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bluevelvet May 2017
I bring a lot to the table,
a choice of three.
But everything I do just falls flat.
I could call it karma,
but I don't think it works
like that anymore.
And you make it a point
to have eye contact.
Was it to hurt me?
Was it to show just what
kind of monster lives
in that soul?
I might be a joke,
but the biggest one I believed
was the capacity of you to care.
One minute laughing with
an old friend,
the next was just sweat.
Why would I care?
Just listening to the hustle
and bustle of everyday
life passing me by from the
other side of the bathroom door,
suffocating my life with a hand
over my shallow existence.
Can never let go,
not ever since an ex of an ex
helped me realize just how
I flow.
everything you do is elusive,
to even your honey dew.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
In my dreams
I have met my maker
One hundred thousand times
And given the beauty of it all
Would be one hundred thousand suns
But these are just lines
Words voided of no truth
In your eyes.
I could beg,
Go back and rewrite
Everything that I said
But it's met with silence
I would cry in front of you
But that would be attention seeking too
And so now it's just me
And these four walls
That have known the truth
Waiting patiently to drink my sobriety
To mock the reality
And I could explain how
I didn't know it was you
But when eyes met
I felt tight and breath labored
Make jokes to them
Have them come look at the
Sculpture alone at forty one
If I knew, if I wasn't blind
Past your darken eyes
My heart would beat
With fluorescent's and call back to home
Met with silence
Because when I burn bridges
With my actions
With my words
With my thoughts
Not even the one to put effort
Into calling out to me
Will answer
bluevelvet May 2017
I find the
things you hate
and the things
to make
it known.

Was the purpose
to string
me along?

Or was it
to bring
light to
the things
that are
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose garden
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Red crimson sparkles
On the shattered glass
Dashed on hot summer pavement

You never asked for this,
You never meant to hurt so bad
And you're looking back and forth,
Side to side
There isn't much left to go

You've broken too many hearts and
Too many promises
And the crimson,
It's dripping from your sleeve

Steel gleams with His light
And maybe one day
Your eyes will wash away this blood
Because he made a promise
And he's the only friend you'll ever want
bluevelvet May 2017
it's a wonder
how little
you can mean to
but they still
e v e r y t h i n g
i do too
bluevelvet Aug 2017
I'll put this all aside,
Write like it's you reading it
Time has a funny way to abide
So I hope you don't just sit
And watch it pass by
My poetry ***** ultimately. Sometimes there's a decent one that comes out of me. It blows major but it's the only way to say it now. With candles and cake, I hope you receive everything you could want in life. I swear on my life with every blown candle I will always wish for you.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
I have different dreams now
And the fear has been added on
I have a different strength now,
One that lacks in every way
But it doesn't matter cause
You found the strongest one for the day!
And all my dreams, they involve you
All my fear is still being forgotten too
But that's my little cousins name and it's kind of weird for you pretend it's mine.
Or maybe that's just what my mind wants to remember.
But i can still see the leaves shadows on the notebook paper and I think I wanted it to be a secret, wait for you to read it. I hunched over and stuck my tongue slightly out in concentration after you told me it had to be about me and not you. And I think I saw you watching me write it. *your elbows on the table, hat tipped back and hands around your mouth, you were watching me write. and now this is for you. This is for the boy that I hurt and the potential that I ruined. This is for the boy that I love and will always need without ever receiving. This is for you. This will always be for you.
bluevelvet May 2017
He likes the idea of art,
maybe even dabbles in some guitar.
Even has a voice of gold,
at least that's what she told.
Just another treasure
these ears never got to behold.
He likes them petite and tiny,
carbon copy of the things never
to be found behind the eyes
he couldn't find shiny.
So why so nevers playing with a roach?
Was that all some kind of show?
But he wasn't listed off by the drama coach,
too soft for a tough edge.
Why show art your hands make
when you could just sit it in your lap,
having the best of a laugh
while sitting on a ledge,
chains choke and a useless
heart broke?

