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charmaine Jun 2018
He told me:
  I want to change you, without so many words.
without the abrasiveness of so many words.
  let me do your eyebrows, he told me, what's wrong with them I asked:
they need an improvement, he told me.
' Hold my hand, Give me a kiss, I was about to touch your ****, but I held back some self - control' until his head rested on my breast without my permission.
All of this seems signs of something I have already experienced: a continuation of the same old play whose lead role never changes.
charmaine Jun 2018
Today, my father read my diary. it consisted of the innermost feelings that I share with no one. I never reread them and I leave all feelings on that page, on that day. The anger I felt was horrible, I threw the paper away and refuse to even acknowledge it. What I was going to write here, is now tainted, it's been seen by eyes that have not been granted permission and all the freedom in that paper is now in his head. I was questioned about if I'm venting and I responded "why did you read my mind, you nosy man?", he apologized but I still felt as though he ripped a part of me, a part of what makes me sane and relaxed. Now I know to keep everything even more hidden, more hidden than before. I thought my mind was a locked door, but people keep trying to get in, can I get peace from this world? Even in my own head?
charmaine Jun 2018
no one sees me as worthy to hold, to love unconditionally.

just a trophy to claim as a prize and stare at occasionally.
charmaine Jun 2018
trying to disappear

don't know how.

what i want i can't have, what i want doesn't want me, what i want i don't work hard for and what i can't have, i wish for.

i want a better way to express my contempt for the opposite illusion of this world. being bad will bring bad luck, being good will bring good luck.

only fairy tales and kicks in the back it feels to me.

im tired of waiting up for messages I'll never receive from people I'll never meet.

im sick of being in pain every month and knowing its continous unless i birth another useless me.

'one day it'll get better'

it could be 60 years and it never gets better. the world is ending and nobody cares, i might not be here to see it but id be glad when i depart this world.

i hope its not dark and cold. i hope its warmth and happiness, the feelings i want to feel, i hope they exist when i depart.

i don't want to leave so soon, whenever my heart decides it can no longer carry the pain, i will go.
witching hour thoughts
charmaine Mar 2018
my heart hurts.

it hurts all the time now.

constantly ripped out by disappointment and fabrications of lies.

i wish it didn't work, i wish i didn't feel it.

i wish the world wasn't so mean to weak-hearted fellows like me.

my eyes hurt

they hurt all the time now

constantly crying and dulling out from the pain my heart can no longer store.

i wish it didnt work, i wish i didnt cry at all.

i wish i didn't feel anything at all.
charmaine May 2017
my friend's boyfriend broke up with her.
(on her birthday)
he told her, (while she was already hurt by
the lack of care he'd given her) "we are not together."

confused. she asked him why.
his usual answer was: "you decided this months ago."

her memory as it was told to me,
she decided to end the relationship
after months of stress and a dislike for
him and herself.

after a few days, he'd made a horrible
plea for her heart and as weak hearts,
most likely do. she gave it back to him.

nothing changed, *** was still regular.
( not better, not any worse)
love was there, but only on her side.

after days of trying to talk and not annoy him,
he revealed that he was not in love with her,
he only liked her and stayed for so long,
as not to hurt her.

this hurt more than her heart could stand,
she thought it was going to pump its last
few breaths from the shock, she felt.

then after comfort from her sister,
she felt relief and free.
In the back of her mind, she knew the truth of him.
He didn't kiss her anymore, didn't ask for hugs, didn't
take photos together or try to hold her hand.

she was in love with a figment of her imagination
and he was better in her mind.

when she told him, that she already knew for a long time of her one-sided love. he seemed shocked that she knew. she told me

(how could one pretend so horribly to love me and seem to think I not

Confused that she seemed to brush him off,
he decided to blame her for their failed relationship
due to her lack of emotion and telling herself that (she'll be fine.)

He wanted to break her down, have her crawling back to him
like before when her heart was weak and he was weak and alone
without her.

She asked me, why do men do this?
( play with your heart, blame you for equal failures, then leave you to clean up the mess)

I told her, I did not know.
Maybe, just him, wants you to feel how he feels.
Or maybe he wants to laugh and mock you for being so naive again, so

She told me that he'd asked to fix it.
( I want to try again, I want to fix it.)
But there was nothing to fix.
There had been nothing there for years,
no love, no compassion, just a distance.

When I saw her a few years later,
she was with him,
it seems she did not take my words to heart
or her heart was too weak to leave him.

I just hope he really loves her now and if he hasn't,
then he's become a really good actor.
charmaine May 2017
i ****** you up so bad.
please forgive me and my selfishness,
my materialistic and stubborn nature.

i ruined your whole life,
you'll never trust another me again.
please forgive me and my ****** nature,
i don't mean to use my body against you.

i ****** you up so bad,
i made you depressed, insensitive and mean.
please forgive me and my horrible sarcastic tongue.

i ruined your whole life.
will you ever be happy?
will i?

i made you hate people and fall out of love with me,
and instead of letting you go. I held on so tightly,
i almost suffocated you.

i didn't care how bad things got, all i knew was that
i had you and no one else should taste what i have

please forgive me and my controlling nature.
i don't like change and i don't want you go.

i ****** you up so bad, i made you tell me
you loved me even when you didn't.

please forgive me and my hopeless romance.
i do love you, but we need to leave each other alone.

i ruined everything and i ****** you up so bad.
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