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 Jul 2015
Thoughts elude me
even as they make me
who I am
 Jul 2015
what is this all for?
if i'm human and you're human
do you have the same scars?
the same stars? behind your eyes i mean

and can we share our stories and find where they intersect?

(what i'd like to ask every being i've ever met)
thinking out loud here
 May 2015
petal frills and perfumed lace
roses vie for twirling space
each crimson face,
each quiet grace
does turn upon the silent stage
like a tide, an empty page
and sings in wordless ways

                               *"Beauty awaits, beauty awaits"
 May 2015
are the
of my
 Mar 2015
she swept in the sea with a glance
stirred up the sand with a dance
and shells were her nails
bright hair, unfurled sails
to carry herself on the wind
 Feb 2015
Brandy Nicole
At times I feel alone,
Asking myself the ways of
the world.
They tell me I'm crazy, my
words meaningless.
Slowing I'm believing them
Inside I'm turning into a wreck,
Outside I'm nervously laughing
to hide my consuming panic...
Am I mad or just simply mad?
Older piece
 Feb 2015
Hot coffee
Cigarette buts
Sugar cubes
Plastic cups
Lay there
Beside us

As - I got high on her lips
She - ran her fingers through my hair
Left - me more alive than ever.

We were breathing
As slow as we could
Hoping to slow
Time down with us
Hoping to be
There forever

As - long as we stayed
She - forgot about the world
Left - *me more loved than ever.
 Feb 2015
Jeffrey Pua
How many stars...
...are out there?


     We don't know.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Draft. Making sense out of palindromes.
 Feb 2015
"Its just a room."
She scribbles her secrets on the walls  
And piles up her whinings on the floor

"Its off limits."
But somehow he always finds a way in
Every **** time

"Nothing much to see here."
But he doesn't leave
No matter how boringly stuffed it gets

"Its not even real."
But with the two of them in there
It feels more real than reality itself.
Notes (optional)
 Feb 2015
You left me.
why can't i leave you?
 Jan 2015
     Friday's not a day.

                           Its a feeling.
 Jan 2015
Write to express,
my dear -
Not to impress.
don't be scared of either - never shy!
expressions and impressions,
life lessons and digressions
these your worded passions
all let fly!
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