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 May 2020
Graceful is the way death floats down to earth
Like a feather, a bird
Placing its hand upon a young person's shoulder
It tugs on their clothes as a child would
And the young person kneels down
Grabs death's small arms with a smile
And they walk, hand in hand
To where? I don't know.
dedicated to my friend who passed away.
 May 2020
Her love was like a beautiful whirlwind, obliterating men and uprooting oaks.

She was an irresistible constrictor
that shattered my bones and left me helpless.

Her spirit was potent like the poison of a viper, infecting my soul and leaving me to rot.
 May 2020
Michael Stefan
I stand alone,
A vagrant
Heavy is the silence
Under boughs of spruce and pine,
I bide my time.

I am the winter wolf.
Fanged lupine visage,
Perched atop-
Arctic ridgeline
With desolate winter backdrop

Muscles taught, I wait,
Noses twitch, a smell,
Ears that perk at sound,
A hunger won't be quelled

I am the winter wolf.
And I wait here for you
We all hunger for flesh,
It's true-
In one way or another;
The warmth of a lover,
The antics of a fool,
A wrath to spread to our fellows-
With howl and yell and bellow

I wait here for you
Desiring my lips
Against your warm skin
I crave for but a kiss-
But be wary of my fanged friends
Who have a darker wolven wish
I wanted to play around with an abrupt rhyme scheme in a piece that felt sensual yet dark.  Seductive but slightly violent.  A small feeling of loneliness with a gray and white backdrop.  I hope you enjoyed this piece.
 May 2020
Michael Stefan
          In flesh
Haunted tomb                  
                       From which we
Are born            
               Into which
We must            
 May 2020
Michael Stefan
Pull back the *****
Undo the clasps
Untie the strings
A zipper's rasp
Buttons undone
And hats pulled back
Gloves on the counter
Shoes on the rack
Socks pulled down
Shirts taken off
And underwear
Will soon be doffed
But still I'm not
Quite **** enough
For prying eyes
Are in a huff
Pull back the skin
And shave the hair
And reach your hand
Way up in there
Remove the lungs
Cut out the brain
You'll take my heart
And leave a stain
On the counter
Next to the gloves
We all strip bare
In the name of love
I hoped to make something with some sing-song rhymes, relatable, and just a touch morbid.  It's always hard when you feel you have given everything for a relationship and your partner just wants more and more.  Hope you enjoy the poem!
 May 2020
Star BG
My mother is a poem
A haiku for sure I say
A gift from heaven.

She nurtured my life    
like flower she’ll always be    
blossoming with light  

Mother Doris rocks
Sharing wisdom at every age        
Teaching how to be

Mom inspired me.
though sometimes we fought in life
I love her so much

She carried my soul
helping me grow and survive
helping me love self.

With memory gone
doesn't matter love is strong  
love weaves love in smiles.
Two hundred and forty six plus months
into twenty first century celeb
and anonymous folks alike
gripped courtesy pestilence re: deb
buckle fishtailed, looped, roughed up...
wreaks/wrought havoc across world wide web.

As a secular humanist, I ponder
what (if any) benefit accrued
above any commentary,
yours truly applauds every first responder
as dazed and befuddled stricken wonder...

Explanation, whereby those
espousing religious bent
might attribute global pandemic
moost definitely Earth shaking event
particularly raining down

upon **** sapiens with merciless intent
indiscriminately mowing down,
perhaps... (albeit figuratively) meant
as object lesson... benignly to rent
asunder excessiveness smugness
that doth xcent...

Persons who don egotism
also dare trumpet
absolutism, despotism, elitism,
nepotism, sycophantism, vigilantism...

green lighting (within
red light district) strumpet
paying top dollar to secure former
in league with costliest, sweetist,
and tastiest crumpet.

Virtue and/or admirable human behavior
discerned amidst helter skelter
as moost every sequestered behind closed door
ooh, how challenging for parent(s)

to occupy child less than four
impossible mission to explain ****
roar to the smartest kid, who
most often focuses on self de jure

nevertheless prime opportunity
hashing, learning, sharing...
genealogical folk-lore
more (most) challenging
busying young adults
thank dog me two daughters grown more

independent (at ages 21 and 23 respectively),
versus yours truly
when he still lived at home
with his papa and mama
yearning to live alone
on island paradise way offshore.

I spent interminable and unaccountable
time hermetically sealed within bedroom
imagination roaming courtesy
reading material delving,
futilely escaping doom,

nonetheless luxuriating, plunging... foredoom
think wrath of livid mama and papa,
their embarrassing genetic heirloom
sole son with more'n faulty jibboom
upon me ship of state,
where dark shadows still loom.

Though booth progeny of mine
spared similar fate, and youngest
(behaviorally challenged, perhaps
influenced courtesy Aquarius sign
regarding developmental delay)
while she on furlough

(considered valuable employee
walks along straight dedicated line
at World Market - Bend, Oregon)
these days... motivates
herself walking off calories
after self prepared hearty repast,
she doth dine.
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