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2.3k · Jul 2015
Carolina Soto Jul 2015
When Love itself
Comes to kiss you,
Don't hold back.
As you would with every kiss...
Passionate and fearlessly.
1.8k · Jul 2015
Love's not blind
Carolina Soto Jul 2015
We think that  
when a lover inflates his loved one
he or she is failing to acknowledge their  flaws...

"Love is blind" we say ...
but it may be the other way around

You see ...

Love allows a person to see
the true angelic nature of another,
their halo,
the aureole of divinity.

Love permits
an extrasensory capability of looking deeper into the soul.

And for that reason,
Genuine love
could not be blind.
723 · Aug 2015
Women are BEAUTY
Carolina Soto Aug 2015
There is so much beauty in being a woman.

Our femininity brings with it a great deal of intuition,
sensibility, & understanding ,
all which the opposite *** could probably never attain.

We are gifted with an extra load of kindness,
compassion & warmth.

We have a strength so powerful to overcome pain & grow from it.

Forgiveness, endless love & the ability to heal oneself & others with it.

Because you're a woman,

that alone makes you infinite


So embrace it.

**Let your own love & light guide you.
332 · Jul 2015
Carolina Soto Jul 2015
If I wouldn't have met you,
I wouldn't know the warmth and tenderness of a simple hug and kiss.

If I wouldn't  have met you,
I wouldn't have known the depth and beauty of such a pure love.

If I wouldn't have met you...
I wouldn't know the true meaning and pain to the words distance and patience.

If I wouldn't have met you,
I wouldn't have known how much you can adore another being, merging into there existence and becoming one.  

If I wouldn't have met you,
I wouldn't know how incredibly powerful the physics of love can draw you towards another individual, magnetically pulling you to them time after time.
Because baby I must admit,
There is something so mystical about you and I.
Knowing you opened my soul to spirituality.
It made me believe in a higher force which bounds us to other individuals,
That if If wouldn't have met you,
not in this life time at least...
I'd meet you in the next one,
And most likely, in the one after that.
Because honey,
souls cross ages like clouds cross skies
& yours,
Yours has been here before

So I know no matter what,

**I'll always meet you.
I love you Chris

— The End —