He likes to contemplate,
sitting in a computer chair.
His eyes are focused when he stares,
nothing in particular there.
He filled life with wonder just by the way he cared,
always a part of me even if
he can't feel anything.
He was the best and I was his kryptonite,
but I was always there every single night.
We spent months doing what kid's like us do,
I was his special little b o o.
I know there is nothing but dead embers,
but I hope he remembers
the good and the bad,
and the way he never made me feel fat.
Walking down this road alone,
I hope he understands that I
will laugh whenever I hear a toad.
He goes to your school, has a weird name too. But I don't remember.
bluevelvet May 2017
could've been my
maybe brought my soul
together with your
f  u  s  i  o  n
probably not,
it was just a joke to you,
something amusing.
right back at you,


ok :(
bluevelvet Jul 2017
Living your life
I'm up at 1:04 a.m.
Writing about the things
I will never know
Like who "it" is,
Which isn't a very nice term
If you're sprinkling gliter
On them now
Or if you really took
What I said to heart
About being proud

I hope you are
And write crapy poetry.
bluevelvet Jun 2017

You said ten years
I have never been more numb
I'll hide my tears
If you are tender
When a life you no longer
Want catches up to me
bluevelvet May 2017
pulsing black and blue.
It resides under
weak bones that ache
to be seen through
paper thin skin.
It has it's moments.
Blossoms beautiful flower's
into the ones it sees the pain it feels.
It has it's roots still there,
the young one you knew before.
The before it treated
every guy with the same make and model,
the way it treated you.
It's scarred and grotesque from
the way it won't trust anyone,
from the way it made you feel.
Is it worth to say the tears
you almost shed left
open, fleshy wounds on it?

I see the yellows and the reds,
is green still your favorite?
Blues shine brightly around it.
Could you have made it withstand time?
Would you have imagined the arm wrapped around it?
Sitting comfortably together,
would you have loved
the sound of my laugh,
seeping from around my hand,
echoing off the walls?
The walls with all the colors shinning on.
You radiate brighter than them.
bluevelvet May 2017
Blue Ribbons will do
just fine.
The taste of less fortune,
one of the few
now only able to stutter
this heart of mine.

She dances careless
but only in my daydream.
Show them how that
ugly body can truly caress.

Bright red,
wipe it off.
Whipped beige,
that color never stays.
Deep black,
tell me what you
would have liked.

Run her hand
through her hair,
tell her what
she's always lacked.
Rewind, restart.
She lives in pretend,
she plays where it never ends.

If I touched you softer,
if I round my hips
and match the pout
on h e r pretty lips.

Can I touch you like that?
Can I make your heart beat
like a heavy acid trip?
The same way your eyes
do in five seconds flat.

Smug smiles,
bleak future.
She'll make it look
pretty and luxurious
for that white-lightnin',
psychotic cruiser.

Unsuccessful dreams,
she's back to being sixteen.
Reach for that boys attention,
she never dares to mention
that she doesn't need introduction.
She already knew of
such sweet perfection.

He's a mystery,
he could control her
with such mastery.
He's a worldwind,
leaves her deep-end.

Fight that dwelling.
I sip grenadine,
taste remnants of
his eternal sunshine.

It's a feeling she
could never hide,
a longing that he
will never mind.

You do it so beautifully,
poetically speaking of
the great divine.
Life could've been sublime,
every day would've been
our very own sunshine.

Mixed together like
velvet and silver.
Taking another chance,
she already knows
this foretold song;
the decade lingering
of a cold shiver.

She backs away,
in the darkness she lays.
Reciting fleeting moments
he'll never stick around
to relive anyway.

