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 Nov 2015 Brenda Azul
It is not really perfect,
Nothing like what you might have guessed.

It is the only place I am happy,
With her hands holding my face, I feel blessed.

It is somewhere on an isle in the middle of nowhere,
A place where I always feel completely satisfied and truly loved.

I hold her face with one hand,
And I be kissing her as I undo the laces behind.

It is so very beautiful,
The love we share is beyond being physical.
My HP Poem #918
©Atul Kaushal
 Nov 2015 Brenda Azul
That Girl who loves truly
That Girl who cares for him or anybody more than her own self
That Girl who is being positive but getting negative only

That Girl whose childhood was discriminating
That Girl whose teenage was a bad incident
That Girl whose adulthood is a nightmare

That Girl who is still hoping for the best after getting the worst
That Girl who is faking happiness after getting hurt
That Girl who hopes that she will be happy after getting cursed

That Girl is the one who tries her best but get nothing
That Girl is the one who behave childlike to show that she is happy
That Girl is the one who doesn't get value but still calls herself a princess

That Girl is mad for loving
That Girl is mad for giving
That Girl is mad for helping
But is cursed
I feel pity for That Girl
And That Girl is ME
I walk the halls
in this blinding light
for I can't see
though try as I might
that we burn together
hoping of something better
to find in the mystery
of life's constant injury.

— The End —