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circus clown May 2014
15, sitting on the edge of your bed,
you told me that you couldn't love me
because the small of her back
fit so perfectly pressed against your palms
and the pink colored thighs matched
the flushed cheeks, and it always,
always drove you wild to watch her
strip down, layers of cotton, denim,
i asked you if the weight of her own
existence kept her up at night, or
how she got that crescent shaped scar
placed delicately under her left eye.
the blank stare you replied with
made me wonder what the point
to seeing someone naked was
when all they take off are
their clothes.

6 months later, you tell me that
skin renews itself every twenty seven days
and it's been 4 weeks since
you last held her. you smiled
with full lips and said you felt like
you finally rid yourself of her.
it's been a year since
you really spoke to me and
i'm still wondering how
you could love someone if
all they touched was your skin.
circus clown May 2014
you loved me more,
but i came to you
the flaws you own
with the scarlett letter
on your forehead
every other night
over your addiction
and that entire year
of your life you
couldn't remember.
you don't think i know you,
maybe i don't
but there's a grave
in my belly filled with
pretty little words
you spit at me when
i was weak,
that keeps shrinking
and shrinking
until there is nothing
left of me for you to

my eyes are now
greyer than they are green
and look, love, my ribs
are starting to show,
and before you ask,
i haven't lived with myself
in a very long time.
"we are dead bodies on puppet strings."
circus clown May 2014
it was good catching up with you
until you mentioned the new girl
and called her an "angel"
so i said goodnight,
and went back 11 months
in conversation to find me
showing you a poem i wrote,
nothing out of the ordinary,
and telling you my writing
was the only thing i was
confident in.

"i’ll be your confidence about everything that's wonderful about you,
and you can be confident in your writing."

that would explain why i
stopped eating and how
i don't get out of bed
anymore, after 4 months
of watching you
adore someone else.
writing this poem gave me deja vu.
May 2014 · 414
10w (2x)
circus clown May 2014
i was burned
alive, in the
fires of your

there isn't
one other way
i would have
May 2014 · 366
circus clown May 2014
sometimes, when i lay down in bed at night
i still think back to being 13 years old and
sitting in that lawn chair on your apartment balcony
and smoking a cigarette, listening to the song
"hospital" by lydia
and taking in the words
"i'll never ever leave there, i'll never leave."
i thought i wouldn't, at least.
nothing really mattered when
side walks and street lights at 11pm
and never being alone, always felt heavier
than anything else, in the best way,
and i miss that comfort.
you were the last thing i could honestly call home.
that means a lot when you can't remember
the last time someone meant to
touch you.

we like to think that we are
made of beautiful things until someday,
someone opens our mouth and
bats fly out and we realize
we’ve been empty
the whole time.
everything is ******, and it has been for a long time
May 2014 · 555
fire / rest / fire
circus clown May 2014
suicidal tendencies
like the constant urge
not to fix the broken power lines
i like to call my veins.

i think of you
in the tiles i counted
on my bathroom floor
the night i treated a prescription bottle
as an ocean when i couldn't swim.

i've conjured up an entire
just for you
and you want to
shelter yourself?
i'm sorry i'm out of control most of the time. you didn't sign up for this.
May 2014 · 349
melt it
circus clown May 2014
your mother used to
think of me as a street drug
but the bigger problem was
that she didn't treat you
like an addict and you
did not act like one.

your mother is gone now
and unable to see the real
street drugs you've been
hiding under your tongue
and in your pockets
but i'm sure she'd still
look at me as if i were
death itself.
May 2014 · 736
circus clown May 2014
my heart still
s                              s
w                     g
i       n
with the innocence
of a little girl
on my first love's
old, but i can't push it out of my head lately.
May 2014 · 255
i'm still drowning there
circus clown May 2014
the most memorable
first kiss i've ever had
was shared with you.
i leaned in, pressed
my lips against yours
and i put my hands on
your chest. you threw
your head back and
laughed like a God.
i've spent over a year
being confused as to
why you did that and
why you never explained.
i know now that it's because
you knew i was looking
for your heart and you
knew that you didn't have one.

