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 Apr 2017
I wasn't the only one
Perhaps you've seen it too
Or felt the vacuum void
Of life that's been

Or even heard
The voices moan
Woven in time lapse
Without ever a warning
Compass or a map

Shadows gather
Black and grey
The place where
Entropy itself decays

The netherworld
My vision
Starts to fade
Have you ever
Caught a glimpse
Of what's
Beyond the grave?
Traveler Tim
 Apr 2017

we go through life
afraid of change


(C) 4/16/2017
 Apr 2017
There was a man from England
In truth a man of God
Wigglesworth's a funny name
And he was a little odd.

He earned his keep as plumber
Worked hard to learn the trade
But he knew a man named Jesus
So he HEALED and souls were saved!
There were even some occasions
Where he brought folks from the grave.

He was not a man of letters
Could not read till 23
But he always had a love for God
As humble as can be
He had great compassion
Would set the captives free!

Before his ministry began
He wanted to be pure
He would lock himself behind closed doors
The Lord worked out his flaws
He was of a different age
But his memory endures

Everywhere that man went
The people flocked around
The lame could walk! The blind could see!
The meetings holy ground!

He was not a Methodist
Episcopal at all
But he went to those churches
When he received a call
He believed in Pentecost
And he brought a Spirit fall

Everything he did in life
Was for his love for Christ
He gave all his money
For missions - at great price
He couldn't even spell
But no action was a waste

Powerfully written
His books sold round the earth
To this day has worth

Oh! That we'd have his faith now!
Here in the U.S.
But WE worship MONEY
So we are in distress
We worship self and worldly gain
And our lives are a mess

Take me, OH! My precious Lord!
Pull me from this mire!
I want to be a Wigglesworth...
Give me his compassion
The tears! In ME INSPIRE!
For years I have been waiting
You've tried me in the fire!
I want ever more of YOU!
Jesus! Take me higher!

Yes! I have the willingness
Yes! I'll build my faith
But will I stick to it?
For that is what it takes!

There was a man in England
His first name was Smith
And there's scarce a man today
Who can match his gifts.

We haven't the willingness
All WE want are perks
Scarce a "workman of today

Who'll roll up sleeves and WORK.

(C) 4/15/2016
Smith Wigglesworth
8 June 1859 - 12 March 1947

He wanted to base his missions
On the spirit of Pentecost -
The first Apistolic Churches

He healed and saved souls
everywhere he went
like a spiritual magnet
There are manifestations like his
In other countries. But it doesn't
happen much in America. Tragic!
 Apr 2017
This feeling I can't describe...

It's jarring emptiness
though I'm bloated full.
It's like a puncture,
though there's no stake.
It's overwhelming heaviness,
though there's no load.
Like a scab that won't heal,
though there's no wound.
It's confusion...
though, my mind's a blank.
It's me reaching out,
though there's nothing to tell.

This feeling I can't describe...
A curse to which there are no words.
A burden that I foresee spilling
over several dawns.
 Apr 2017
The poetic mind
Can only be studied
In an observational

Any attempt
Of measurement
Would surely
Effect the out come
Resulting in a chaotic

It appears
Sub poetic particles
Prefer to remain
In their natural order
Traveler Tim
 Apr 2017
Sally A Bayan
i am struggling
my sense-seeking mind, reasons
with my confused, but forgiving heart...
to go, or not to go,
to do...or not to do,
go with traditions...or start a change,
to be absent, ******

this battle exhausts me...though,
i any time, whatever i do,
especially, this lenten season
God is everywhere, i so feel Him,
He is near i think of Him...

it doesn't make me less of a Christian
i just have less things to do
this thursday, friday and saturday...
for, i opted for something else:

in my solitude, i would have---

E-NGAGE in contemplative be strong, to
A-VOID all kinds of meat i so hunger not be
T-ROUBLED, when tremors of the soul, seek to destabilize...

I know myself...i've come this far,
traditions may change, things may falter,
but, Faith in Him.....


Copyright April 14, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Apr 2017
I write not because i seek your truth,
i just do - for someone who seeks
understanding in all the doors we see.

I write not because i seek your pity,
i just do - for someone who seeks
understanding in all tough roads we
go through.

I write not because this is a job,
i just do - for someone who seeks
relief to the burden he has not
spoken out loud.

© pax
 Apr 2017
WendyStarry Eyes
I have not written a poem in awhile
That is out of my ordinary style
Lately I seem to be happy
Just to pray and smile
This is quite fine
I know my Father has an ultimate
Purpose for me
It may seem as if it is changing
Constantly, it is for others to see
His existence through me
To become a fanner bee
To pray for others
In a world filled with sin
Closer to Our Father
I pray, my prayers,
will bring them
A starting point
To open the door for
The healing to begin
Our Father begot His Son
Easter is rememberence
That through our Savior
Christ Jesus resurrection
Our lives have just begun
A blessing Jesus left with us
The Holy Spirit to guide everyday
If we open our hearts and eyes
We will see His light
In amazing ways.
 Apr 2017
its tolerance of differences
a good start

a celebration goes further
 Apr 2017
Joe Cole
What are words but simple building blocks
But those simple blocks are used here to create beautiful works of art
Beautiful poetry is an art form often misunderstood
But for some (us) an expression of freedom
The freedom to open our minds and pen what we see
 Apr 2017
When all you can do
And I mean really do, is pray
You have to let go of certain things

You have to step aside be it left or right
And follow the one path, down the one way

Not to mention that you have to be very selective
When determining whatever mood you choose to linger in

And I do mean you choose
Or else you'll falter

At least such a thing rings true to me
Because all I can do is pray for you
And chose my mood and mindset most carefully

Because quite literally as a man thinks
It says, *so shall he be
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