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Objectified manifest's invertible investiture to metaphysical mystique astral projection's mystic symbiotic.  Yes I like to think I resemble God!!!  Perhaps everything that has ever existed will survive forever.  Retrospectively retroactive's omniscient ubiquity.  It makes sense considering that infinite possibility is the nature of omnipresence's ubiquity.  Infinitely expansive vastness had an exogamy with the inky blackness.  Spatiotemporal telemetry's virility made fecundity of spacetime continuum's fertility.

I submit:

Is this a microcosmic phenomenon or more dependent on the depths of pervasion of its macrocosmic relativities.  Perhaps there is a unifying field theory we are not yet aware of which explains how it paradoxically is a little bit of both.


With the advent of biological organisms the diversity of physical existence has apparently exceeded its physical complexity.  Understanding has evolved.  Relatively extraneous interpolations of adhesively practical extremity succeed in a hierarchy of functionally integrable forms.  

Treacherous traverse and eternal occasion, hectic duty deontological probity.  "The angel was a visage of resplendent beauty as it hovered in midair above the knoll."  Impeccable trollwood harlotry, "Strait up forever ontology on high."  I like to think we embody on the emote to exude aimed imbue.  Rosicrucian romanesque rotunda rouge.  Platypus plausible plinth.  Plum line backhoe special, anchor pin tachometer, plowshare track-ness!!!  Futurity fatidic's noumenal sentience's semantic regalia.  Carousel ceaselessly ceremony chaos character charisma, cerebral cortex's ****** matrix's indefatigably indomitable irrefragable incarnate.  What's to tell you, I'm an optimist on the identity crisis to do an enigma entity.  Imagination's immaturities incorporeity ideologies, clairaudience clairvoyance astral projection's categorical imperative.  Extraversion embezzlements euthanasia extortions, embark embargo's extradition.  Then again are we really responsible for the innate nature of our intrinsic incessant.  I like to think we could get away with it and still be good for I like to think our disembodied godlike spirits will not loose their proclivity for corporeally preternatural being.
Chicanery dynamism's fealties.  Totally tangential trajectory extant, exponentially extemporaneous radix repartee.
The children flying kites and laughing at all those heads buried into the blackened pikes that line the ridge and while crossing the bridge of whys they were still laughing at all those poor guys who wouldn't be poor anymore,

It makes me proud to praise that the children we raise are not frightened of bloodshed or the odd head or two on a pike or two doing what lopped off heads do which isn't much,

but that thinking is so nineteenth century when at the height of the running sores known only later as ****** wars it all seemed so passable, laudable, die for the cause if you're able to,

and now all we do
is crochet
play croquet on the lawn
some people today don't know
that they've been born.
You may find this funny but I once had a dream about pay toilets. I walked up, handed my root clod to God, the door came open and then closed behind me. I sat down and began to read the graffiti; "Em all" said one and "Maelstrom chronicles" another, "Introspect the bottomless key" and "Will this all come up again tomorrow?" This last was written on the handle which when depressed revealed another little sign which said "NO!"

"Thank you God" I said as I left the stall. "Your welcome Buckwheat" he replied. The words echoed.