unless she's given it back,
you still don't.
i'm glad that you're in jail.
May 2014 · 485
my first french poem
circus clown May 2014
je me sens tellement
déconnecté de tout
ce qui m'entoure.
j'ai besoin que
tu rentres de
sorte que je
peux sentir
réel à nouveau.
translates to:
i feel so disconnected from everything around me. i need you to come home so i can feel real again.
May 2014 · 354
didn't i know you?
circus clown May 2014
we had a silent love
like a loose tooth
and no doors to slam,
just your rhymes
without any reason
and your pills made you
sicker than the season
we didn't speak a word
to eachother & i realized
that i needed you
right after you got tired
of chasing me.

i swear,
your eyes used to
drip honey when
you talked about
me, i swear they
in response to:
My ma might have lupus
She's sobbing downstairs and it ain't from the liquor for once
And I know you don't get how to comfort
And I'm glad you thought about me
But I'm going to have to get back to you on this Marie
Please stay safe
Apr 2014 · 457
circus clown Apr 2014
im addicted to the feeling
of emptiness in my body.
first, panic,
then comes comfort
in knowing i will soon be
than every conversation
weve tried to hold in the past year
and now that i can think
with my head clear, no longer
suffocating under the weight
i carried of the love i thought
was shared, i realize that nothing
that came out of our sorrow bleeding
mouths ever held any meaning.
the meaning lied in the dark
like i did all those nights when i
couldnt close my eyes and turned off
all the lights to pretend i could.
i will weigh even less than
what i meant to you and
maybe after that,
your weak, bruised,
needle loving arms can be
wrapped around me
comfortable enough
for the both of us.
i hope she finds my teeth in your neck and my nails in your back.
Apr 2014 · 366
circus clown Apr 2014
i haven't been able
to decide which is worse;
under the weight
of the crashing waves
or killing myself
from the thirst
of avoiding them.
this could apply to so many different things.
Apr 2014 · 495
holding back
circus clown Apr 2014
your mother died before teaching you
how to deal with death
and the only way
to bleed out the sadness
was to wrap your hands
around my neck and i,
i ripped open my own *******
chest so you didn't have to get
your hands *****
and you told me
you wanted someone
with a little more

circus clown Apr 2014
everything i say
is poison so i
bite my lip and
hope i never tear
a hole through.

lord knows you
can’t handle
anything with
a kick.
Apr 2014 · 248
i want you all to myself
circus clown Apr 2014
i remember
one of the times
i got scared and
called it off,
you found someone else.
when you told me
you still loved me
at 3 in the morning,
i asked you, in a
desperate attempt
for you to hurt me
more than i had
hurt myself,
"did you sleep with her?"
your answer still
to this day
leaves me wondering
if i want to break
her hands
or my own.
Apr 2014 · 450
moving on
circus clown Apr 2014
tomorrow morning,
i will brew up some coffee,
drink it black,
and lay in my bed with
waltz #2 on repeat
and i wont i won't
i won't
about it.

i've burned bigger bridges than you.
that image of us in your back yard sitting right outside the sliding glass doors, your back against the brick walls, under warm, dim lights when you lit a match with your teeth and then hummed a song by my favorite band while i gazed at you and thought i could never love anything else in the entire world more than that moment-- will no longer keep me up at night.
Apr 2014 · 413
circus clown Apr 2014
isolation called you
and passed a tunnel into
a bright world where
you can ignore the
wonders of existence.
my heart can be a
little house for you
to stay, but
everybody's scared
of this place.
Apr 2014 · 679
false comfort
circus clown Apr 2014
how many bus tickets can you
cram  into  the  space  left  behind
where  your  hands  used  to
fall   around   my   waist?
how   many   pens   &
pencils    can     i     fit
in  my  bag  until  i  realize
these  words  aren't  getting  me
a      n      y     w     h     e     r     e     ?
"i miss you" is my thesis statement.
Apr 2014 · 260
a conversation
circus clown Apr 2014
"i'm sorry i can't
keep you safe."

