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50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles    Drummer through reality Writer as for panacea. I'm a greater drummer than you can understand in reality, however, I have great resolve and affinity within …
Shubhankar Mathur
25/M/India    You just gotta keep livin’ man, L-I-V-I-N.
27/F/the edge of the earth    1 Corinthians 13:12 INFJ mysteries of the natural world
F/tropical island    Splashes of expression to bring the depth of this moment into life. All copyrighted poems Shamamama
Kate Copeland
59/M    The beauty that befell my eyes the very day we met, is more than I could ever hope to see And now as time has …
a wildfire
'tower up into the night like a young tree.' photographer. i write about shadows and light and love.
John Glenn
Ph    come as you are
Em MacKenzie
35/F/Ottawa    I have a passion for poetry, fiction, music and all things beautiful. I enjoy bright colours and night-time quiet conversation. All writing is intellectual property …
sheila sharpe
74/F/Kegworth    I have now written so many poems, but intend to write still more. I focus on feelings, memories, conservation, and a sense of desperation as …
M    I decided not to publish personal details, not to bias the readers opinion. Let the words speak for themselves. Most of these are translated from …
and in my mind I still need a place to go
112/F/WA    I am a devoted student of poetry and yoga.
Mike Marshall
Western Montana    Formerly: teacher, cop, deckhand, salesman, manager, controller, tour guide, student, nurse, wildlife technician. Currently semi-retired, active in Lions Club, build web sites, spend much quality …
41/M/Couch to couch USA    I’m still here.
Sajini Israel
Sajini Israel is a writer and poet
Jonathan Witte
East of Georgia Avenue   
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