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I'm the idiot...
I'm the Bard...
I'm the dreamer...
And all of them want you.
 Mar 2014 Victoria S
someone's misplaced a pear.
a sandy green one
there - between the turnips and onions.
the man in the striped red shirt
he's slapping price marks on braeburns...

your lips were hallowed ground
in aisle seven at the supermarket.
underground sundays in your arms
watching t.v. all day.

like a fog that drowns
first intentions wandering burrs
clipping from sleeve to sleeve,
my fool flesh tried to get somewhere
our kissing touch migrated as
if we'd never even heard of the ground -

watching warped window streaks
of scattered april rainfall,
a streetlight shadow symphony
on your bedroom wall;
my rumpled exhortations constantly
shocking the angel in you.

i didn't want to stay if you left
i'd be nothing to you,
a gone face, fallen like embers
voyaged away like the waning pitch
of a siren in the nighttime,
like i never existed at all

can you tell me that i don't
have a hole in my heart...
the world is home to billions of streetlights;
it has more to do with windows
than with the pleasures of flesh.
just to look, (is often enough).
 Mar 2014 Victoria S
Jim Morrison
a series of notes, prose-poems
stories, bits of play & dialog
Aphorisms, epigrams, essays

Poems? Sure
 Mar 2014 Victoria S
Mostly numb
i simply use big words

in a pathetic attempt

to match up my love

for     you

because if you can't    love  me

than perhaps

you can love my words
maybe if i continue it'll word 10th times a charm as they say
 Mar 2014 Victoria S
a m a n d a
if all i get
  is a miniscule shred
of sarcastic,
w r e t c h e d
   then i guess
that's the ******* fire i will breathe.

i guess I
am the firebreather
     round these parts
I am the dragon

setting things ablaze
  in my fury
crushing whole towns under my feet
climbing the skies
with magnificent dark wings

you should
run in terror from me
because you will never again find
a dragon in possession
  of such profound richness
so terrible a truth
  that you will not meet my gaze

mistakes have been made.
life has been lived in fire and passion and hope
in this there can be no mistake.

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you—Nobody—Too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise—you know!

How dreary—to be—Somebody!
How public—like a Frog—
To tell one’s name—the livelong June—
To an admiring Bog!

— The End —