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 Mar 2015
Cheralyn Carolina
This world is so used to cruelty
that every act of kindness is seen as flirt.
I won't change who I am.
I won't give up my niceness
just because other hearts have forgotten
how gentleness feels like.
Instead I will teach them.
I will make them remember how to be kind.
It's sad that you have to be rude
in order to set a limit.
You can say no
and still be the nicest person in the world.
Thursday, August 14th 2014
 Mar 2015
Allan Pangilinan
Someday, I will smile a genuine a smile,
A smile that will be pure, true and heartfelt.
I will wear it and travel miles and miles,
Wear off those in the past I felt.

Someday, I will be truly honest,
I will tell you how I really am.
That if back then you saw me at my ‘best,’
You’ll know I’m not really ******.

Someday, I will stop my hypocrisy,
And save myself from being a casualty.
Someday, I will be happy.
Someday, I will truly be happy
As my first post here, I'd wanted it to be kind of hopeful.

— The End —