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Carolin Jun 2015
They shut my lips when
I was a kid. I was raised
to not say a word not to
have an opinion. To be
controlled like a robot.
To be taught to stay
silenced. They shut my
lips with black coloured threads.
So i don't say my thoughts
out loud I was locked in a
prison cell. And it was a
living hell. No privacy was
allowed just a bunch of
weird rules. No internet
after midnight. No boys
or noise. They said the
poetry I write is just crap
and a waste of time as
they claimed that they
hate my rhymes. I think
they said that cause of
the knowledge they lack.
Twenty years was all it
took to snap the threads
one at a time. To breathe
to talk and to be free
again* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
I took a deep breath and
exhaled flames that put
my past to rest. I watched
my pages ******* and
burn down. I saw my past
become dust and ash in
a fraction of a second.
In a heartbeat it was
descending ~
Carolin Aug 2015
I cried constellations that

That night i refused to give
up the fight with voices inside
of my head.

I fought hard before i went to

And when i closed my eyes I
heard them say their last

And in that moment I was freed
from the torture and pain.

I cried stars that night.

Went to sleep with a smile on
my face as the world fell

I went to sleep finally knowing
that I have won the the war
with no bullets or sword* ~
Carolin Sep 2015
He has forest trees caught
on flames below his elbows.
And my hands can feel the
heat and smoke. But I wouldn't
mind putting out his fire with
the tears that are falling from
my brown eyes. I wouldn't mind putting out his flames with the wetness between my thighs. I wouldn't mind putting out his
flames with my mouth and
tongue* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Im holding on to you
before your wings crash
and fall. Hush now i'll bow
down to you and kiss your
sadness away. You can
call it madness if you want.
Give me your hands to hold.
I'll protect them from the
blistering cold. Let me hug
you at the times you feel your
growing old. Your eyes shine like pretty
emeralds and diamonds.
Let me stare at them because
they'll help guide us. I can see
stories of our future , us , our
children a wooden cottage even
your college degree. It's true
that's what I see. Come on
darling light up a smoke i'll tell
you a joke and soon we'll leave
this town because lately it's
been making you frown*  ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Dancing swans and
painted angel wings.
Melodies coming from
a distant memory.
Dripping ink and bleeding
pages. Unicorns prints
found in the season of
breeding all over hills
with melted snow.
Colours fading from
the walls. And i am left
alone again reading behind
my bedroom door on
the porcelain floor* ~
Carolin May 2015
In the rain up on the
forest trees. He climbed
up to play the piano
softly for me. Touching
the black and white
keys while humming
along his secret
melody* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
And darling i'll
play my soul's
symphony just
for you whenever
you ask me to*  ~
Carolin Jan 2016
I hollowed out this
space in my heart
for you in case you
ever need a safe
place to stay.
I watered the seeds  
underneath my
skin. Incase you need
a garden with flowers
of pink , purple and
blue to meditate
in* ~
Carolin Oct 2015
Torn like forgotten old
musical notes.

Left alone to bleed out
the saddest of melodies
from my veins.

The world was getting
heavy and the lights
began to dim. I stopped
eating and became little
and thin.

Waiting for someone to
pass by and fix me
before I die.

Waiting for the sunshine
to shine on my soul.

I shut my eyes and saw
a man wearing red
walking towards

He had scotch tape and
a bag that read the word
"Love" on it.

He picked me up and
dusted me off.

Sat me on his lap and
made me rest on his

And began to play gently
on the old broken piano
keys a song that he
claimed was
for me.

I thought this was all
a dream.

I couldn't believe that
this was happening
to me.

To be loved and healed.
To have a man who
glued my notes.  

And weaved the best
of melodies all over
my skin and bones.

And most of all to finally
not have to deal with
this life and mad
world on my
own* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
She grabbed him by the tie in a rush.
"Quick, I've got to catch my flight."

Glancing back at the sky.

Her face may have showed a blush.
Or a beautiful tint of love it might.

I was left with the feeling of her kiss
on my lips.
Amazed by the beauty and the flow of her dress.