                                                                                                           "i'm sorry i'm so
                                                                                                            clumsy that you
                                                                                                                 feel like you
Apr 2014 · 215
in the beginning
circus clown Apr 2014
you                                                               eve
shouldn't                                                shouldn't
have                                                           have
touched                                                     eaten
her                                                               the
so                                                     forbidden
softly                                                         fruit
Apr 2014 · 379
circus clown Apr 2014
i'm wearing nothing
but a blanket and
the glow of my tv

and i wanna talk to you about
and fragility

consider this my
loudest plea
Apr 2014 · 353
fault and failure
circus clown Apr 2014
i walk down my driveway
and lie in the spot where
your car use to be parked
and think about its
p r e s s u r e
on my chest
i hate thinking about you
i don't know why i do
Apr 2014 · 304
this morning,
circus clown Apr 2014
i saw an injured bird
making it's way
through the grass
in my back yard.
i didn't know
how to help it,
so i put out the
last of my cigarette,
went back inside,
and picked up my phone.

1 missed call

i called you back,
you didn't answer.

this morning,
i watched a bird
helplessly search
for safety,
and walked away.

that was the second hardest part of the day.
i don't know why, but i have to have to have to keep you close to me.
i don't want to not know you.
Apr 2014 · 495
circus clown Apr 2014
i know i've said that it hurts most at night,
and screaming into your pillow at 2am
is the romantic, glorified equivalent
of constantly feeling
emotionally bruised
and too far away from him,

but sometimes,
it’s 10am on a monday morning
and you’re leaning on the kitchen sink
waiting for the toast to pop up
and the smell of dusty sunlight and
chamomile tea makes you
miss. him. so. much.
that you don’t know what to do
with your hands.
today, i closed his bus tickets in the front page of a composition book filled with every poem i've ever written about him, and i'm planning on sending it tomorrow. i couldn't stop smiling and the thought of him opening it. this is what it is to be in a long distance relationship. you experience almost all of it by yourself, despite your happiness. the little things mean so much more. i have never tasted anything more bittersweet.
Apr 2014 · 348
circus clown Apr 2014
i like to tell myself that
it will only hurt worse if i
but i can't help it
on the quiet nights
and thinking about you,
i could do it
all the time.
i don't like to make excuses,
i just miss having your hand in mine
so i'll bury myself in blankets
or put on the biggest sweater i can find
but i still feel empty and
n   a   k   e   d
reminding myself that
will be
won't it?
circus clown Apr 2014
i want to hold your
                            a          g      
                                                     u        h
my stomach so that the
would stop me
from clenching my jaw
because i know that if
~ light ~
were a person,
i'd have already met him.

you smile like you've
swallowed the sun.
never have i felt, never have, have i, felt, have, i.
Apr 2014 · 627
my love
circus clown Apr 2014
between facebook posts
and blankets tied around my neck
drunkenly running through the house
i keep finding myself
playing the heroine
to your hero.
Apr 2014 · 910
circus clown Apr 2014
you spent the entirety of your childhood
on the cement driveway
laid out in the front of the
tall house on the right side
of almond street
r i p p i n g
the wings off of your favorite insects
after letting them explore
the skin stretched across your hands
and keeping them in mason jars
on the middle shelf above your bed
admiring the trust they had in you

many years later
you move it up to the bedroom
cotton instead of cement
but i could never tell the difference
with your hands gripped tight
around each and every one of my limbs
and after i could no longer hold your attention
you'd throw me in the closet
with the rest of the skeletons
and now you get to watch me
become one
because we went from
crossed stars and smoking in back yards
to you regretting all of it
Apr 2014 · 792
circus clown Apr 2014
speaking of my father feels foreign to me.
Apr 2014 · 373
mother & son
circus clown Apr 2014
his mother tried to **** him
when he was in her belly
so he tried to **** her
on his way out and
why do i think about this so much? i guess i just had to write it down.
circus clown Apr 2014
i told myself a long time ago,
that i’d only kiss boys i love.
i've ignored that.
now i mostly just spend my days being
Apr 2014 · 813
circus clown Apr 2014
you had one job:
you had to read the ghosts
scary bedtime stories
to keep them docile,

