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  Dec 2014 bones
I am a timeline of everything I've ever known.
It's copied onto thirty-five pieces of blank paper
and revealed to you in that mundane history course
that everyone naps through.

I can't deny
that among the black waves,
I've seen a sea star or two.
But I seem to be devoutly colorblind
to the silver linings that outline
what I've gone through.

You can't disguise your drowning,
nor can you swim to shore.
You just have to hope
that no one knows what to look for.
bones Dec 2014
Please will
you pull
all my poems
whichever way
you think
is best
I don't care
if you pull
at them gently
or hard
I just
want to be
  Dec 2014 bones
she swings
thinking about her tomorrow
she swings
to get away from her sorrow
she swings
while her master is away
she swings
to get away from her fate
she swings
not laughing
she swings
discreetly as they continue fighting
she swings
knowing that she is reckless
she swings*
*counting seconds to her death
this is about child labour. in my country, child labour is still prominent. the other day, i saw an underage babysitter,no more than 13 years of age swinging on the swing while the kid continued to play elsewhere. her expression,her tears and empathy drove me to write this.
might add more later
bones Dec 2014
When I drive
in darkness
I like to
let rain fall
and watch
for the light
waiting in each
landed drop
to spark at
oncoming traffic,
I watch a
long time
and wonder
sometimes about
the total law of
but I am no
and luck
has steered
my hands
thus far.
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