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 May 2017 Bee Ethel
yet, now
 May 2017 Bee Ethel
when I was saved from
       the thicket picketed with thorns
               and soon the sun receded behind
                      the triple peaks of then, now, and yet to be
                               you howled into the glowing period
                                     vast, sparkling and combing the lands
                                            could I have grabbed your hand,
                                                 where the warmth stays and hearts flutter
                                                        and feet walk in sync past, now, and yet
In nights like this
I wish to be near you.
I'll tuck you in and
read you stories
I'll tell you about the hills in Scotland that
devoured people on rainy days
and the grey rabbit that
deceived it and snapped its heart.

I'll tell you about the battlefield in
places we cannot touch
the origin of rumbling thunders and
forked lightning.
I'll tell you about the sacrifices to the old gods
as their decaying bodies sway in the wind
and crows and ravens circle the canopy of the old oak trees.

In times like this
I wish to be near you.
I'll make coffee and
get us a couple of apple pie with cinnamon
Then I'll tuck you in and say I love you in unusual,
remarkable ways.

By telling you peculiar stories until you fall asleep, perhaps.

And if you want to –
if it comforts you –
I'll do this night after night.

I'll bring you marvels from arcane knowledge and
forgotten myths and
I guarantee that the unwavering cruelties of this inane, mad civilization
will only make us stronger.
 May 2017 Bee Ethel
P Venugopal
on that lonely tree
a koel sings koi...koi...koi...koi
starlit winter sky
Drawn serious, spelling synonyms in cereal.
Taking the meaning as literal.
Its poison's lyrical
Bolstering concern in the trivial.
 May 2017 Bee Ethel
you are
 May 2017 Bee Ethel
you are
the second cup of tea
after I spilled the first by mistake
you are
my third time, finally right
you are
stepping on the breaks at just the right time

before a head on collision
you are
the flash I saw before hitting the dash
you are
in between my seatbelt and my veins
you are
calming, cloudy rainy days
you are
something else I've never felt
but never want to stop
you are
you are you
 May 2017 Bee Ethel
amazing . I think,
how strong the willow stands after
being struck by lightning,
or the river returns to it's boundaries
once overflowing,
and that mountain,
took centuries
to get so tall
and the moon comes up
every night
no matter.
A miracle to me
it seems
all these things
and we , or most,
don't sit and toast them
with a glass of her wine,
or shout hurrah,
or thank god,
more often.
The wrath
Turns the night
Slowly backwards.

She pumps and gushes
A heart like the river
Like black ice
Blue steel.

The hounds of vice
Screaming salty,
Swinging wooden
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