but you fell in love,
and let them go.
this town is a mess.
Apr 2014 · 396
cutting ties
circus clown Apr 2014
i tied a cherry stem with my tongue
i fixed your tie with my eyes closed
but i couldn't quite tie you down
and that didn't **** me
or make me stronger,
but i would rather either of those happen
than spending the next year and a half
hiding in a grave i have come to know
as my own bedroom.
i don't miss you, i just hate how long it took to shake you.
Apr 2014 · 499
walking on a tightrope
circus clown Apr 2014
maybe i'm just balanced
perfectly, for the moment
until i lose my footing,
end up at the bottom,
while you're safe on the
other end of the rope.

maybe i have false confidence,
i thought you'd have to
show me the way
but i'm sick of always standing
in your shadow
i'm tired of your blown up ego
maybe i don't need you
at all.
Apr 2014 · 538
sunday afternoon haiku.
circus clown Apr 2014
i am made of sin,
you're the only innocent
god i believe in.
Apr 2014 · 400
can love exist like this?
circus clown Apr 2014
sometimes, i think you live here,
in my marrow, in my bones.
there's a squirrels nest of
broken heart pieces and mirror whipsers in the dark
shredded and stuck around my ribcage.
you haunt my esophagus and sternum.

usually, i think you no longer live here,
in my fingers, in my toes,
but, can love exist like ghosts?
faded polaroids floating in air,
like where there's not enough ink
and the words come out blurry and smudged
and grey like charcoal-dust-fingerprints
on the page?
can love exist like that?
shadows of tall buildings stretching across streets?
can love exist like that?
i think it can, because there's charcoal dust
at the base of my spine
that still spells out your name sometimes,
and smells of chai.
you still know my weak spots,
and i still know where you're ticklish
i know where you bruise like over ripe apples
my spine remembers curving against your chest,
and i know your breath against my neck
your hands on my hips,
your lips on my lips
if anyone ever wants to know you, let me tell them
the noise you make when you get a new idea,
or the hushed sound of your breathing as you sleep,
the way your lips curve into a smile slowly,
or rush into laughter, there's no inbetween.
i'll tell them about your eyes in the middle of the night
when they bore into me like twin drills into brick..
and they will begin to know you.
it is funny that people can fall off of you and away,
drift back into the coils in your brain
that hold distant, but important, memories
moments of pure bliss, trauma,
you forget the names and faces you used to see everyday
for all different reasons, the universe has different plans
than what we'd like to see, couples are forced apart
sometimes gladly
sometimes reluctantly
and sometimes sadly
but there will always be a thread of you that
holds something on the other end
and usually it hangs off of you unnoticed,
but sometimes it gets caught with other threads,
or looped around an arm or a leg
and you have to remember,
try to remember,
for a moment,
i am on the other end.
i love you, cameron. don't forget me out there.
Apr 2014 · 694
circus clown Apr 2014
all i've been able to think lately
is that in a few long spring months
summer will come, and so will you.

i can't wait to trace the veins
in your tiny wrists again,
and feel your lips on mine with
the passion and the heat
to make God feel guilty
for what he's done to us.
because he really should.
Apr 2014 · 511
take all i have to give
circus clown Apr 2014
one tongue to live
and one to deceive
i see your eyes like waterfalls
and they’re poring over me
i feel your gaze
and it’s ******* me
sweetness in your mouth
and in your throat
down on your knees
you learned this by rote
draw the curtains
i want them all to see
this isn’t seduction
this is worship
this is rivalry
everything is a game
and no one plays it better than me
i'm feeling like a goddess today
Apr 2014 · 922
circus clown Apr 2014
i prefer rainfall over
sunshine, and maybe that
explains why i'd choose
you over anyone else.
i always hope that
it's a beautiful day
wherever you are, and
all i ever want to do
is kiss your spine and
never apologize again
but my lips have yet to meet
the skin on your back
and for that
i am sorry.
you deserve every grin that you get.
Apr 2014 · 331
circus clown Apr 2014
i like to torture myself
with the crippling thought
that if i still knew you,
and not just who i made,
i'd love you even more

