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 Oct 2021
Mr and Mrs Andrews
The universe conspires as mirror to mine soul's eye,
I see myself as best friend
Or worst enemy.

I feel and see thy painted canvas in mine sky,
turning blue, with clouds
of white, trees of green.

Treasure map on hand.
And lullaby in mind's eye
Thine courage wisdom, grace my true north compass is.

First time I ever saw thee
Mine lovers face !
The poetess in me began
in poem to trace it's magic.

The friend in my mirror,
I now see is also thee.
And in thy mirror
yee too can see me.
Confidant, I love thee.

I sow myself in mirror clearly
and I learned to love
myself in thine eyes poetry.
Thine wild bird of paradise
I too in word paint.

The best poetry we devour
and share fully, roots
from our own hearts,
Forever in love.
Karijinbba- rdd/bba
at Mr and Mrs Andrews.
 Sep 2021
in Tom Jones rocks on stage.
You rock bestest longest,
at Taj-Mahal peoney cave
I swear I only see you;
my rocking sensually!
lover rock dancing your
fifteen pumps into
our heavenly midsts
and back or make it last
****** fifteen times four
nutty Third Rate Romance
Rock me all night long.
lay I sip your willow tea
oh tea of me make too..
I'm in love with your mind
your syllhuette ink heart
Rock me at Ginny baby inn
I grant your every wish!

Oh sweet lover mine
conceived in sacred
temple paradisical womb
ruler king God's named you.
Crafted above endowed
in gold elastic generous thread,
the measure of your pride,
bestest among all kings,
amongst mortal men.
even Angels envy you.

Women sigh with just one look!
You walk a sway unique
istoic celibate you chase me
I'm sinner in your courts
my veil of chastity falters.
come fill my buttercup.
Loving you mornings long
days long the nights long.
my breakfast in bed you
I long for you.
my Tam Tam my base drum
glued to me evermore.
By; Karijinbba
@t Mr and Mrs Andrews
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