"See you soon I guess"

She looked back and grabbed me
by the heart while she gave me one
last soul touching kiss ~
Written with my soulmate and I :)
Carolin Jun 2015
Kissing is an art.
You won't know
that if you haven't
done it from the start.
Wars rage on in the
mouths of those who
kiss. Wars of gentle
love by both of their
tongues. A kiss can
heal and make you
numb. It can also
make you feel and
become undone. It's
not about how long
you kiss. But how
the lips move along
with the person you
love. A true kiss that
is free of sin is the
one that you feel given
on your soul and heart
but not just on the
surface of your skin.
And like I said kissing
is a form of art* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
Driving in the rain
and the cold. He
parked on the side
of the road to kiss her
deep and hard till he
got a taste of her soul.
She felt him on her
tongue oh so magnificent
and warm. He tasted like
the kind of pills that the
depressed suggest to take
to get a taste that's close
to happiness to make them
forget about what’s causing
their sadness and what's
driving them insane. He
kissed her as his tongue
collided with hers. He told
her he’s never seen such
beauty like hers before.
Whispering poetry down
her throat he told her the
best of words. Starting with
“I love you and ending with
“My heart and soul will
always be yours*” ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Kiss the hurt away
and bury the remaining
parts of it in earth's gentle
dirt. Stretch out my black
angelic wings and teach
me how to fly. Wrap your
hands around my bruised
hips and kiss my chapped
blood red lips. Sway the night
with me under the starry sky.
Your the only one who refused
to watch my life fade away slowly and leave me die. Because of that you made me speechless and not knowing how to reply* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
You are my song and where i wanna be. Come on love hum this secret melody along with me. I want to feel your breath on the back of my neck even if it's just for a sec . My heart is yours to fill or burst to break or bury whichever you prefer . This night is wild its waking up my inner child . My hopes are getting high that you might kiss me when it's  midnight . Don't hesitate go for it kiss me endlessly without stopping for a break kiss me so i die happy ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Kiss me a poem and set the poets free .
Watch them write and you'll see what
a real poet can be . Blackened ink runs
through their veins causing them to write
every word with such passion . Trying not
to break the poets curse as the ink starts to
burst out of the pen they lay their words down
as constellations with just the help of paper and pen ~
Carolin Aug 2014
We call hotdogs on a
bun kitchen fun. A roller
and dough is all we need
to be ready to go. Some
chocolate , love and
flour on our aprons could
be lovely just like your
fragrance. Chicken and
spices that smell nice
could be kind of a surprise
if we cook it while we roll
the dice. Fish and rice with
a shot of ***** and ice
could be just as nice. You
be my cook tonight and i'll
be your assistant. I'll kiss
you while the food is on the
stove. Then give you the
sweater that i wove to keep
you warm from winter's blistering
cold.  Darling nothing can
compare with this kitchen fun
and our love up in the air* ~
Carolin May 2015
We call hotdogs on a
bun kitchen fun. A roller
and dough is all we need
to be ready to go. Some
chocolate , love and
flour on our aprons could
be lovely just like your
fragrance. Chicken and
spices that smell nice
could be kind of a surprise
if we cook it while we roll
the dice. Fish and rice with
a shot of ***** and ice
could be just as fine. You
be my cook tonight and i'll
be your assistant. I'll kiss
you while the food is getting
ready on the stove. Then give
you the sweater that i wove to
keep you warm from winter's
blistering cold. Darling nothing
can compare with this
kitchen fun and our love
up in this midnight's air* ~
Carolin May 2015
We left our homes the
way maple leaves do.
We fell effortlessly and
free from our trees. We
said our good byes and
passionately kissed the
branches before we left
and landed softly on earth's
gentle grounds. But autumn
had murdered us , stood
from a distance and laughed
like scary clowns do
as we fell down without
making a single
sound* ~
Carolin May 2015
The dark taught
me how to write.
While he taught
me how to love
with the remaining
ashes of my broken
little innocent
heart* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Grab a fist full of my
silk hair. Play with it
as if it's like the strings
that are stretched perfectly
on your maroon coloured
wooden violin* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Let's go on a road trip
and make your body my
map. Explore every mark
on your skin before i turn
the keys in the ignition of
your car and drive far. Let's
dance with our pants off for
fun you can even undo my bra.
Twist and twirl under
the heat of the sun. Sway
with me in front of ocean
bays or chase me in a garden
maze. Then go out for a pizza and beer.Have baby moons
for dinner with me and teach
me Jagger's dance moves
while we sip our wine from
these twisted vines. Cover
my behind in pizza dough then
go out and make angels in
the snow. Drench me in ice-
cream then ill watch you
become indecisive as you
stand in front of me not
knowing where to begin
licking it off my skin or where
to sin. Hold my hand and
roll down hills and skip the
talking about our bills for
a day. Let's stay in and play
with each other maybe even
kiss under the covers while
we listen to Mozart play his
violin. Let's chase bunnies
when the sunsets in the
meadows and cover our selves
with tiny shiny red bows. Let's
tangle our limbs when its after
dawn and exchange delicate
kisses on one other starting
from the head and ending at the
toes. Let's name the stars together under the dark night sky before
we make passionate love then
zone off and dream of getting
high , mermaids and astronauts
in outer space.Let's eat peanut
butter and jelly and show off
our bellies. Let's do everything together. Hand in hand we'll
find the courage to do all these
plans. Let's be free you and
me for an eternity* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Let's have a child.
Share our DNA and
create a tiny human.
Watch it crawl across
the bedroom floor. Watch
it grow , stand up and fall.
Take him out to the park.
Watch him play sports
and go to school. Kiss
his little hands and feet
while we change its
diapers and oil him
up too. Let's have a
child together me
and you* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
Run away with me , to
the mountains and
between forest trees.
Let's show the culture
that we can change things
around. Let's show them
that love makes everything
better. Let's show them
that we're stronger together.
Let's show them that love
can last forever. Let's prove
them wrong this winter
during this sweater weather.
We'll say our vows as the
winds caress our skin and
shout out for an encore
while they clap in awe.
And watch us kiss again
and again as we blush
and drench one another
in giggles and
laughs ~
Carolin Mar 2015
Letters gather on
her skin forming the
best of words she
hears from him* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Four letters forming one word.
Two vowels jump aboard.
L.O.V.E is not an extraordinary
word. I wrote it down with
ink on the paper looked up
and heard a sigh. Turned left
and right i didn't find anyone
in sight. Grabbed my pen
and looked down to write again.
Found the paper moving
gently up and down. And i
heard the letters sigh. Thought
I'm high but what i saw and
heard was true. Ran a finger
on the letters written down i
felt a pulse. As if the letters
had a heart beat of their own.
Ran to shut my bedroom door
so no one walks in. Grabbed
my pen and wrote the L and O
the V and the E. And the letters
giggled at me saying "We know
about you and him*" ~
Carolin Jan 2016
Light me up like a
cigarette and match.
Inhale me in like your
morning smoke.
Wrap me up the
same way you do
with your paper
rolls and
Breathe me in the
same way you did
with your **** at
the age of seventeen
back then when you
were wild and free* ~
Carolin May 2015
Like a wolf in the night
we run faster than the
speed of light. Filling the
midnights silence with our
howls as we wake up the
owls while the arrows on
humans clocks go tick tock.
Running through God's
woods marking every tree
as our territory. Hoping that
our hearts will break free from
the cages they beat behind.
Trying to speak in the language
of humans. Trying to tell the
world that the wolf running
by my side is mine. Mine till
eternity mine as long as there
is gravity keeping us together
side by side on gentle earth's
ground. Running through the
woods as the winds ruffle
through our heavy fur we
reached the river side and
made our vows. Making sure
that the angels above have
written it down on the clouds
of fluff. So everyone could
witness the story of our
love* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
We are like two different thoughts synced with our heartbeats,
We are like the wayfaring bodies traveling on the same streets,
We are like the moon and the sun, loving each other afar,
With galaxies around me, yet wishing for a shooting star.

