest
you would not call him to stay
with him time is a waste
he would better be shooed away.

You hate when he starts to speak
his sunburned face is a bore
must cut him short pretty quick
behind him close the door.

Like you are nine of ten
but he knows his job is done
is rewarded all his pain
if he can charm just one.

The one that ears lends
a carer who knows well
how it greatly depends
a family on one sale.
 Dec 2016
Graceful petite creatures floating up high,
Fluttering and rippling,
Carelessly soaring on by

Strange little feelings bottled up inside,
Shivering and quivering,
Searching for some way to fly.
 Dec 2016
Cynthia Jean
paid mercenaries

these are not riots

this violence is all paid for

you have sold your souls
you have sold your souls
you have sold your souls
you have sold your souls
you have sold your souls

you are stirred up pawns

you have been pawns
for a long, long time

voter puppets of the democratic party
not ever expected to think for yourself
so easily used
and manipulated

kept in a different type
of slavery

shaped and honed and fed
like cattle
in a stall

to be used only as
(let's create more voters)

not allowed to be fathers
(let's **** the family)
( what's that?)

a forgotten trait
only progenitors
raised by generations of women
on the dole
fathers not allowed
in the home

used, used, used
see it!

stirred up in the cauldron of anger

who are the real haters????

??? whose lives matter???

only those killed and used for media attention

and believe me, they are used by everyone
from the president on down

never waste a good crisis
when necessary

do the large numbers
brother killing brother

and why not?

we don't hear about those numbers
on the nightly news

guess those lives must not matter

do the lives lost
the babies killed
the genocide of planned parenthood
one in every neighborhood
do they matter?

do they matter?
do they matter?
do they matter?
do they matter?
do they matter?
do they matter?

no one speaks of them

why not?
why not?
why not?
why not?
why not?
why not?

because brother against brother
and baby genocide
don't matter
to the media


they all fall in line with Bill Gates
population control

only the deaths
used for
political purposes

to the elitists
the George Soros types
and the media


generations of pawns
whose usefulness
will soon be over
being used one more time
to start all these fires

where will these pawns be
when the fires go out?

who will bother
to pay them
to feed them

their usefulness
to *****'
will be over

I cry for the pawns
for my brothers and sisters
for all the fatherless

a life is worth so much more.
a life is worth so much more.
a life is worth so much more.
a life is worth so much more.
a life is worth so much more.
a life is worth so much more.

a life is worth so much
a life is worth so
a life is worth
a life is
a life

Cj 2016
 Dec 2016
My thoughts begin to wander,
I begin to shake uncontrollably,
I'm terrified of my thoughts,
The images that I think about,

The music,
I turn it off,
It's stopped working,
The relief isn't there anymore,

Fear begins to set in,
As I grasp onto to the last hold of control,
I become the enemy as my body just wants to let go,
To float in a world of carelessness,

I sit down and just let my thoughts consume me,
My body shakes and I let it,
Μy mind shows the facts of death,
My death,

I'll think of the places where the blood will drip out if I were to hang upside down,
I'll imagine someone would see the pool of blood on the floor and I would be forgiven,

I'll imagine that I'm watching a baby no more then a few weeks old,
Being murdered in the hands of the doctor and priest baptizing the drowned child,
And I'll laugh in a courtroom,
As the jury and judge stare in disbelief and horror as the conviction is read in their eyes,

The judgement is of all society,
My mind begins to collapse under the stares and verdict,

I'll think about how they'll condemn me to death,
Will it be swift,
Or will I suffer to be forgiven,
I have gone to deep,
I've become interested and I begin to want to go farther in my thoughts,

As I fall through the trapdoor of thought ,
I attempt to to grab onto anything,
But the walls I fall with are bare,
This hole is endless,

But I've reached the end early.
It's a poem
 Dec 2016
I'll scream the words that chant in my head,
The volume mutes my thoughts,
But not the words I know by heart,
The hope for my future,

In the hands of the words that motivate me to live on,
In the hands of the volume that mute my thoughts,

Right now I'm not  thinking that my life is being balanced from life or death,
By a judge that is the music I listen to,
Right now I'm lost in the words that I scream,

Later I'll cry,
In the therapists office,
About what the balance of my life relies upon,
She'll write down another diagnosis,
Worthy for the psychiatric ward,

But not now...
Now in this moment,
The music will decide where the knife goes,
It's a poem
 Dec 2016
Steve Page
Stubborn love
faced down the years
of fearful hate
and stared intently as a child
from the stink of a manger
out into the poverty and
the oppression reflected
in captive eyes,
wide with hope
and wet with joy.

Generous love
cried out an almighty peace
into the dark stillness,
heralding a new start
with echoes of ancient promise.

Patient love
reached out with perfect timing
and embraced humanity.

Unfailing love.
Unfailing still.
Initially prompted by phrases used on Radio 4.  The Christmas story never gets old.  The greatest miracle.
 Dec 2016
Today I went wedding dress shopping,
I know bad luck,
But I don't care,
It was really fun,

My bride tried on dresses,
The most expensive,
I secretly tried one on,

I couldn't do up the back zipper,
It got stuck,
Then I ******* get out of the dress,

So my bride being as snart as she said she loved the dress,
And we walked out of the store with the dress still on me,
I eventually got out ,
And she's still going to wear it.
It's a poem
 Dec 2016
Charlotte Huston
LORD, I present thee not the tears -
    That froze out in the cold;
I bring thee the Heart of Darkness,
    That was only Fool's Gold.

Lord - Dampen the Black Roses,
     That ceased to grow;
Upon my Spring of Sorrow -
     Tell me Lord; what love do I know?
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