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Aug 2015 · 275
Well damn
Im happy
Its been a long battle of "I hate you"'s and other dark things
but I can smile and laugh and sing and dance and oh my god im sooooo happy
and all I can say in the moment is "well ****"
May 2015 · 732
cat and mouse
they chase me round and round
I don't want them
they offer me their hearts, their bodies, and love.
I don't want them
I never say no
I don't want them
I don't want them
I don't want them
please believe me
I just need you
Apr 2015 · 649
A Demon Calling
The bottle calls me.
Something like a roar.
but sultry like a singer
That rocks me to the core.
Shaken hands and finger
To much to ignore.
my fight is growing weaker
Not much more I can endure.
Apr 2015 · 1.9k
I love spring
I love spring
My favorite flowers are blooming.
The grass is green again.
spring showers passing thru.
but I hear Buzzing.
I hate spring.
Apr 2015 · 293
I see you.
freckeled nose and Bright smile.
the way you hide it.
The way you try.
Im not in love with you.
but I want to be.

— The End —