We are like the coffee and the tea, gulped during a winter breeze,
We are like the pheromones generated by a gentle squeeze,
We are like two steady boats flowing in tranquility,
With innumerable happy faces around me, yet i find yours very pretty*

Your face is prettier than me.
Beautiful than the blue oceans
and skies. Calming like the waves
in the shallow rivers. Calming
like the way morning dew falls
down on rose petals. We are
like kings and queens living in
royalty. The way you look at me
and the way i bow down to you
when you call me your majesty
makes me feel like living the life
of luxury. We're like
peanut butter and jelly and how
they get mixed up together while
they make their way down to
one's belly. We are like coffee
and cream because of the way we
both go together. Most of all we
have a love that's not mainstream.
Not like those couples we see constantly
on TV. You make my
every day seem like a valentines
to me. Just by bringing me treats and
kissing me under the sheets
while we sit together. Every day i pray
that this is how we'll stay for
an eternity. I pray that we'll be husband
and wife for an infinity* ~
Bluestarfall in bold
Carolin in italics
Our first collab together. Looking forward to write much more later with him.
He's fun and talented it really was a wonderful experience.
Please check his page later from the link below :)
Carolin Apr 2015
Little boy with wounds
on his heart. And scars
on his feet. Little boy
wondering off and lost
in the streets. Looking for
something to eat. Looking
for his family’s picture in
the sand. Little boy with a
broken toy in his hand. And
bruises on his lips. Runs in
the streets with no clue looking
like a fool. All he wants is a warm
hand to hold and a heart to crawl
in when it’s night and time for
bed* ~
Carolin Mar 2015
He splattered me in ink I did not own.
Entered my heart and called it his home.
Made me feel like a queen on her throne.
He drenched me in kisses and promised
to wrap this body i own in his dazzling arms
of shinny gold until the light of dawn creeps
through the cracks of our window. Until the
sunshine comes up and makes love to our skin.
And that was when i knew a new chapter of our
lives is about to begin. Starting with me and
ending with him* ~
Carolin Apr 2015