Watching and learning,
I master in loving
things that doesn't
even have feeling
to give something
to believe in.
Grenadine, sunshine,
can you break this heart of mine?
bluevelvet May 2017
Turquoise in a set of four,
a catch halfway closing the door.
They have seen this life lived,
the aftermath of lies wish were never told,
and the life desperately seeked that was long ago sold
to the demons unwillingly kept in minds streets.
They don't want anymore.

New faces, new places and
new things.
No paint could cover the grudges formed with words made of sickly thorns.
They haunt 'ever presently should go,
the three ghosts that each hold
stories in the turquoise that used to be known.

Fading in and out of reality,
past has already passed the best of infinite.
Sunken to new low,
drowning in this currents flow.
Self hate, self medicate to
make the inevitable come slow.
bluevelvet May 2017
It's not sensible
to love you like this.
You're cold silver kiss,
impair my peripheral.

I could spend
forever like this.
An easy depend,
short life of bliss.

Why'd you run
and go hide,
Mr. Born-To-Lose?
Eyes try to find,
come up empty
with the darkest blue.

Like your loving foam,
I spread myself out
and begin to roam.

There was nothing to lose,
nothing to choose.
I had finally found you,
my favorite shade of blue.

Ice cold to the touch,
you warmed my cold heart
ever so much.

Golden butterflies,
pink roses.
You were better than
the ones I let in,
even the ones close.
Dreaming away your life.
bluevelvet May 2017
They beacon with their call,
dont buy into it.
You're better than that.

(Or maybe 'that' is 'them'.)
bluevelvet May 2017
My hair is a mess
but it's not like I'm trying
to impress.
Tossed to the side,
wind thrown down the middle.
Hands ran throught it
out of frustration,
sometimes even the reason
for a cancellation.
It's crinkled and tangled,
it's ugly like my cankles.
Pulled and tugged
by the different men
that I either
had or hadn't loved.
Visions of myself
with long and flowy hair,
only to see if
it would have made
you care.
bluevelvet May 2017
I asked my grandmother
how old she would be.
She looked me dead in the eye and said,
"I will be a young thirty three."
I threw my head back and laughed,
hugged her neck and kissed
her fading hair.
I cry for the things I wish I had,
I cry for the things said behind my back,
I cry for the things they thought I lacked.
I cry for the things that fill
my ever growing sack
of pretentious failure,
I cry for the things I hope the future brings.
But she is always there
for every single thing.
bluevelvet May 2017
The inability to find
an inkling of humanity
in the depths of your snide,
it's resentful.

The inability to find
any common sense
in the waves of my mind,
it's distasteful.

The inability to find
any reason for rhyme
in this sickly tight bind,
it's remorseful.
bluevelvet May 2017
The first poem I had ever written
hangs in a frame in the den.
My father shows it off proudly,
I just think it's lousy.
Did you read it?
It wasn't for you.
I was a junior,
he filled my life with humor.
Could it have been about you?
Would I still roll my eyes
and constantly ask my dad why
he has to show it around?
Now I write mostly about you
and this constant feeling
of heartbreak that I go through.
They say life isn't fair.
Looking back at your stare,
I can now only agree.
it's about parking cars in garages.
bluevelvet Dec 2017
Bad teeth;

When I was young
I had bad teeth
But I was a glowing masterpiece

I cared and I
Worshiped people because
I knew the feeling of never being

Heart Tattoo;

Me today
I watch the sun fade
And I feel like dying

Is this life?
Is this all I have to offer?

You don't notice
Or care
But I bend and break
To show people I am there
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I could've had my first kiss
at the age of sixteen.
A small space between
a church and a storage building
stuffed full of aged preteen
football padding.

I was told he liked me
by a cousin in science class,
caused me to laugh.
No one could possibly
like me around here.
Too much to handle,
infinite bliss.

I decided eighteen was the year
to have my first kiss,
he was my favorite dear.
In the back of a car,
I can still taste it in beer.

