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 Mar 2015 ben wyatt
Damian Murphy
A hazy sun low in a cloudless sky
Of the most wonderful shade of blue
The only evidence of a cool night gone by
Lies in a blanket of sparkling dew.

Cobwebs glisten in the morning suns rays
Like diamonds in delicate lace
Silky trails sparkle where snails made their way
Sunlight capturing each delicate trace.

A stillness apparent in unmoving trees
Casting long shadows everywhere
Undisturbed by even the softest breeze
As a crisp coolness pervades the air.

Magpies, pigeons, and crows take flight
the first slow stirrings of the morning
Each one welcoming the morning light,
The sunshine bright and warming.  

Leaves of yellow, red, brown and gold
Reflect gloriously the morning sun
Creatures stirring, growing ever more bold
As another Autumn day has begun.
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
Letting myself go
in the hope
that you'll
catch me.
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
The longest day
I've ever known
was the one I
for you to miss me
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
I was so scared to
lose you
that I never really
had you
at all
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
******* for
turning out to be
nothing more than
two wasted months of
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
 Feb 2015 ben wyatt
Devon Webb
I am surrounded by
glass walls,
covered in smudges from
where I tried to wipe
my fingerprints
the moon that we share
will always outshine the clouds
that separate us.

— The End —