As I was waking from this dream I found myself wondering whether it was a reminiscent image of the midnight diaper change or the real thing. Maybe I'll be more like the trees tomorrow and live on sunlight I pondered. Just then I heard my mother's kind voice. "Time to wake up" she said. "I'm already awake" I said as I got out of bed.
Prerogative presumptive judicature, cantankerous cantilever capacity.  Paradoxical dichotomy greaves, gauntlets gamut catalyst abstracts, asymmetrical symmetry.  Objectified manifest's dimensional delineation, intrinsic endemic innate opaque opulence.  Protractive analyses accidence ambience acoustics.  Spatiotemporal telemetry tactician's trajectory extant.  
      Prophylaxis protocol annex annul.  Kinesiology kleptomaniac extraversion embezzlement euthanasia extortion, embark embargo extradition.  Aura roan's rainbow mare's nimbus nimiety exorcism.  Corporeally preternatural's existential exigence exodus.  Cerebral cortex's ****** matrix's carousel ceaselessly ceremony chaos character charisma, apex axis crux, exponentially extemporaneous manumission. Categorical imperative hubris, hectic duty deontological probity.  
      Astral projection's clairaudience clairvoyance.   Tenets and principles, maxims and axioms, and doctrinal mandates.  Exserted protuberance's edifice *******.   Exotically ******, ethereally sublime xylem Xanadu sails. Erotica erectile errantry.  
      Fulham nuance *****.  Formidable foundry of a foyer fracas.  Harpy harsh hast, atrium attrition seditious.  Oak tree ****** nails swarthy ******* swath swizzles and unicorn railway sails.  Anchor pin tachometer troll wood harlotry's root clod rudiments, lightning bow hat pick.  Transcendent nimbus nimiety exorcist.  Transpicuous translucence alluvium aloof impunity.
Radix repartee.
Swanky sauntering swagger of a sashay.  Verve’s chutzpah, moxie savvy's panache, dexterously agile acuity.  Articulate coordinated excellence and prowess’s talented exceptional.  Objectified manifest's eidetic prospectus's invertible investiture's infinite possibilities perpetrate incorporeity ideology's perfectible ontology!   

Intrepid intuitive intrigue, mystical magical multifariously versatile nefarious nemesis.  Malfeasance evocative tout, execrating eventuation evocative expletives, executant tour de force entelechy's apotheosis.  Ne plus ultra irrefragable opulence, erudite illuminism numinous piquant poignancy.  Dynamic livid lurid vagile puissance.  Lucid orotund sonorous fecund resilience.  

Eloquent exuberance felicitous transcendent epiphany.  Nuance tactile audacious preternatural metaphysical clairvoyant imperative.  Augur quantum ominous avant-garde profundity, virulent vivid indomitably indefatigable cogent fatidic, quintessential deft.  Celerity innovative veracious metamorphic, adroit nimble avid austere. 

Fulgurous astute atman clever crafty rapacious sagacious.  Effulgent zealous fastuous temerity machismo enunciation diction, imperative repartee.  Exserted protuberance educement proclivities succinctly ostentatious.  Ardent arduous inductive adamant incursion ostensible hornswoggling swashbuckler!
oneiromancy's apotropaic!  Chicanery dynamism's fealties.
Accidence ambience acoustics find
Tractive tactile taciturn went
Cantankerous cantilever capacity bind
Wanton wayward warranty pent
In extremis extremity exigence grind
Apriori aorist actuator glint
Futurity fatidic's fornication wind
Lecherous libido larcenies bent
Lurid livid laconic mind
Exergonic ephemeral extant spent
Exorcism exodus the power of amendment
eating paper by cornonthekob at

I need a release
something else to help me see
past the lights of delusion
through the apex of a dream

my comment

Indeed there is much delusion in the semantics of mesmerically enrapturing.  They are in intoxicatingly  inebriating in fact.  Imagination's immaturities can be seductively enticing but they are generally beyond our keen.  Just because we can personify beings with metaphysical mystique doesn't't mean we can touch others or even ourselves with their magic.  It can be difficult to be pragmatically practical when caught in the surreal edifice of the apex of a dream.  The axis crux of id conclusion's continuums should be a cerebral cortex ****** matrix of vast expanse and tenacious extremity.  I wish you success on your quest!!
For some reason my sign in no longer works on this site and it won't allow me to change my password, therefore I can't leave comments.  This frustrated me so much I decided to post it here.
 Nov 2020
Glenn Currier
There was a man who for all appearances
was living the american dream
fine clothes fancy sleek black car
women at his beck and call
celebrity and media attention
awards and accolades
but he was lost and empty
mostly miserable
weepingly lonely.

And I wondered if such a dream
is really a nightmare
if there is nothing deeper
beautifully silent
then I do not want that dream.

