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  Jan 2015 ruby stains

you take
me into your
me upon       the
sultry limbs      of
your        nebulous
grace•the expansive
arms of the universe,
where            peaceful
slumber awaits•your
poetry    laden comets,
bore      abundant love,
all towed     in freights•
gingerly drinking in the depth
of your face•seemingly blindfolded,
i'll tread each dark  crater•my head in
a swirl        of your  majestic         trace•
where        I would stumble         upon
V              a love ever so...             V
/     |    |   || \
(                              )
(                                    )
  Jan 2015 ruby stains

                       wishing, for
                              your writes to be
                                noticed•simple sign
                             that they have not been
                          missed•with every view
                     and every like•your popu-
               larity does spike•somewhat
          places your art on the poetry
      map•between major players,     
  you close the gap•constantly      
checking to see  who's been              
reading•you're always deli-               
ghted to see the 'yellow                      
•a wish...                            
    for those who                             
     are writ-                    

secretly hope not only for your words to be
reaching far and wide, but also... trending
* the above does not apply to everyone here.
  Jan 2015 ruby stains
   ed the others
   fall over several
sets•leaving you alone
shivering on a spindly twig
•the winds of autumn had whis-
pered their threats...•to sweep you
off your perch into the world so big
•the season had almost gone to make
way for another•answering the sum-
mons of winter's call•had anticipated
the coming of your departure•...i had  
sworn to myself to catch you as you'd  
fall•for a brief moment, i had turned  
away•to tend to commitments that  
came with dawn...•i returned to  
stay and wait another day...•  
but the wind had come  
while i was
  Jan 2015 ruby stains
\       |       /

\               •think my               /
pen's almost dry•it's get-
ting oh so hard•ideas seem to just
\   fly on by•i'm unable to deal any more   /
cards•bottom of the barrel•i seem to be
scraping•trapped in a long, dark tunnel•
coherence eluding...the words that need
inking•i need a simple little trick...•to
soothe this perpetual itch•need my
/        bulb come on really quick•hope-        \
fully as soon as I flick on
/               the...switch•               \
|   ooooooooooo   |
  Jan 2015 ruby stains
Tyler Durden
Some days you will find yourself
lost out at sea,
You will need a lighthouse to
guide you back to shore,
And I've found mine in you.
  Jan 2015 ruby stains
Poetic T
On a steed of armour we shall pound the ground
Dirt is thrown upon the
Sides of the path
Motion of ferocity
For I am a messenger of the crown
Neither man or beast shall still our  cause.
For we are the readers of words
The illiterate
Shall not stop this parchment of speech
This is our  moment to shine
To show the lords that words mean more than
Coins do not alter the course of one so true
"We will fall for this"
"We will die for this"
"We will never surrender"
This parchment, until we are cold upon the floor.
We will ride with honour, with valour,
We will not shed a tear for the fallen ones
As our moment counts on the moments of time
"For never to deliver"
"For never to read the words"
"For to fall before an enemy"
Is the worst fate that a rider faces.
The rider is of courage, for he will
Upon soiled ground in front of those worthy men.
Shall each word  spilt in blood be spoken out.
We are the Horseman of kings,we are the words spoken,
That could befall a kingdom, or rise it from the ashes once more.
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