I wonder sometimes.
Would things be different
if we walked out of that small space,
red faced in moonlight
when asked by friends
why my face was so bright?
Go smoke that ****,
I'm such a giver.
Put your arm around me,
warm me from the cold air
coming from the river?
bluevelvet May 2017
And when we get there,
After I follow you of course,
Maybe I'll cut you in half
with the past and the present,
Such great force.
Or maybe I'll just let you believe
that what you did,
makes you
better than me.
bluevelvet May 2017
The wind picks up,
the roof can give way.
In this bed I'll stay,
daydreaming my life away.

The rain will pour down,
but I will continue to lay.
I will continue to watch
every memory fade.

Like a vacuum of a godly design,
I watch the moments embedded in my mind
float to the surface of a great divine.
Next are the things I wished to have done differently,
making dying not something akin to finally.

Childhood memories of my mother's
golden hair tickling my face,
the way my grandmother filled me with faith.
I have so much to cherish,
so much to lose.
I have so much to perish,
so much I never got to choose.

The wind picks up,
tears flow above.
At the untimely moment of death,
I can't help but find so much to still love.

At the moment alone
in this house made of old stone.
And if I die,
I'll take every broken bone.
It can take everything.
Take everything until
it's all gone.
This storm isn't close to the one you put in me.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Stay awhile and listen
An old heart feels young; glisten
Heavy breaths, pulse a piston

I haven't seen you for some time
I was honestly doing just fine
Forgot how you brought prime
To the feeble smile of mine

Your face, it beams
My mind, it sings
Your presence, wonder brings

Ask you how you are
How much you love the new world so far

You say you're doing swell
I don't mean to dwell
But you see, well,

You aren't the normal type
That makes me want to write
But seeing how you listen
Not a word of mine are you missin'

Pardon me, I'm inconsiderate
I can't hold my retinas
When you quicken my heart rate
Drunk enough, I'd gladly kiss you and etcetera
Age before beauty
bluevelvet Dec 2017
It's day one
Excluding New Years Eve
Because hey,
It's been a hell of a ******* year

And there's no pieces left to piece
Just the resounding of
No one cares anymore
Replaced and forgotten
Remainder of a ******* notebook
That has zero substantial meaning
To who I am today

Except for you
And you make it hard
To let it go

It's you and I know
It's branded into my soul
That I was a careless *******


Look at you and it
Doesn't even

Because look at me

Remember me?


I don't either
bluevelvet Dec 2017
And I'm doing horrible as ever
But my comebacks are clever
To fit my personality
And you can think whatever of me
Or you don't
I am fat and worthless
But I am a hotmess
Of potential
Just need some inspiration
From someone that seeks desire
In imperfect tramas
bluevelvet May 2017
I break in to
the souls that never mend,
I crave attention
without ever knowing
my own destination.
I am a horror,
I am a bug,
I am the slug
on the bottom of your shoe.
I cry for help
that never comes
I swallow them
in pieces
like chewing gum.
I do it for death,
I do it for the means
of a safety net.
I take and I take,
I spend until my last dime.
Try to shield the truth,
I cannot hide as well
as my past times.
He's back and
better than ever.
I'm floating in his win,
light as a blue feather.
bluevelvet May 2017
i'd be lying if i said
you make me speechless
the truth is you make my
tongue so weak it forgets
what language to speak in
not you, not mine.
bluevelvet May 2017

He spends a lifetime reading stars,
did it ever get him far?
He has the coldest touch,
he causes such a rush
deep within the membrane
of all your codeine veins.
He tears you limb from limb,
wanting him is vain.
His eyes are sunken,
hollow, dim.
If there's a heartbeat,
it's hard to hear function.
He prefers them slim.
I prefer them real.
Soul as gray as steel,
he beats off to watching
your failed attempts to heal.
He's the one you wish you never knew,
he's the one you never seen through.
Bleak and tragic,
he's a life full of magic.
I knew him once,
times long passed.
He was the nicest were'
I ever let pass.
Just too bad
there's fang marks
still on my fat ***.
But that's okay,
he never got the chance
to see just how well
my lifelong love
was built to last anyway.
bluevelvet May 2017
he looks so good
sweat dripping
like water on

i want
to lick it
off and
devour him
from within.

