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Intelligence spiced with beauty,.
Integrity filled and peace loving
Self respecting,
Goodness is her duty,
Shes not to be taken for granted for she knows who she is,
Respect is not demanded,it comes naturally. She is a woman,a power woman
my bones decay
a cobweb spins
in and out,
in and out,
pulling bones
closer, tighter,
i am a ghost, i
am the dust of
a burnt-out star,
i am the corpse
of a child, i am
thrown out,
used up,
and death drags
his feet behind me,
the angels turn
their backs and
hang their heads.
and i spin suns
out of dirt,
tapping my feet
and breaking
all my fingers.
(g.c.) 12/17/16
(20 minute poetry)

Today is one more away from the day that wore yesterday's veil.

if I fail against all the odds and sods of a day like today I deserve to repeat my mistakes
and if what takes it
gives it
I've got some coming.

They're finding it within their hearts to expose the gentler side
talking of a sleighbell ride,
a bit wide of the mark considering global warming, just saying that today in
real terms ain't worth the cardboard shelter it's written on,

but we'll wish you a happy Hanukkah playing
Rosh Hashanah on the harmonica
we'll cut down a Yuletide log for you
get Santa to buy that dog for you
send millions of facebook likes to you
and that's what we'll do.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Ramin Ara
The world has a new way
In every moment
Get it
If I hadn't fallen in love
I would have not known
that stars could dance in the eyes
That the moon could whisk me away
That the sun could live in the heart
and warm it and fill it with light
That clouds could shower kisses
And rain could touch like a lover
That the scent of flowers
could linger through the night
That the winds could play love melodies
That sunrises could colour a blush
And sunsets stir romance
That dreams could glisten at dawn
like drops of dew

I would have not known the magic
that is love
If I hadn't fallen in love
With you
Dear everyone, thank you so so much for your beautiful responses. I am unable to thank everyone individually because of work and personal commitments...I apologise. But your responses mean the world to me. Thank you for liking my poem, for sharing it, for commenting on it. I am so happy that this poem was selected brightened my day and brought a smile on my face. Thank you once again. Love to all you talented writers, poets and gracious readers **
The human condition
Is a term loosely thrown around
But few truely know
What it means

The human condition
Is entitlement
Man believes he is the master
Of all that lays before him

If this belief were not so
He would never have left
His primodial forests and caves
Content in his own ignorance

Man takes what he wants
Until there is none left
And then he build for himself
What is not provided

He have bent this world
To conform to his will
And the very stars themselves
Are now within his grasp

Soon, there will be
A great reckoning among the heavens
For once man reaches out to the stars

He will not let go
A  group  of  maples
stand  proudly  in  the  village.

A  vivid  deep  scarlet  in  color
truly  magnificent  trees.

Very  pleasing  to  the  eye.
You  have  to  catch  the  moment  though
Sadly  the  beauty  soon  fades.

As  seen  in  October.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK  2016.
Home is the place where all hearts turn
When Christmas comes again

The place that draws you through the fog
The snow the wind and rain

To take your place beside the fire
Wherever it may be

And hope for peace, and good cheer
And gay festivity

Year by year the same old words
Of greetings we repeat

But never seem to tire
When friends and families meet

So rejoice right through to Christmas night
And  over the world's dark shadows
Cast some some heavenly light

Keith Wilson. Windermere, UK 2016
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