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 Feb 2016
shawan sharma azad
I hate that feeling.
That feeling when you are sad.
But you have no idea why.
You feel very empty.
But nothing in particular happened.
They ask you whats wrong.
But you can't explain
Or they don't even ask anything.
I don't know which one is wrost.
It just feel like
I miss someone,
I never met,
Like I need someone who doesn't need me.
The loneliness hovers over me.
Takes control over me.
I don't even care.
Iisolate myself on purpose.
Sadness become My best and only friend*..
A military necropolis , resplendent with period battle colors towering above , skeletal wrought iron guardians at her periphery .. Stately Oaks forever dispatch tall shadows across etched memories , unsure days of furious cannon and musket .. Ramparts once besieged before a forgotten battles fury , where deaths Angel culled the very land in search of heroes ..
Copyright February 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016
sometimes more time is all I find
deep inside these insides of mine
I look to the sky wide eyed
if I could fly I might defy my kind

I search for my sight, I can't find
any kind for these eyes of mine
those lies that I lied beside
come back to bite me from behind

the vines entwine inside my mind
climbing toward some kind of sign
I find myself when I hide
if I saw the light, i might go blind
going to edit this later
 Feb 2016
Chalsey Wilder
I've been abused by poverty
And a mother whose lips have a velvet tongue of lies and unfulfilled promises.
 Feb 2016
phil roberts
You've seen her a hundred times
With a hundred faces
But she's always the same
Always at the bar
She's there when you arrive
And she'll be there when you you leave
There beside the fullest ash-tray
Lighting another cigarette
With fluttery fidgety fingers

Her lipstick is far too red
And not quite straight
Too much make up to hide the lines
Which show all the more
As she cracks the mask to smile
Her hair is too yellow
And her eyes are long lost grey
The arc which her glass follows to her mouth
Is restless and constant

As the evening wears on
She will talk too loudly
She may even sing out of tune
She will laugh too shrilly
When nothing is funny
But sometimes
When it's late
She sheds silent messy tears
As she rocks on her bar stool
Because there's a reason
This woman at the bar
Has a story as real as any other
And it matters just as much

                                    By Phil Roberts
Written when it was still possible to smoke at the bar :/
 Feb 2016
Inside her head lived a dark cloud
That dampened all her thoughts
And roared with thunder storms so loud
The lightning like gunshots

The cloud got bigger all the time
With the turmoil that it stored
It got so big, it made her rhyme
But when it rained, it poured

She rained, and rained, and rained, and drowned
She rained until she dried
But no one ever heard a sound
She stuffed it back inside

She sometimes felt she got it out
And could almost see the sun
But just because she had a drought
Didn't mean that she had won

She kept a little residue
To metastasize again
That's why she always feels so blue
Why melancholy is her friend
 Feb 2016
Got Guanxi
******* coma






 Feb 2016
Alyssa Underwood
and fighting
with teary haze
remembering days
on reynolds and baird
that trim little white lair
a world bigger on inside
love and order multiplied
children's favorite retreat
family's sanctuary sweet
built by grandpa's hand
and grandma filled it in
with nurturing so wide
always on your side
wish i could restore
a hole in my core
missing them so
wish i could go
back and see
west liberty
as it was
i miss
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