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 May 2017 carissa
I feel it arising
that deep down inside feel
my eyes clear
the pages  open
the words flow
arrange theirselves
in certain
and the paper
takes it all
like a lover you
long ago
Would words ever flow
If thoughts never poured ...

What if ...
They got stagnant
In the Reservoir

And never
Found a channel to the stream.

Let the thoughts pour
Make the words flow

Channelled into
The beautiful stream
Forever With
The Rivers of Dreams
Thoughts can only survive in the beauty of words .
 May 2017 carissa
Guadalupe Meza
Why do we feel things we didn't ask for?
Why do we get things we don't want?
Why do we find things we try to avoid?
Why do we hold on to things we should let go?
Why do we love the things that hurt us most?

Why is it so hard to walk away?
Why is is so hard to see reality?
Why is it so hard to let go?
Why is it so hard to find the right path?

I didn't ask for this,
I didn't ask to feel this way.
You said "it would've been fine,"
"It wouldn't change anything."

You left me thinking,
Wondering if I have more feelings,
It's eating me up inside.
I don't want to tell you,
For I fear for whats on the inside.
This poem goes with my other poem "Answers".
Made with help by Shalia
 May 2017 carissa
Love is different for everyone**
there is no definition that fits every situation
love can be a feeling, an action, or just a word

I should have told you
what love meant to me
before I started giving it to you
before I whispered
those words in your ear

I should have asked you
what love meant to you
before I assumed your words
meant the same as mine
and that they weren't just words
 May 2017 carissa
I think we forget
to take pleasure in the small things

If we listened to rain
as if it were a symphony of angels
Maybe we wouldn't mind so much
if our plans got rained out

If we watched each sunset
as if we might never see another again
Maybe we would notice
how beautiful it really is

If we took in every compliment
without hesitation
Maybe we would realize
that we really are beautiful

But we tend to shrug these off
instead of really enjoying them
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