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Trail your foreign tongue down my neck
So that the words may blossom in my throat
Pour your language of love into my mouth
So that it may spill from my lips
Leave your exlir to dry in the corner of my smile
So that when I lick my lips
I will taste this passion
Tell yourself you aren't capable of those sort of things anymore

"You've gotten soft"

Soft is good

Soft is how you're supposed to be



Easy to chew

Easier to swallow
Do you remember

When you used to look up to me?

I do.

I remember the nights we spent

Countless hours and miles

Walking holes into the bottoms of our flip flops

Stars above and concrete below

We pounded pavement

Dim street lights as our North Star

We didn't know where we were going

Just that the night was as young as we were

That time was slipping through our fingers

Like grains of sand clenched in fists

I can't hold on to those times anymore

And I'm so scared to lose you

I'm so scared those memories will wash away

I never want to forget

The countless nights we spent in the back of cars

Racing down the highway




Trying to be ****** up on anything but our sorrows

I'm so scared for the future

I don't want us to drift apart anymore

I remember when we used to say "I love you" before we hung up

Now I feel like it's a race to hang up first

I never want to win that race.

Now you hang up as I say "I love"

As if you don't want to be the "you" at the end of that sentence

Maybe you just don't believe it anymore

Maybe I don't do enough to prove it

Please tell me what I can do

Tell me how I can fix this

You said you felt like you were walking on eggshells
You're right
Those eggshells are all of the idiosyncrasies
Of a past that I am still fleeing from

Every eggshell is a word
A smell
A name
His name
The memories
These flashbacks
Ring through my skull like a bullet
Shot of in a room
Ricocheting from  ear to ear
Piercing through grey matter
That died a long time ago

I feel like I am walking on eggshells
And when I say eggshells
i mean skulls
Of so many of the broken people in my life
I walk on them
Tip-toe on them
Waiting for the day
I pierce their surface
Crack their barrier
And let them run free

Let me be free
-lemurs in the rain forest
-branches in the rain
-their fur slick with wetness
-of rain
-and tongue
-their minuscule paws
-tiny rakes in their stormy skin
-jaundice eyes
-liquid marbles
-roll in the sockets
-of their skulls
-soon to be dust,
-fertilizing their homes' soil
-til it blows away in the wind
-another desert
-another country
-another planet
-rocky pebbles on the dark blanket of space
  Mar 2016 Virianna Gallardo
The older you get
the more you need the people you knew
when you were young.

The problem is

The older you get
the less the people you knew
when you were young
need you.
Please tell me it will always be like this

No wait

Please tell me things will be different

Will we always be like this?

Please look at me

No, wait!

Turn away

I don't want you to see me

Not like this.

Never like this

Will it always be


God I hope so.

As long as I have you.
January 24th, 2016
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