..been thinking in the language of poetry and scribbling verse from as early as I can recall of my days...FLASHBACK: born naked in India in …
Elsewhere somewhere.
Sometimes, I pretend to be normal. Instagram: @thekataleya Twitter: @catahleya Copyright reserved for all poems, mention if used. Please no plagiarism.
F/Manila, Philippines
As I See Myself Right Now, Content........settled here thankful........I'm no longer there yet...glad........I'd been there... ^^^ I Am Filled With Gratitude... ^^^ Sally
Lothersdale. north yorks
A cordwainer by trade, the last in line, an entrepeneur by nature married five kids. all grown up. work, shoemaking, farming, contracting, engineering, property developer, …
Married, with wife and a daughter. Tribal study, nature and environment, livelihood security of tribal are the preferred area of activity.
My name is Joseph Adomavicia, I am a licensed CNC Toolmaker full time, I also attend college part time at Naugatuck Valley Community College in …
F/east coast australia
(*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)