Trapped in a bowl under
the sea. Where the gold
fish twist and twirl looking
at me. All i want is to be
free. All i want is to swim
out and be me. Maybe
we're trapped in a metaphor
instead of a glass bowl.
Maybe this is a way to
make us feel pretty and
beautiful. Should i sit on
my chair and start to
meditate ? Or should i
get up and find a way
to escape* ?

Frequencies so low
Heart on a string
A string that only plays solos
Rain made of echoes
Tidal wave rushing on and on
Shell made out of gold
Found on a beach, picked up
and you held so close. Rain washed
out it's glow, heart beat steady leads
me down below
Anthony in bold.
Carolin in italics.
Another collab with the
talented Anthony Mooney :)
Check his link below
Carolin Mar 2015
And darling i look at you
when i feel sad and blue. I
close my eyes and count from
three to two. Shutting my tired
lids i can see you telling my pain
sincere goodbyes in the very back
of my mind. I look at you after
that and know deep down inside
that our love is forever and true* ~
Carolin Sep 2015
Walking on the fluff of clouds. Singing happy songs out loud. Breathing autumns fresh air.
Wearing a bra that matches
my black lace underwear. I
wonder around town without
a clue. Going to places that
remind me of the scent of you. Observing around. Looking
like a fool looking like a clown. Looking for a place that's
similar to Alice's wonderland
in a hole underground.
Looking for a place
where we could
be alone and
never found* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Lost in you and everything
you do.The way winds ruffle
through your hair and how you
eat your chocolate truffles. Lost
in the way your eyes shimmer when the lights around us get a bit dimmer. The corners of your smile and the secrets they hold. Lost in the way
the blood rushes through your veins when you talk about your own passions. Lost in you when you kiss me and make me feel your soul collide against mine almost creating a spark with a little bit of fire. When you hug me tight and tell me you're mine. It's those moments that i love the most when your love mixes with my blood and leaves me sitting there lost in you* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
I feel loved by your lion heart.
I felt this from the very start.
Promise to not let anyone set
us apart. Kiss me in the dark
while we stand in central park.
Tell me stories while we lay
down under the million shining
little stars. This love is like a
fire ablaze. It let's people watch
and gaze amazed. I feel your
love rushing through my veins
filling me with passion. Can
you feel it darling ? Can you
feel you my love in you from
head to toe ? If yes kiss me
over and over again to let me
know. Then we can go home
and spend the night tangled
in your bedsheets till the a.m
comes and we head down to
the streets off to work. Then
head back home to make
nonstop love on our bed and
bedroom floor* ~
Carolin May 2015
Out of all the sins people
are committing around the
world someone gets the nerve
and tells me loving that man
of yours is a sin. We're all
made from the same stardust.
We all worship the same God.
Why try to ruin a person's
happiness in the name of religion ? Seriously they must be kidding.
From ****** to ISIS to stealing
and lying they claim my love
for him is also a terrible crime.
There are no rules for love. The
heart will always want what it
wants. Whether the people
around like it or not. Out of all
the chaos going around the
world they find the time to laugh
and point at the chaos of mine.
They speak of love as if they've
seen it before and felt it. But I'm afraid I have to call them blind
and not having a **** clue. For
they cannot pause to define
and they cannot measure it's
depth. I'm afraid their talks are becoming such a bore. And I
pity for such empty wondering
silly souls* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Blood coursing through
my veins. Driving me crazy
and insane. Boiling with fatal
desire. I claw my way on your
body. Begging you to touch me
in ways that'll make my soul run
wild and free screaming out the best
of poetry while you switch positions
and sit on top of me. While kissing you
passionately i'll show you the freak I've
been hiding inside of me* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Running wild with the
dragons breathing blazing
flames. Nobody wanted me
and neither did I. But you
were all that I desired. Thoughts
of you rushed through my dark twisted
mind. And when the shuffling pictures
paused in my brain I saw your
moonlit shining face. You were happy
and free. Just like chirping birds up in
trees. The universe wanted you to meet
me. We're young  and wild so grab my
hand and run away with me. All the signs
show that this is our destiny. Promise you'll
love me for an eternity* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Dress me up in different
shades of pink. Then stab
my heart and watch it bleed
with the ****** poet’s ink.
Just know whatever they
want to do to with me  
I’ll be there loving
you* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
There are angels up in the sky tonight and ripples in the bed sheets. Your poetry is making this heart of mine beat leaving echoes of your name from within. Kiss the places under my ribs and brush the chaos off my skin. The wild in me is tamed only by the love you give. Crawl under my skin and let the sin begin. I'll be your queen and make you my king on the throne. Let me kiss your whiskey flavored lips and I promise I'll tell you words that will make your bones shake. For now just hold me down and kiss me hard for heavens sake ~
Carolin Feb 2015
Tell me secrets between my thighs.
Run your fingers down my neck and
spine. Light a fire from within my veins.
Write me between the lines. Mention my
name in-between the rhymes you make up.
Take me into your story write me down
between the stains of your black ink. Write
me down on the pages the way some write
about their glory. Light fireworks inside of my
chest after each and every kiss. Strip my dress
off while you confess to me about your past and
darkest sins. Let me be your priest and religion.
Let me be what you believe and store your faith
in. Let me touch you from head to toe. Let me
walk with you in winter’s freezing snow. And
drift away in the winds with you like dandelions
do in the season of spring. Read me the way you
do with your ****** poetry at night under the green
coloured sheets of your bed with your hands reaching
deep down in your grey sweat pants. Read the
words engraved on my skin. Crave me the way
you crave *** , trance , dubstep and sin* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
Lyrical love.
Sent from above.
Could I be in heaven?
No, it's 20 to seven.
Still in bed,
can't get it through my head.
Wake up, get up!
Time to emerge,
and feel that surge.
They tell me,
it's the beauty of life!
We live and struggle,
to endure this strife.
My heads in a muddle.
The words are flowing,
But girl, I'm in trouble.
At the intersection,
Losing my direction