i want
to be the stuff
that makes up
his dreams.

i want
to be the one
that makes him
roll his eyes back
and scream.

he'd be daddy
and i'd be
his bad baby.

or just maybe
i'd settle for
a candlelight

or something stupid
like going fishing,
he'd hook the bate.

chewing on my lip
without looking up,
"whatever it is
you want to do,
i wouldn't mind
doing it with you"
I would whisper
to the point he
couldn't hear
me hardly.

would he be
the first in a while
to touch my mind
and know my soul
before my body?

and who knows
at the end of the night
maybe a peck
on the cheek.

with him,
would life still
seem to be
so bleak?
just for you.
bluevelvet Nov 2017
You'd think I wouldn't care,
It's been so long since I wrote it
But the loose strands of hair in this water
Says something completely different otherwise

Water drips from the tips
Of these fingers that wrote it,
That betrayed so many

The droplets creat a maze between
The hair on my legs until
They return back to their home

You wait to see what *******
I write about now
I wonder who would dramatically
Reveal their face in the neon glow
Of convenience store lights

You're a part of a circle
So it's not like you care
You want to live out my old work,
This isn't poetry I'm writing now
This is my new journal

From my fingertips
To your eyes
Free of charge

You wanna know what I would
Write in that same book all these years later?

I wonder what it would feel like
To rest my head on my knees in this
Lukewarm bathwater and feel
The skin

S t r e t c h i n g

over my ribs as I try to think
Of one good reason to still be alive

But I don't do that.
I don't have to.
I wash away the possibilities of you,
The regrets and mistakes,
The white cars and mean words

I wash them away until
I can finally think of them
And not
bluevelvet May 2017
A mighty smirk
clothed a
mousy lurk
He's got skills
that goes for days
He likes to witness
your slow decay

A majestic road
that likes to be a runner
He likes to spin webs
in a sickly thump-er
Last woken memory
is a head bouncing

Could sit here
pass a pen
point those fingers
But there's room
for everyone
to win the
blame game
with nasty little fibbers
To each their own
Grave of three
waiting to be
called home
bluevelvet Jun 2017
In pictures you look fine,

I was never on your mind.

Looked at pictures to find,

endless reasons you were never mine.

But now you look good,

and you look whole.

Do you miss what you sold?

Do you love, filled hole?

I am crazy,

but it'd be nice

to picture something hazy

turned to beautiful life.

Did it hurt,

having a heart broken first?

Were you left alone to deal?

Was it easy to heal?
Maybe only then,

you know how it feels.
bluevelvet May 2017
To fill the mouth
with thousands of seas
only to be met with more thirst.
To have the world
fall onto your brain,
filled with knowledge of the unknown.
To lay awake
reminiscing of all the
things you took for granted,
while they sleep peacefully.
To wobder when
being fully dressed before
presenting yourself in front of a mirror
will no longer be a necessity.
To thinking
you know so much but
knowing so little.
To beg like
the begger you mistook
them for.
To be all alone
and only wanting them,
no one to blame but yourself.
To cry out,
only met with silent,
cold, uncaring.
To spend lifetimes
wanting something that
never wants you.
These are the things you feel much later after getting something you never really had.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
It takes a man
to walk beside them
It takes less time
to go and be back,
reminding them how low
they're at
I'll stand here,
Take your hand
You can follow me dear friend
I know the way
I haven't came far
But I know where you are
bluevelvet May 2017
It goes like this:

Blue raspberry,
Red raspberry.

until it's filled
to the top.

