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 Apr 2015 blue
Sour Patched Kid
Whatever happened to the moments
we lived for
the moments we lived from
electrifying lives
currents of passion
high voltage that knew no resistance

what do I have to do?
to feel the surge
to feel the spark
to feel alive again?

Is it in the tomes?
Is it in the songs?
Do the muses hold it in the walls?
Is it inside of me?

Searching for the switch
to send me back to passion
To make me feel charged again
to make me feel in charge again
 Apr 2015 blue
Brandi R Lowry
Saying goodbye
To someone you love
Is like reading the final page
Of an amazing book.

As the last chapter ends
You begin to notice
Just how beautiful
And perfect
The plot always was.  

You appreciate the joy
And even the pain
As you read and thumb
Through every page.

Finally understanding
The moral of the story,
You realize you've reached
The end of this journey.

Although the last sentence  
Is the most difficult to read
Another great book awaits
Once you turn the final page.

Eventually you may stumble
Upon yet another great find.
Or maybe you'll return
To the book you left behind.

You may just discover
Once all is said and done
That this particular book  
Was your favorite story
All along.
For Ty & Des ❤️
 Apr 2015 blue
Joel M Frye
why a poet?
because a poet
hears the words
which sing the
purest harmonies
because a poet
paints their portraits
in pastels
of phrases
because a poet
dances their agonies
into leaps of faith
and pirouettes
of passion
because a poet
the beauty
in the commonplace
and captures
the moment
in a snapshot
of ink and white
because a bloodless world
cuts itself
a thousand times

and the poet bleeds
For my friends here and around the world on World Poetry Day.
 Apr 2015 blue
cloud suicide.
 Apr 2015 blue
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
 Nov 2013 blue
lina marie
 Nov 2013 blue
lina marie
i love that moment
when a song inhibits reality,
and for a second,
(or a minute,
and very possibly maybe four),
even though you are here, right now,
you're also very gone.

and for that second,
a tsunami of feelings,
thoughts, and memories,
suffocate your heart in a seemingly endless chokehold.

and life comes back,
like a blunt slap to the face,
and you continue to walk,
but with nostalgia by your side.
 Nov 2013 blue
lina marie
bye, m.
 Nov 2013 blue
lina marie
when he dies,
you shake.
completely swallowed with the horrifying
realization that he's gone.

you sleep,
only to dream about how.
you wake up,
only to dread the reality of why.

the fact is,
he's gone.
he didn't feel the need to stay here,
so he left.

without a word.
without a trace.

and now,
all of a sudden,
at this moment,
people express that they love him.
of any particular moment in time,
he matters.

i can't help
but think
that maybe if he knew
that even the tiniest person
acknowledged his existence,
or maybe if that cute girl,
with the brown eyes
and pink headband,
had told him she liked
his shoes,
maybe he would still be here.

with me.
i'm so sorry.
I love you.
You might love me.
I need to KNOW your love.
Not just assume.
Because when I falsify love,
I lose friends.
Friends that were very, very close to me.
I would love to love,
But if I try,
And don't succeed,
I would lose even more.
If I don't ask,
Then I lose the biggest thing I have ever had with you-
A chance.
 Nov 2013 blue
Madisen Kuhn
1.  don’t be afraid of getting hurt
because in life there are times
when we need to be vulnerable
an unmatchable brilliance is radiated
when you bare your soul to another
and are privileged enough to be shown
the deepest parts of their spirit in return

2.  write often
no one has to see it, you can scribble
on napkins and throw them away
but please, allow yourself to know
the freedom of letting words seep
from your heart and relieving
the heavy strain of carrying
so many smothering thoughts

3.   never promise forever
because not once have i met
a person whose forever lasted
and i can’t say
i remember a time
when my forever has lasted, either
 Nov 2013 blue
Madisen Kuhn
i want to ask you about your past,
but at the same time i don’t
because my stomach becomes
more knotted than my hair
after a long windy day at the beach
when thinking of a you
before me

i try to keep my mind from drifting
to the image of you holding her hand
and gazing into her eyes,
thinking about how her smile
is the reason
you smile

it hurts imagining
there was anyone before me
and i’m sorry,
because i know how unfair that is

i guess i’m just afraid
there was something in her
you’ll notice is lacking
in me
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