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Two days
from now
you won’t remember
how I laid you down
my six-year-old

of purple
sickly sweet

your body burning
up beneath
pink sheets
you kicked
to the foot
of the bed

I swear
you were
of mermaids
saddled on pink dolphins
like bejeweled rodeo stars
swimming closer
with long yellow hair
bucking waves—
sea girls with
one hand raised
in salty air,
in circles
wee galaxies
of ocean mist,
of sweat
on your lips.

At dawn
your fever
broke with
the sweetness
of candy glass
mason jars;
as embers,
a dimming
of stars.

Two days
from now
you won’t remember
how I came to you
in the middle
of the night
when you cried
out for me,
your voice
a song sung
by a small girl
burning up
the sea.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Ramin Ara
In the new year
I have three wishes
For all people
In the world
First , peace
Second, joy
And third ,  a happy world
I wish you good health
Throughout your years;
With it you prosper
Behind smile's lonely tears.
Your conflicts,
Your fears,
Successes and failures,
Fade in pale wanings.
I wish you good health.
Have a healthy New Year.
"How do you know it's the end?"
She asks me through her tears.
It draws me back into the darkness,
Where I was faced blindly with my fears.
The scratching of heads;
The whimpers of voices;
The constant inconvenience;
And hobston's choices.

What kept me in that consistent loop?
Was it really comfort?
And what made me oblivious to your warped mind,
That did not value me or my effort?
The hatred, oh it's real!
But my heart somehow still broke.
You took with you more than our lifetime,
When you opened your mouth and spoke.

A new path was constructed.
And our moments slipped away.
Your absence became less obvious,
With the passing of every day.
But within me, past all my minds thoughts,
There is a feeling hidden deep down inside.
It dents my negativity and forgives all my regrets,
And it's the single reason I cried.

Because inside you, I seen potential,
For you to be loving, kind and true.
A man who could put others before himself,
My life partner, who would help me through.
And the darkness created that image.
Without light, I was blind.
I could not see your true colours,
Or the mask you hid behind.

Sometimes you allowed the light in,
And your beauty was something real.
You were more than that potential man,
And no hatred did I feel.

We had a future, though you did not believe it.
But that faded away with you.
I think it was all just for the better,
As your last words were the most true.

And now I'm standing before my reflection,
Asking myself how you know it's the end, for real?
And the answer is simple when you look at your surrounding,
Only to find, silence is all you really feel..
26 Dec 2016

Copyright © All Rights Reserved Joanne Heraghty
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Max Vale
I tried so hard but when I succeeded,
I forgot those who were there.
They left me with my glory,
As I slowly became history.

I sacrificed everyone I loved,
For something I didn't need.
So think twice,
No ,thrice,
If glory is really what you seek.
Is glory worth it?
The shadows are following me, I am sure it is them. I see the trees moving to surround me, I should stay away from them. I lock myself in my room, because I think it is safe. I keep looking under the bed to make sure, that no one is laying in wait for me. Most days I can only have a conversation with myself. I am not sure why that is, perhaps I am the only one who understands me. I change my clothes at least 3 times a day, my shoes almost never match what I want to wear. Perhaps I have gone over the edge already, or perhaps I am almost there. I am not sure which way I will lean tomorrow, it will depend on which way the sun chooses to rise. Beyond that, I think me and the voices will be just fine.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Mr Himel
You are the girl with a golden heart
Gave me smile and made the start
Start of a new journey, new passion
You are my soul now, my emotion

I won't think twice to tell you something
That I'm falling in love with everything
Everything you do, you say or think
You are my drug now, you are my drink
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