But when I
get to the bottom,
if found the courage
to ask,
would you warm
my cold hands
with the heat radiating
off of your heart?
i could've rhymed it better with your name in it, but where's the fun in that?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Finished growing up,
I still want to be a Baby
and have me a
perfectly bad Johnny.
Hot wire cars and
I pass those exams,
He'd make life full of glam-orous.
Watching the tv adaptation of the movie ***** Dancing. This Colt makes a much better Johnny. <3
bluevelvet Apr 2018
Your mood swings toward me
Are drastically unproportined that even I
Can't keep up with them
But I'm headstrong, I know how this goes
Every person I meet is an Anne Frank
And I am drowning beside ******
Only one can be saved

I don't know.
Maybe it's because this liquid courage
Strengthens my backbone just enough
To think easily of how those headlights seem
To be on the right side of the road but really,
They're just barely over the yellow,
Just enough so that the bones in my nose and forehead
Disintegrate into the tinniest pieces,
Slicing through my brain

Liquid courage helps spill my guts,
Not my blood

And I know what you're thinking
That this is a bigger joke than even myself,
That it's disgusting and maybe pathetic
But it's actually just entirely sad

Because there's no use for miscalculations,
There's no worry of the outcome
When you feel like life is not worth living
And the fact stretch marks don't even come close as to why
You're not even halfway good enough
For boy's like that

But the daydreams,
The longing of a hand on your thigh
While he's driving you to his favorite place
Or the first kiss you share,
Holding you every night

It makes the dull lit flame in you,
That you have no idea how or why is still there,
Spark and grow into this wildfire within your chest,
Tightening and warming it as you breath.

And that's exactly what you do.

You breath, you smile,
You imagine

Because there, in your imagination,
A boy like him would never hurt you
A boy like him would care
bluevelvet May 2017
i compare you to art a lot
because well,
you are art.
does anyone else list you under
that same impression?
that must feel swell.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
This is poetry,
It's me writing what
I truly feel inside,
What I feel when
I am reminded of a time

And I have experienced
So many times since then
And I have experienced
So many times that have
Nothing to do with this

That last one reminded, it knocked
The hell out of me in a way
That is undeniable
I wish I could say
I'm sorry to him
Not for how it ended
But because it was never him

I remember thinking
At the beginning that
He would be a momentary filler
That it would last a month,
Maybe two months
And that it was really because
I was just waiting for you

And along the way,
He made me forget because
I let myself forget everything
And he made me feel loved
And he made me feel wanted
And I did love him then and I did want him then
And he made me a horrible
Disfigured form of who I was
Because I chose to let him and
Myself become that

It wasn't real and it wasn't fake
I did love him, he was a part of
My growing life and I wish
I could tell him that
Im sorry for being such a
Horrible humain being,
Just ******* out everything
Because I needed to feel whole
And it's because...
I wasn't whole, I wasn't really anything
Because I left who I was,
I left everything back there,
I left it with you

And it's inexcusable what I did
And how I hurt people
All along the way,
It was my very own form
Of a thick wall, it wasn't who
I truly am
None of this is
The lying, the drugs,
The endless suffering
I have to let go of that part,
That wall isn't who I am anymore

And even though you moved on,
You may not even believe
Anything I say in this,
I can feel the carefree and innocence that I was before
I eventually met you and
The joyful, brave, courageous person
You once made me after I met you

And if I never see you again,
If I never talk to you or hear from you again,
I do love you
I love you in the simplest of ways
And I love you in the most agonizingly difficult for the brain to comprehend ways
I love who you made me and I hate who I let myself become
But I love how you and myself reminded me
Of everything I used to be
And I take this love that I have for you and I take this relearning to love love for myself
And I'm becoming who I was but turning it into
Who I am with the who I used to be
And I can only ever thank you and me for who I will be

And I wish you could see this journey,
I wish you could experience the final,
The new and improved
And in a way you will because I'm taking you everywhere I go
And it will be met with every ghost and regret I have ever went through and made,
Probably more than once will they be met,
But regardless of what happens,
I will walk out of it and continue,
With you inside of me

