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Amber Vander
It's kind of a funny story
Christopher Lowe
Ohio    Remember it is just poetry. If all you do is dream then you will never wake up. Follow me on twitter @C_A_Lowe All material is …
A B Perales
San Pedro Ca.    I wrote my first Poem in 2007. I write only about the things I know,the things I've seen. Copyright 2007-2015 all rights reserved.
moonlight as an astronaut
Scorpio Starlight
Philippines    I'am a writer inspired by everything you see above at night.
"I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it." J.D. Salinger
Jamie Horridge
23/F    - tu es le soleil et je suis la lune ☼ ☽ - I do not write these words, these words write me. not everything …
U.S.A    Writing is my life, i would of never gotten through life without it
“Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” -Holden Caulfield
United States    I'm sixteen from a small town, hoping for something bigger, and waiting for someday.
in my mind.    your eyes have their silence.
Ft. Bliss    I asked the Lord for strength that I might do great things He made me weak that I might do better things
I try but the words don't often come.
Jeremy Bean
M/Detroit, Michigan    You can find my poetry book, MIND AFIRE on Amazon if you are interested in my further works Other than that I am a songwriter, …
Bilal Kaci
Montreal    A land mine on the sidewalk
Ann M Johnson
Minnesota ( A Small Pop?)    All poems original Copyright of Ann M Johnson, unless otherwise noted 2013-2021. I love writing and reading poetry I also enjoying singing. I also appreciate …
Nairobi    Humbled,God fearing and Friendly
Sonny Day
Cincinnati    For now, I prefer anonymity.
Kim B
61/F/Youngstown, OH   
26/F/My Castle    Read the poems and you'll know.
32/F/Mexico    this is just a hobbie and this is not my real name Ob/gyn Med&party
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