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They flowed easy the tears of her
In her core was a kindness’ river
With a heart of gold a love too pure
Her bags were full with pains to endure!

Married at teen and a widow too soon
Her youth dark dimmed an eclipsed moon
Dragged to abyss and feasted upon
Bereft a blood she could call her own!

A wonder her life though ravaged much
Growing not hard she broke to the touch
Would come to grief at others’ pain
Her cheeks overflowing in sobbing rain!

As a child I felt at a time now far
On one short span spent with her
When my innocence could easily tell
Neath her frame was an earthly angel!

Wasn’t a beggar returned from door
A stray unfed to die on the road
She was there with a saving aid
Her own life though was left unpaid!

As I write this rebel locked tears
Break floodgates of long lost years
Reveals from the mist a haloed face
Of an angel of love and godly grace!
Rush not to her door
And startle her from slumber
Among her dreams
She treads with languid steps
Her heart beats softly
Soaking in the radiance
Unwrapping herself with ease
Letting herself bare
To grandeur of the landscape
Immaculately manicured garden
Golden rays welcome her
With open arms
Follow her footsteps
Lightly as they kiss the ground
Not aware of your presence
She’s yearning for you
Waiting for you to sneak in
And occupy here lonely chambers
Fill her life with your aroma
Rejuvenating the dreams
To become a constant reality
Rush not to her
She whispers her innermost feelings
To the trusted winds
Convey to you, the famed words
A celebration awaits the souls
As soon as you enter her dreams
Unaware of your presence
You take your time
Her door shall open for you
And there you both will be
For love’s till eternity
Dreams become a reality
tangled are you
tangled up in it
in it you fell, lost your footing
before you knew what was looming
and that you bought a ticket
straight to hell

tormented are you
like it was yesterday
in it you were, left standing
didn't know there was no landing
all alone on your own
profoundly obscure

twisted are you
twisted conflicted
in it you are, still afflicted
inter-wrought with captivity
another victim
of "The Bell Jar"

terrified are you
terrified solidified
in it you live, afraid to give
mortified paralyzed as horizons materialize
that shape-shift and betwixt
shattered emotive
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
There was so much building up,
I was expecting more of a rocket launch.
But I was wildly mislead.
It was more of a wipe out.
And now I'm stuck.
Half in the snow bank,
And half in the middle of the road.
Either way I'm backing up traffic.

How fitting.
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
I saw
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
Today I saw a flowing flower,
Today I saw a glowing snowman,
Today I saw a blinding sky,
Today I saw so many,
Today I saw nothing.
I know nothing about this discontentment,
This irritation and friction with sanity,
Suddenly it feels like I have not known my sanity,
I have a confession to make.
To my parents,
3 decades older than me.
To tell them that I’ve been lying to them,
Lying about my degree, education and academic wealth,
For almost two years.
The fact is,
I had no choice but to tell them all is well
When the awls were pricking into my tender innards.
The time has come now,
Because I can no longer continue telling the untruth,
I tried if I could crawl in the campus,
Under the tag of being institutionalized,
For them.
Every day that I kept a straight face to them,
I trembled and felt the roars of the rising schizophrenic worlds, bit by bit, all around me.
I felt the unknown telugu that I heard in my mother tongue,
In my dad's voice.
Him renouncing me.
Him grabbing his head,
So as not to explode from the dirge of my living dead.
I hear my parents abusing me, in the random shouts of my neighbors.

I saw it all so clear.
I screamed.
I ranted.
But, found no warmth anywhere.
The fear, anticipation and confusion have killed my sanity.

Today, I flutter like a half-winged bird,
In the darkness of yesterday,
That my parents count as lit.
But then I released,
Knowledge is free.
And, knowledge is everywhere.
And knowledge came to me,
not with the stamps and seals of degrees,
But the enlightenment
From a concoction of three snorts of ******* and a dash of a little LSD on a Hoffman blot.
I rebelled mad in my high,
That I will no longer be institutionalized.
That I’m a free soul.
I became sober,
But my interests did not change.
Its been two years,
And I’m still astray, waiting to fully feel the freedom I have opted for.
For the pain of the mismatch I pour into my parent’s ears,
It kills me each day, second and time.
I have the guts to confess to my parents,
With neither shame nor embarrassment,
That my path is true and solid.
I wish not to be trained no more, to live.
I wish to simply live on my own.
I want them to know the truth.
That I have my house.
My kitchen.
My milk pan, mixer and fridge.
Today, if that **** that happened 5 years ago to me,
had happened now,
I know how to stand.
On my feet,
and hand him, my ******,
over to the law's eagle blind beaks sharper than the awl of my gossamer mists. Rather than bend my conviction, arrogance and identity to that ******* of a coward.

I want them to know that this is the only way.
I earn myself.
I live myself.
I’m free.
I have to be free.
I write all that I will.
And do forever the same.
I just,
Have to be free.
I will be free.
Presently, I have confessed, my dad hugged me and set me free. Assured me that he will be there at every juncture. It was just the 2-years of my poetic schizophrenia!!!
Thanks Pa, I'll stun you someday too :D :-*
To every kid out there, finding his own path, lying to parents, just so that they feel everything is alright, Hon', just keep walking. Parents are one of the biggest mysteries. Don't try predicting what they'll do, 'Cause they're gonna stun you blind. Just blind it all with your searing faith in yourself. So, don't waste any time, run, my child. Run!
Good Luck.
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