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BZQ Oct 2014
i want to touch you in all the places no one has ever touched and hold your hands in all the ways you’ve never let them be held. i want to love you in all the ways you never knew you could be loved and show you how good two people can look between a set of sheets. i want to say to you all the things you should have been told that night and make you feel what you thought was only possible in a dream. i want to treat you the way you should have been treated before and let you know what a blessing you are to this world. i want to give you the whole world to you.

- bejal
BZQ May 2014

               ⠀            you
                   have bright eyes
                    lips that spelled
                       d i s a s t e r

BZQ May 2014

⠀             i thought blue eyes
           were the most beautiful.
             then i saw your brown.
              and let me gladly say
            your eyes are like oceans
               and i want to drown

BZQ Oct 2014
do you want to know how does having feelings for you feel like? well baby, having feelings for you is like playing the piano for someone who can’t hear. having feelings for you is like that moment where you start to dance and the song ends. having feelings for you is like hitting repeat on my favorite song and forgetting the words every time it starts over. having feelings for you is like playing roulette with all the barrels loaded. having feelings for you is like having amnesia, waking up every day unable to remember why there’s a hole in my chest. having feelings for you was like finding out there’s no milk after i had already poured a bowl of cereal. having feelings for you is like drowning without the water. having feelings for you is like being locked in the dark while getting told to “look on the bright side”. having feelings for you is like knowing what a funeral feels like without ever going to one. having feelings for you was like being reminded of the first time i ever accidentally let go of a ballon as a child. having feelings for you is like unconsciously reaching to put my arm around a dead lover in my bed while asleep. having feelings for you was like spending years next to a hospital bed where you were in a coma you chose to stay asleep in.
- bejal
BZQ May 2014
i want to kiss her. not because i want to feel the softness of her fair lips or the warmth of her breath as she exhales against me. i want to kiss her because i can’t think of any other way to fully express the beauty that she is. i want her to know that i see her as perfect. that she is perfect.
- bzq
BZQ May 2014
⠀            there is one girl i know.
⠀            her voice is of angels,
⠀            too perfect for this earth.

⠀            her voice could make
⠀            even the most stubborn
⠀            flowers bloom early.

⠀            her voice is the rising sun
⠀            and i can’t wait to wake up.

⠀   yes i do like music and catchy tunes
⠀         but the song that is your voice
⠀              is my favourite one yet.

⠀                          - BZQ
BZQ May 2014

⠀                       i crave
                          nex­t to me.

                          i crave
                          your skin
                          on mine.

                          i crave
                          to­uching me,
                          feeling me.

                          i crave
                          your lips
                          on mine.

                          i crave you,
                          your love,
                          your warmth.

                          but most of all,
                          i crave
                          nex­t to me.

BZQ May 2014
I crave the way you touch me with your lips and the way your fingers float across my hips.
 I crave the way your legs go in between mine and the way your smile gives me butterflies inside.
 I crave hearing your voice the way you say I love you and I crave falling asleep feeling safe and sound next to you.
- bzq

— The End —