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Mar 2017 · 322
dog parks
Bridget Rose Mar 2017
you meet good people at dog parks

they want the best for their dog

you want the best for yours

and sometimes that simple bond of love for an animal

can be the start of a beautiful friendship

it can break a shell society created
Jan 2017 · 390
onyx the great
Bridget Rose Jan 2017
white tip on her tail
black lab mix turned old and gray
all as her hips start to fail
but she still wants to play and run and jump

onyx the great we call her
been with us since 2004
back then she had all black fur
now her snout is new fallen snow

all the cats we’ve brought home
showed sadness when they left for good
cared for them like her own
loved everyone she came across

she’s on her way up to the sky
not there yet but soon will be
And as i ask why
i spend every moment with her
Oct 2016 · 261
sunshine in the fall
Bridget Rose Oct 2016
time goes slow
when the grass is green
time goes slow
when the sky is blue

a few scarce clouds
joyful animals all around

black fur glistens in the sun
onyx the great , lying awake

white fur turns brown from dirt
cc the queen, not getting clean

dog and cat and human
all with a single emotion
Aug 2016 · 329
Bridget Rose Aug 2016
May 2016 · 436
Bridget Rose May 2016
Night is no longer a time for tears
When dusk falls there will be no frowns
Darkness can not hold any more fears

The time for dance parties in the dark
Secrets and giggles all around
Ding-**** ditching, running to the park

Freedom and fresh air
Not caring about gaining a pound
Anything but despair

Bike riding with strangers
Your voices are the only sound
There are few dangers

This is a proclamation
Night is a happy time
A short joyous vacation

So tell everyone you know
And this nighttime do more than binge-watch a show
May 2016 · 363
You don't understand
Bridget Rose May 2016
I'm so ADHD you say
because you forgot your third cousin's birthday
You don't understand what it's actually like
How it can make simple chores feel like a hike

You never get teased for being "too hyper"
Teachers never pulled you aside for the question
"You seem a little off, forget to take your medicine?"

I'm so depressed you say
because you felt sad for a split second yesterday
You actually think there's something wrong with your brain
When really you can't even imagine the pain

You don't cry yourself to sleep every single night
There are no self-inflicted scars on your body
You have never actually wanted to **** yourself

I'm so OCD you say
because you don't like the way a gamed is played
You don't wash your hands until they bleed
Every thought plants a new anxiety seed

People don't sneeze on you because they think your reaction is funny
Always needing to do everything right, and if you don't everyone will die
Liking things organized is not at all OCD

Mental Illness tears your life apart
I don't know why you think it will make you seem smart
Using it the way you do is highly offensive
You come off ignorant and dense

See a Doctor if it ***** that much
And stop acting like Mental illness is so "clutch"
Apr 2016 · 464
happy birthday angel
Bridget Rose Apr 2016
happy birthday angel

you are gone and it makes me sad
but in a happier place so i'm glad

no more cancer in your brain
no more stupid useless pain

i still miss you everyday
i still love you in every way

happy birthday angel
i'll see you on the other side
for jessica
rest in piece
April 2006-July 2011
Apr 2016 · 426
for the unforgiven
Bridget Rose Apr 2016
there are no tears left for you
i shouldn’t have given you any from the start
though from the beginning i knew
******* for breaking my heart
Apr 2016 · 288
Bridget Rose Apr 2016
where is the old me
the one without the tears
who has so much glee

this new me is scary
too used to darkness
always wary
Apr 2016 · 1.5k
music haiku
Bridget Rose Apr 2016
drowning out your life
singing along to their words
put away that knife
Apr 2016 · 829
Been There Before
Bridget Rose Apr 2016
You can have all the friends in the world but still feel lonely
You can own the biggest house in the world but it won't feel homely

That feeling of not belonging can ruin a situation
A memory will then turn into more of a complication

The one person you want to talk to is gone
You are used to being used you feel like a pawn

When someone is sincere you can't open up
So you take all your feelings and hide them in a cup

Then suddenly everything is falling down
You can no longer hide your frown

The cup overflows along with your emotions
You are swimming in a tearful ocean

You start thinking, stop talking bad thoughts fill your mind
Remember everyone they’ve been so kind

But your family is nothing but broken and sad
The things kids say at school are starting to make you mad

Depression has taken all of it you want to stop trying
But soon enough you'll be on top of the world flying

This is not much of a poem; it's more of a letter
From someone who has been there before it gets better

— The End —