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  Mar 2021 Zero
youre my sun on the cloudy days.
the chill on a springs breeze.
the flowers lining my house.
youre the beat in my favorite songs.
the birds in the early morning.
youre the beauty in the world.
  Feb 2021 Zero
The glass shattered on the floor
I stared at it

- i threw it on the ground but,
I couldn’t comprehend my purposeful
destruction -

I loved that cup

Why did I break it?

Sadness fills me up -but- like that cup
I can’t contain the content anymore
  Feb 2021 Zero
Carlo C Gomez
Exiled to dusk,
Fractions of the sun
Begin to lift away,
In concealment
We shudder,
Casting our reels
Into a pond of uncertainty,
Clock hands bend
With advancing shadow,
And speak of time
Only in past tense.

I so want everything
I ever felt for you
Preserved for posterity,
Even should forever
Be far less than
We imagined.
  Feb 2021 Zero
The Unsung Writer
She stands at the edge of a forest with arms outstretched,
And her shadow mingles with the long shadows of firs on the snow.
She bends at a fire.
Beyond the cottage, faint in the crystalline night,
A wolf howls and is answered by another.
She brushes back her hair, comes to lie beside him on the bed of feathers.
She runs on the summer beach on the lake, and he believes that she is laughing.
He tries to go to her, but is held back.
She is standing on the edge of the lake, calling to him,
Calling his name with one hand beckoning, but when he tries to move toward her,
She fades into the mist.
  Feb 2021 Zero
the blade sat,
buried in her moon white skin.
rivers ran, gushing their flow down the cracks and imperfections in her arms.
she sat,
the blade buried into her and with a sigh she said
"ill see you soon my love"
Zero Feb 2021
you left me falling apart on the hotel floor.
melting into puddles of tears and forgotten memories.
you left me broken, crumbling, pulling apart.
all for her.
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