Grab onto my hand.
I’ll take you out of this
rubble and trouble.
We’ll live in our own
bubble. Off off and away
we’ll go to wonderland.
Where the fairies fly and
cast spells with their magical
wands and watch the black
swans. While they sit and
dangle their tiny feet in ponds
and sing all kinds of happy
songs. Grab on to my hand
and watch the lilacs float away
as the cool breeze moves them
up and down upon the crystal
clear waters.
So wake up, get up we have no
time to waste we have dreams and
butterflies that are waiting to be
chased. And cigarette smokes to
be blown up up and away at the
end of the day. Grab onto my hand
and ill show you the beauty of life
and this wonderland

Girl, girl take me away.
yearn to live for another day.
These crazy dreams,
I can't believe .
Can it be real?
Acquisition, proposition, definition of an unattainable life.
It's never enough.
But, one look in your eye,
and I dismiss all the tough,
existence I see.
That ravages my mind,
never letting me be.
I take your hand,
so tall we stand.
This world we see,
has destiny.
Some say is written,
but **** it hurts!
Like I've just been bitten.
Ambiguous grey clouds,
need to push through.
To puff away the moments
that hold me so blue.
I waited for love,
from heavens above.
I'm an only planet
which orbits your sun.
I feed off your warm energy,
photosynthesis of heart and mind.
Our bodies in turn,
reach out and burn.
The chlorophyll I make,
will never break,
on this leaf of life
we share
Hani in italics
Carolin in bold
I enjoyed writing this poem with him. Looking forward to write more and more with the talented Hani :D
Check out his link below
Carolin Jan 2015
She’s mad about you and all the
little things you do. How you walk
and how you talk. You should be
like a stop sign. Cause of the way
you make her heartbeats pause and
go off the line. She’s mad about you
because you’re her’s to love to kiss  to
hold, to grow old with and keep. The
love they share is stronger than diamonds
in which it makes it hard for anyone to
come through and try to make it crumble
and crash to the ground the way autumn
leaves do. Or turn to ash that’s coloured in
grey and brown just like a cremated body
does after being burnt in flames. She’s mad
about you and all of the crazy things you do.
This explains why she fell easily for you and
became your wife for the rest of your life* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
Madly in love
with the boy who
holds the ocean
between the palms
of his hands and
collects the seashells
from the golden sand.
The boy who understands
the darkest corners of my
twisted own mind. The boy
who managed to brush the
chaos off my skin. I'm madly
in love with him.* ~
Carolin Jan 2016
I'll be flexible enough
to fold myself into a
boat to save you when
your drowning. I will
draw you a sun with
my crayons and oil
paint to make sure
the light shines on
your face when your
own lights start to
fade. I will cradle
you behind the
bones of my rib
cage on those
nights where
to open
eyes* ~
Carolin Dec 2015
Clothes stripped on the
porcelain floor. Shaving
foam applied on his beard.
A razor blade is held up
against his throat. Her
******* are now fully
exposed. They sit against
the sink his eyes blink as
she moves up closer
to him.