your 90's dress sense
leather jacket
and bad hair bleach job
is all a part of someone
i have yet to know
but your eyes that
sink in above your cheeks
and the tiny gap
between all of your teeth
are the parts of you
that i can recognize as what
i'm still learning to let go of.
not that it matters.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
worth it.
circus clown Apr 2014
hands which have touched so much
but have held onto none;
it is you that i'm asking forgiveness for.

i can hear his sigh in the hum of my ceiling fan
and i can taste him in my coffee.
this isn't depressing, this is love.
i just need to drink more.
you are everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.
i will hang on 'till i am looking right at you years from now and being glad that i did.
Mar 2014 · 607
circus clown Mar 2014
all my friends loved drugs or liked to get ****** up
my boyfriend would shoot ****** and paint with my blood
i’ll sure as hell miss downing pills
but i think i want to live instead

i loved white nights bleaching my eyelids
i loved brunette boys who made me feel like jesus
getting ****** on rooftops watching the sun collapse
but i’m tired of waking up and feeling like ****

i had fun drinking ***** on hot, summer nights
and placing pills under my tongue until the world was vivid neon lights
holding hands with the boy who drank too much lean
but i think i want to make it past 2013
Mar 2014 · 298
a definition
circus clown Mar 2014
take me back
to when love used to be
holding hands in a movie theater
and sitting next to each other at lunch
and writing their name on your hand
where no one got hurt too bad

as opposed to getting drunk
and sleeping with all of your friends
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
circus clown Mar 2014
we went out for coffee
as friends, to a place
we used to go to all the time
and i'd ask for the same thing
up to a point that you stopped
asking me

but after the long line and
under the warm cafe lights
i was thinking about how
this felt just like old times
until it was almost our turn
to order, when you looked
at me and asked,
"what do you want?"

i drank my coffee,
i stuffed the unpaid for
books in your bag,
i smoked two cigarettes
on the 5 minute drive
back to my house

and left you at the door.
i'm okay.
Mar 2014 · 274
poet's disease
circus clown Mar 2014
once, i liked a guy
who was good with his words,
a poet, if you will.
it didn't take long
to realize that was all
he was good with,
and relationships
were at the bottom
of that list.
now i wonder
if those two traits
go hand in hand.

it's not hard
only to want love
to write about.
i told you sorry so many times i didn't stop to think that maybe you were the problem.
Mar 2014 · 365
i hope i'm wrong
circus clown Mar 2014
wouldn't it be useless
to ask you to take me back
after miles and miles of
missed phone calls
and 3 break ups

simply because i want you

it wouldn't work
because you just want a girlfriend
someone to hold when
the nights get too cold
and eyelids feel too heavy
you want comfort

i want all the pain
that is being yours
update: i was wrong. and now i'm happy. (:
Mar 2014 · 602
i shouldn't care
circus clown Mar 2014
i want to show you how lovely my room
looks when i first wake up and the
light is pouring in through cracked blinds
but a picture doesn’t do it justice and
a response from you has become even
less frequent than a thought about
something other than you and your
tragically well put together writings
that never seem to be addressed
to me anymore but i think that
if i were to put a few more states and messy
goodbyes between us then you might
just find me interesting and worth
your time again
Mar 2014 · 514
circus clown Mar 2014
i've started writing so many ******* poems
and i can't finish any of them because
you took my ability to have closure
when you walked away.
Mar 2014 · 323
should have's-
circus clown Mar 2014
on nights when you remember
can you feel my anger
through all of these years
and all of the miles?

everything that you touch
is luckier than i am
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