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 Apr 2015
like clockwork
there once was a girl who broke promises like tea glasses. It wasn't hard, really. just a little too much heat, too much pressure. maybe she just didn't pay attention, until there were tea glasses shattered all over the floor.
     but one day the girl worried that someone would see all that broken glass and start to wonder, so she grabbed fistfuls of the mess and she swallowed it all down down down where no one could ever see. and the jagged shards tore at her insides, shredded her gut into ****** ribbons, bedazzled her stomach lining like stars.
     the girl smiled and bled and broke more promises and swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. until one day those pretty tea glass promises ripped her open and everyone could see her mistakes spill out of her as she bled out on the floor.
settle down children, this one's about you.
 Apr 2015
You see that cloud up there?
Yup, that nice fluffy one right there in the blue.
I am sitting on there,
Enjoying the view from above,
Literally floating on cloud nine,
Terrified I'm gonna fall,
Hoping the cloud will not disperse,
Or will turn stormy and hurt someone.
Random side poem. I've been writing a lot lately. Personal stuff. Nothing good, just forcing myself to write. Writers block.

Once upon a dream
Covered by lana del rey
 Apr 2015
Conrad Aiken
When I was a boy, and saw bright rows of icicles
In many lengths along a wall
I was dissappointed to find
That I could not play music upon them:
I ran my hand lightly across them
And they fell, tinkling.
I tell you this, young man, so that your expectations of life
Will not be too great.
 Apr 2015
Arlo Disarray
I'd travel across the entire world just to see you smile
Even if my feet were sore, it would be worth every mile
And I'd swim across the seas if I'd get to hear your laugh
I don't mind getting wet, I'm sure I could use the bath

I'd reach up and grab the moon, so I could give it to you
I'd throw paint in the sky if you don't like the color blue
I'd take the desert sands and put them in an hourglass
Filling it too full so our time together lasts

The trees and all the mountains will be yours
I'll bring you all the shells from all the sea shores
Every sunken treasure on the ocean floors
And if I could, I would give you much more
 Apr 2015
The sky is clear,
No cloud in sight.
Yet the mind is Dark,
Cronos in a rage.
Adrenaline peaks
And the heart stops.
The sky is clear,
No cloud in sight.
Your breath,
The wind blows strong.
Under currents drag,
And the light is too bright.
The sky is clear,
No cloud in sight.
Sounds swells.
There's a ringing in your ear.
A gunshot too close,
There's no violence,
Except for what rages within.
The sky is clear,
No cloud in sight.
And I reach out,
A flower,
refusing to Die.
I have been off kilter the last few weeks, and i am about to reach my breaking point...
 Apr 2015
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
 Apr 2015
and i guess i'm just asking,
if all the things you said to yourself, appeared on your body,
would you still be beautiful?
 Apr 2015
Sam Stone Grenier


the rabbit

   o   l   e
h             h
o             e
l              l
  e   h   o
 Apr 2015
Arlo Disarray
I tried to be kind, but I failed
Instead, I was only an ***
I tried to be sweet, but I bailed
I prefer to remain lower class

I tried to be cute, but I blew it
Instead, I was merely a mess
I tried being good, but I knew it
I can only be an ***, I must stress

I wanted to be pretty, but I lost
I wake up so ugly each day
I hoped to be less ******, but the cost
was greater than I was willing to pay
I ****.
 Apr 2015
but how sad the rain must be.

an entire lifetime spent just falling.
 Apr 2015
ologundudu leke
I'm here missing you, no April fools
I don't know if its the things you did or the things I do
Thinking about you all the time
Trying to change cause continuing would be a crime
Deep inside I know my education should be prime
But what do I do when the shackles don't seem to be a problem when you all that's on my mind
I fight, I struggle, I swim oceans for that salvation
The hunger that is you is in me and I hope for that starvation
Controls gone, passion gained and the future finally feels true
Even so, I feel good because I know my emotions grew
But then hey, I'm just here missing you
No April fools
 Apr 2015
Bob Cringingnut
Flight of Fancy

A Boy in his room one afternoon

Said, “I think I’ll fly to the moon.”

“It doesn’t look so far away,”

So he stepped outside to be on his way.

He ran to his left, then to his right.

Zoomed over a hill, disappeared out of sight.

The Trouble was he never gained any height.

He was still racing around when day became night.

During the night, plucky boy was clever,

He made wings of his arms, by stealing  sleeping birds feathers.

He did well for a beginner and flew really high.

Did he get to the moon?  I hear you cry.

He flipped and flapped through white fleecy clouds,

There were Ooooohs and Arrrrrrs from a fast gathering crowd.

But when the sun dawned bright and

The moon slipped from view.

The boy changed his plan, well wouldn’t you?

He glided down saying ”that’s enough for today.

My arms are tired and the moons gone away.”

“I did enjoy it, I had great fun.

Tomorrow I think I’ll fly to the sun.”
Hope you like it. Its  my attempt at Milliganesque

— The End —