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 Jun 2014 Ciarra
I have run out
Of people to run to
When everything is falling apart

I touch my hipbone
And this one spot beneath my chest
Ever so slightly
When I want to feel better
About anything

I wish the earth gave you an option
Night or day
For when you need goosebumps from the sun
Or a calm, cool silence

Sometimes broken
Is better than bent
Because bent might break later on
 Jun 2014 Ciarra
How outrageous it was
that the world refused to stop
Even for a moment
To give a person
one more reason
For their world to turn
have you ever talked someone out of suicide and afterwards found it strange went about their daily lives like they weren't struggling?
 Jun 2014 Ciarra
See the king in his cardboard castle
beneath his bridge of broken dreams
by the river of remorsefulness
that like the voices nightly screams
There's a beer can full of memories
and a burger full of death
and the things he thought he'd ougth to say
dangling from his breath
theirs stains upon his royal garb
that show just where he's been
and an emptiness within his eyes
that hide the things he's seen
his queen lies in her carriage
amongst her treasure so
and he wheels her round the city
when the lamp lights softly glow
Nobody ever sees them
nobody even cares
for the royals in their boxes
watching operas without airs
spare them not a second thought
as if you even would
for they have found each other
and a palace by the wood
they care not if you see them
as their lives a faery tale
in their kingdom made of cardboard
eating pizza three days stale
From a line by angelofprofanity from their poem In this world their permission sought and granted thanks Angel.
 Jun 2014 Ciarra
On silken wings and silken strings
the garden doth awake
and from their beds those sleepy heads
their petals gently shake
a snail or two say how are you
as bumblebees take wing
to nectar sweet with sticky feet
as skylarks start to sing
a ladybug sleeps yet so snug
beneath a quilted leaf
her dreams untold as wings unfold
as earthworms crawl beneath
the ants at work refuse to shirk
they have no time to play
and cabbage whites like stars at night
take flight and fly away
the field mouse and wooded louse
attract the watchful eye
of tawny owl and feathered fowl
that own the morning sky
a homeward cat puts pay to that
no bird is fool enough
to try to land where danger stands
All teeth and claws called Fluff
so morrow breaks and nature wakes
and soon enough will we
but until then this land of men
is theirs so naturally
 Jun 2014 Ciarra
 Jun 2014 Ciarra
sleepless nights
and countless attempts
of flirting with death.
fear and loneliness
until the last breath.
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