Head back on the wall.
She's got full control. Sharp
blades caress his skin. She
whispers sweet poetry as
the blade touches him. Feeling worried feeling little and thin.
He let's her carry on and do
her thing.

Silence falls as lust begins
to show in their eyes. They
both feel the heat and tension.
As she wipes off the cream
that's placed over his chin.
The good vibes start rise and
the love fumes caress the
walls and doors. He tells her
a story of a bride and a groom.
Little by little they find
themselves standing in
the bedroom.

Their hearts beat in sync.
Lust isn't making them think.
Passion stirs in their veins. They
both head to the bed. Skin on
skin. Chest to chest. Lips caressing each others necks. She moans
as he roars. Romantic poetry trembles out of their tongues
and wet lips. Chaos settles
in their hearts.

They finish their hot mess
and lay on their backs to rest. Hearing the pendulum clock
go tick tock. Wrapped in blankets they cuddle and snuggle. And
wait for dawn to come along.
So they head to the dock and
talk about their future plans and dreams. To kiss and hug as
they wait for the morning
sun rise and kiss their
faces and blushing
cheeks* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Tangled in love. Tangled in
his bedsheets. Arms on back
chest to chest. Lips to lips.
That's how they kissed and
kissed. The clouds above in
the sky didn't hesitate and
ask why. The angels above
awed and cried. Tears of joy
and love fell down on them.
The flowers giggled and
gossiped. While the summer
grass outside danced gently
from the left to to the right.
Promises were said in the
language of kisses in bed.
His body was explored with
her hands and tongue as if
he was a shipwreck that was
long gone and she went back
to find the lost treasure just
like in the stories and myths
that were told over centuries.
For his eyes were gems. His
arms were gold. His beauty
looked better than shimmering silverware and pearls. He's
the lost treasure that she claimed
will be hers till the end of time.
For his love drove her insane
and blind. And she found that completely fine. "I'll love for an infinity" she said. "I'll marry you
for that sweet little heart caged
in that chest of yours and keep
you mine. And darling your
beauty will be to blame" he
replied* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
I'll try to be brief.
You remind me of
a maple leaf. How
bravely it falls.
How it's flawless
as it dances while it
makes its way down
to the solid floor.
Your skin is lovely light
brown just like the maple
leaf laying innocently on
the ground. The way the
winds carry it away from
town to town. Is similar to
how the winds carry to me
your voice and sound.
Whenever im feeling down
ill carry a maple leaf around
in the pocket of my ripped
jeans. This way you'll be kind
of close to me. You'll always
be hanging on a maple leaf
tree during the autumn
season. Which is the season
where our love was found.
And that was the first time
our souls had ever felt wild
and free* ~
Carolin Dec 2015
I tried not to let it show.
The scars and damage.
My wounded heart , broken
ribs and soul. The sorrow
and pain. The thought of
not being the same as they
wanted me to be. Society
was to blame. Took a mattress instead of a boat. Off to the
river I went to make it float.
Had nothing with me but white sheets and a pillow. Left my
books and music back home.
I watched the fish swim from
down below between the river
black and silver grey stones. Wondered for hours in my
thoughts. Was this decision
right or was it wrong. To
runaway miles from home.
Or to let the voices in my
head take full control. Laid
back on my mattress and
looked above to God's velvet
red skies. The sun was setting
down. It was so calm and quiet.
The waters created good
vibes along. Felt like this
was some kind of meditation.
I never felt this better with
out my antidepressants
medication before. Shut
my eyes and wondered
through the empty
hallways of my mind.
They were pretty much
like dark corridors.
Shadows of the night
followed along. Shut
my eyes and listened
to the soft melodies
of the gentle currents.
Thought of staying
out in the river some
more and row back
later to home when
I feel ready and
strong* ~
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