I'm sorry if I let you down,
And if that's the reason you will never be actually around
I'm sorry I can't take back what I did and the things I said
But if we somehow meet again along this way
I swear I hope you're happy and free and even when im
Bitter and angry at you or myself or the world,
I will always be here for you and I swear I will never let myself
Forget you in any way possible

You completed me in a way that I could never understand
You made me feel a way I had never felt before
You made me a better version of myself,
Sure I still had doubt and self esteem problems,
But you made me strong and brave and fierce and happy and loving and determined and youthful and an endless kind of happy and love
That follows you everywhere you go even when
You can't see it or if you forget it and no longer
Can you feel it in or around you

Even though I'm so freaking down right now
And I cry and feel angry and hurt and confused
Because I still have doubts and self esteem problems
And trust issues and so many more issues,
I can feel it again and you know what?
It's the best feeling I've had in so long that I don't honestly know
How to contain it
It's burning inside me and it's wanting to be set free to spread through
Every vein and muscle and inch of my body

And I love it,
I love this feeling and I feel like it's a feeling that loves me too
And it's foreign but remembered and that makes me love it even more
And I'm starting to love myself again slowly and I know it takes time and
I hate how im still so impatient with everything and how
I envy those with patience because that's a part of who they are and
It's not a part of me but it may eventually be because who knows what the future holds

And I hope your present is bright and fruitful and
Somehow everyday something happens and you find
Even more of a reason to beam so brightly
And everyday after that is bigger and better and warmer
Because I love you like I have never loved anyone because there was never supposed to be anyone but you

And if the possibility of someone else in the future arouses,
If everything is really too late,
I will never let them change me unless it's positive
They can add onto what I and yourself helped put into me
And you will still never go away,
This love for you will never go away like it never really did,
Just fogged and pushed away
But it isn't anymore, it never will be again

Because I enjoy this love,
It doesn't feel weighed down and suppressed with the liability of demands and expectations
It's pure and whole and giving and peaceful
It's a love that is loved
Wherever you are, whoever is with you, I hope you can feel this love from so far away and I hope you don't fight it off, I hope you don't wish it away because it's still filled with the utmost best intentions for you that anyone who has also and ever will love you
bluevelvet May 2017
In another life,
what if I didn't take
the joke so seriously?
What if I would have been
your friend?

Would I have been
the one to hold
your hand?
Would I have been
the one who you'd
hold in your lap,
a kiss on the cheek,
and a quick 'snap'
from the camera?
Would I have been
the one with a
tattoo on my hand
similar to the one
on yours?

In another life,
what if I hadn't
broken your heart
and cheated from the start?
What if I didn't ruin
your trust issue's and
just had let it go?

Would I be the one
you'd marry?
Would we have that
white picket fence,
big house to match the
big family we dreamed of?
Would I have been
the one to
make you so proud?

In another life,
what if I
was a little nicer?
What if I was a
little braver?

Would it have
made a difference
if I gave you those
booklets of highlighted
places to go visit?
Would it have helped
if I was a little
What about if I
was a whole lot more

In another life,
who would we all be?
Would I have met you all,
and would you have
let me fall
so dangerously
and cruely?

And would you
make up the three ghosts
that haunt me and
know me the most?
Inspired by the song The One That Got Away by Katy Perry.
bluevelvet Nov 2017
He looks like the type
To mock religion
For the soul purpose of getting under your skin,
Chasing his dream from what I remember you telling me
While I expect nothing at this point in life
And am still let down by everything,
Mainly myself obviously
Maybe with my ability
To predict makeshift prophecy's
I could move to California,
Become the modern day Charles Manson
Minus the murdering,
I cry over almost hitting an animal in the road
And the followers?
Akin to Helen Keller,
The inability to realize I am physically nothing
To be obsessed over and they don't comprehend
The complete ******* I spew from my mouth
About connections and ideas.
Even with the followers,
Your stamped-over question mark existence
Would still be boiling water in my vains,
Insects in my muscles,
A riddle in my head,
Confusion in my heart
Does it excite you to be everything you despised about school?
Does it still bring satisfaction to know
You have the ability to turn tables better than anyone
And years later still have me on my toes
With no solid proof of who you are?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I only looked alive
with a face of crumpled origami,
a heart broken
with no end pieces in sight,
and storms that water
dead flowers in a
garden of eve soul fit
for a queen.