I’d rather be awake in wonder
in the richness of now
in the arms of my old lover
reading a good book
or asleep at home
under the covers wandering
a bright afternoon
or the shadowy byways
and rocky crags
of the universe.
 Nov 2020
Standing alone in silence, on a cliff made of diamonds,
I look down at the world and see it for what it truly is.
The sick grow weary, children starve on the street,
the rich grow mighty, the poor continue to beg at their feet.
The world leaders continue to speak, filling the pockets of the elite,
with each drop of innocent blood, our humanity grows bleak.
All alone I watch in silence, as the innocent are slaughtered;
since the beginning of time, mankind has chosen to live in darkness, where they stay mesmerized day after day.

Holding hands with a child, I look deep into her eyes,
I see a beautiful creation, I see a magnificent light.
Then we rose into the heavens and joined the legion of innocent lives.
Standing alone in silence, I watch the diamonds in the sky.
© JDMaraccini 2013
 Oct 2020
I smite her without a flicker of remorse.

Web caught trembling prey, blistering sadness in a shallow grave.
Repulsive, rotten ***** stench, locked box of putrid sorrow.
Blood clot hidden trench, vile secretion burrow.
Wolf dressed goblin ***** muttering incantations.
Teetering on a broken fence, seething hatred regurgitation.
Greedy, evil, spineless, *****, cunning, patient, *****.
One head desire, two face succubus,
speech craft forked tongue, slithering witch, foul gargoyle.
Rebuke venomous, castrate hung, stoke the funeral pyre.
Incubate the serpent fetus, demon, devil, liar.
Nevermore sinister toil, bone-covered soil.
Death to the succubus,
death to Venus.
Uneasy thoughts commander in chief...

Will be elected president
(putative tsar of United States
forever long he lives)
until... he abdicates faux
official crown to Jared Kushner
will be handily elected
Tuesday November 3rd, 2020.

Said foreboding intimation
insinuates, percolates, undulates
within mine subconscious...
incumbent clinches Republican
presidential (rigged) election.

Afar off legion (aires)
herald and trumpet proclamation subjugation
heard within mine prescient mind,
yet amateur prognosticator (me)
gently suggests populace arise up in arms.

Analogous to extra sensory perception
awful fate would bestow
yours truly and/or the missus
when former 2009 Hyundai Sonata
exhibited unfamiliar noise,
though no mechanic,

I felt deep with these lovely bones
an apprehension... nay
strong aversion to drive,
whereby trusted automotive technicians
1405 S Township Line Road

Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468
validated hunch initially experienced
while holed at Notre Dame
courtesy ghostly encounter
with incorporeal spirit Victor Hugo.

He also offered safe haven
to avoid (and sit out onset)
think subsequent resurgence
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
and sanctuary when

Trump proclaimed king,
whose sixth sense (prescience)
chimed nsync with this beastie boy.

Though definitive ominous fate
yet to manifest as inevitable doom
best recourse would constitute
rousing rebellion to thwart
impending totalitarian control.

Become alert here and now
stark reality will find proletariat apprenticed
whereby sacred freedoms slated tubby scrapped,
and fidelity forced upon madding crowds
to bow down in obeisance
toward self anointed despot.

Savoir faire and square
every metaphorical morsel
relish exercising leftist rights
while still able, eager, ready, and willing
puncheon against expected restraints
slowly encroaching on American liberties.

Expect sacred enshrined inherited privileges
incrementally (barely discerned) undermined
with each passing day, week, month...
whereby an hour will arise
when strict mandatory obedience

violently enforced courtesy military
no merest hint of mutiny tolerated
as each surveilled individual
indeed monitored linkedin
near microscopic technologically

sophisticated electronic contrivances
think implanted microchips at birth
or rather requisite synthesized comestibles
mimicking texture, flavor, consistency...
blind taste tests could never distinguish

genuine animal products
versus plant based foodstuffs and drinks
expectant women forced to consume
formulated by products embryo absorbs
growing fetus subtly manipulated

chock full nutritious sustenance
effectively insinuating mind control
advanced biomedical engineering
sanctified integrated circuits
designed thru genius grants

offered **** kids
all other curriculums cost free,
ah.. at long last
free college/university education.

— The End —