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And the monstrosity
walks up again to tap
on my tank.
You may think
I don't remember much,
but guess who forgot
to change my water last night, ha-cha-cha!
Your lucky I'm still living!
I'd leave to save you the trouble
but we both know
I don't have that choice.
Just so you know,
wearing the same underwear
two days in a row is never
acceptable, no matter the species.
When you feed me crumpled gold fish crackers,
I start feeling like a cannibal.
I'll make you a deal,
flush me and we'll call it even.
After living with you for three weeks,
I think I'll take my chances
with the sewer alligators.
So, I have always wondered what animals would say if they could comment on how humans take care of them. Kind of a weird idea.
 Jun 2015 Charlie Steers
Once so big
That spanned across my back
And kept me safe.
That stroked my hair
To ease my childhood pains.
That clasped my small hand
To protect me from harm.
Those hands like giant's
That held me as a newborn,
Now withered
And aged,
Ravaged by the passing of time,
Still hold my heart
Happy father's day to my own daddy & to my wonderful husband **
 Jun 2015 Charlie Steers
Bury my smile
And silence my laugh.
Let my chin drop
And my shoulders sag.
In the absence of company
I remove the vestiges
Of the person they think I am.
The last of the great pretenders.
 Jun 2015 Charlie Steers
this is not a poem

                       *just a mere

consisting of

                                         straight lines
and curves
Secrets spill from your lips
In hiccuped slurry speech
That night you learned the most important lessons
Teachers never teach

You're on the fence
But you always tumble in an empty bottle
Trapped on all four sides
Looking up at the light, legs weak and wobbly

And those lines you stood by
Those boundaries began to blur
All that you believed in
Every bridge you charred and burned

Did you find the answers
Laced within those pills?
This self medication will make you numb
To what you must rebuild
Not personal at all. I just decided my main character in this story I'm writing is going to get drunk at a party and it's gonna be messy. Another thing, I won't be writing much next month as I am doing Camp NanoWriMo. Hopefully I'll make it. :) And this poem is based on the story I'll be working on, actually. Not my best, I know.
Do you remember when we were boys?
When mischief was our main profession?
With mud about our corduroys
Walking from the field in our football procession?

We chased and tried to catch the girls
Whom we presumed thought us cool.
We occupied our time in class with jokes
Or smoking cigarette butts behind the school.

Time the tax-collector troubled us not
For all the years of these days,
Time was when we ate and how our race
Told our speed, which meant a lot.

Work was gathering stones to build our forts,
Scavenging sticks to build a fire of sorts,
Setting a trap for some unlucky beast,
Or waking to see the glorious sun rising in the east.

I remember when, God forgive our souls,
We skipped Mass (more than once, I might add)
To eat teachers' kolaches and doughnut holes,
But more for the adventures we had.

When we ran in the forest, we were Injuns.
When we sailed on the lake, we were Pirates,
But now we're just drab grown-ups,
Our characters weak as sand; like Pilate's.

What changed in us?
What made this so?
Temptation leads to sin, plus
Sin corrupts the soul.
The good ole days.
We're on the other side.
With blessing and permission
We begin each stride.
Someone should paint you in your beauty.
Other than me painting portraits in my mind.
You are so achingly beautiful,
every time I remember you I cry.
And I think about things I shouldn't,
like children and being a wife.
And I long that you would approve it,
anywhere and anytime.
I pray that God Himself could do it,
but we'll only see evidence in His time.
I will just keep loving you through this,
every time you're in or out
of the sight of my eyes.
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