I only felt a life
with a burning rage
and twice burnt sage,
evaporating ghosts
that try to haunt this home.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
It's just you
Alone in a room built
For the trinity of two
Remnants of fingertiped guilt

Went up hills
To liquid stain tooth
To remember the feel
And a loss of worshipping youth

Now you go quickly instead,
Grind your yellow, aged teeth
Pain slow like sudafed
Sacred ground under tired feet
And in your head,
You'd remember how he'd breath;
Rising up from the dead
bluevelvet Jul 2017
You patched up my mess
While I burned to death
In between those cinder block bathroom walls,
It was hard to breathe
But I didn't ever want to leave
And you were teaching me
The rules of survival
But you cheered me up,
Acting like a rival
With a jar of glitter,
But you dumped this all on me
In the matter of due-time,
Coursing through my soul without a filter
Do you take someone back after a mistake or teach them a lesson? That's a good question.
bluevelvet May 2017
We could cruise,
go about sixty seven.
Sing soft blues,
you sound like heaven.

Wind in my hair,
you can take me there.
Blue skies above
match the metal around
my feet,
a sign of love.

Hand on my thigh,
no reason to cry.
Seashore lullaby,
a feeling not worth a fight.
Going up and up,
the stars linger in
my favorite cup.

Blue silk ribbon on ice,
burning it up.
Don't stop now,
I already blew on dice.
bluevelvet Nov 2017
A swirl of clouds
And thundering rain,
Winds ungodly and
The stench of fear and death

It is done,
Unthought of all
The memories created there
Families and love stories

I dreamt a dream,
It was us two
At Disney and universal
You asked me as a ride was ending,

"Are you having fun?"
And I couldn't look at your face
But I timidly said,

"Mostly because you are here"
And I kissed you
Where the mouth ends and cheek begins
And you vanished as I pulled back

It was over like
A hurricane and a waterpark
A memory of us
In the tunnel of love
For children who hasn't
Seen each other in a year

But you knew it was me
And I felt this pull,
I knew I would disappoint
Like I did that day
Climed to the top of Black Hole,

I remembet it now

And it was our turn,
I cried because I couldn't see
I cried because of the height
And the unknown
So my mother took me down

We went to the wave pool
And it was of luck,
Just a wave of destiny

Because I hadn't seen you
In what seemed like forever,
I wanted you there because I was alone
But you were here in the water

You were here and
I felt like home

Now it's gone
The tunnel and a piece of
Black Hole remains

What if I never cried?
Would you have looked at me still?

It's childish to remember
But you were it
And now I'm in a wave pool

Where's the tunnel?
Where's the scary ride?
The embarrassment of being scared?

You knew me
Better than anyone else,
You still do
bluevelvet May 2017
But I'd much rather say,
At least your mistakes
Didn't turn me into a snake.
so crazy i used whether instead of rather
bluevelvet May 2017
To hold is to cherish
To taste is to ravish
You're not the sociable
acceptance for the beauty of perfection
You are you
You are mythical
In the way you behold
Present is this moment
All alone
One face to the past
One face to the future
Climbing you will find
You're better than
What if someone walks in
And you are better than
Any skinny thing
And all the *******
That they make
And ones they call babe
Love yourself
Love yourself and you will find
That you will only ever truly be
Good enough for you and absolutely only
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