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  Oct 2015 Atript Abhinav
Cat Fiske
And though,
Her scars healed,
they left rough,
scar tissue,
wear she was once weak,

And he ran his hands over them,
Kissed them,
And told me I reminded him of the trees,
The kind of tree's to beautiful to cut down,
or carve your name into.

And he told me how,
the Trees kept him rooted down,
and helped the wind wispier,
Mother natures secrets in his ear,

Telling him,
To tell me,
He was standing there
with the most beautiful Tree out there,
Among the all the Trees in the forest,
and he was too lucky,
to have me.

Thats when my tree bark arms,
went around his rope burnt neck,
and for the first time,
we both felt,
like our jungle of emotions,
was as calm as the forest the surrounded us,

I had the wrist like tree bark,
and he and the trees,
had tried to carry him,
with a badly tied rope.

My tree bark didn't let him hang.
the trees knew better,
he needed to stay rooted.
This is just supposed to be a cute little story about two people who are helping each other recover though there attempt in self injury and suicide. I used nature as the medium for this story.
Atript Abhinav Oct 2015
Like a butterfly,
I fly
In this garden of ****** and pearls,
Dancing in the wind,
With the wind,
Drifting back and forth,
Up and down
I swirl and twirl,
My world whirls and I fall down dizzy
Gliding softly,
Giving this flight a little time,
Living every second,
Before I die
And finally, I become a flower
Beautiful and still
Atript Abhinav Oct 2015
To live is to die everyday,
I am in a fight against myself,
To win is to lose everything,
Turn around to not breathe the air I breathe
Take a look into my eyes
And look through
Camouflage in the lies,
And never come true,
My ship crashed into an iceberg when I was at my best
Buried in the shallowest of the ocean- a perfect beginning laid to rest
Atript Abhinav Oct 2015
I am in love with the way she looks at me,
her eyes hit mine like green and yellow autumn leaves hit the ground below,
softly and slowly
like the know there's no way up once they go down so they're gonna give this flight a little time
Atript Abhinav Sep 2015
My mother is home alone
?And I am with my friends getting ******
?I keep looking over my shoulders,
There's nothing weighing me down
Combed winter wind with my fingers
?The sun is more tempting now
I can feel something in my head
?It's like a thorn bushed into my brain
?My name echoed around my ears
?It has been years
?Sad voices ***** my high
?I am not mine
Your trust was murdered long ago
I've been to the corners you should never know
I'm coming home so don't you move
I swear to change, I swear on you
You be my guide and I'll follow?
Take me home
The sun just drowned and it's getting cold
The night is young and I can feel your gloom
?I'll be home by the brightest of the moon
?It's the start of something beautiful
?I'm coming home
Atript Abhinav Sep 2015
Angels saunter down the aisle
They break your heart and **** your mind
It's in the distance where hope dies
You lean against the wall counting days and cursing life
You think its fate and everything's your fault
You maybe right and may be not
But you won't find the middle ground
And it's not just gravity pulling you down
You are in chains and there is no escape
You try to break free but fall again
You look at the world and look through
Your knees kiss the floor as you break down in two
Like love bisected you and seized everything that was good in you
Let it rain
Put your grief on display
And get out of your shell
Because SOMETIMES not hiding your weaknesses is being brave
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Sad woman, don't wave goodbye
The other-side is a lie
Sadness ends on death's lullaby
It's true that there is no pain afterlife
But you don't die alone
With you dies the person I'm friends with
So call me
Let my love embrace your whole
Your mother will sneak in your room, wrap her face with your bed-sheet and cry
Maybe she'll dig her face in your pillows and beg god to bring you back to life
That will go on for days
Your father; the strongest, will break down to pieces and never get back to his feet again
So scoot around the city and see
Thousands fancy the life that you're living
Death is not the only end to pain,
Love for life is
So fall in love with yourself
You're a friend,
My best friend
A daughter, a sister and the list goes on
Close your eyes to not see but you cannot get cold enough to not feel
You cannot die alone when you're so many
Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin
The Doors and Queen
Dream Theatre's Dance of Eternity
And my wide jaws upon seeing DARKTHRONE in your playlist
Peanut butter and burned brown breads
Your evil smile when we laid the kitchen rat to rest
Kiss on the dance floor and how we avoided each other for days
How I laughed at everything that you wore and your bedroom's paint flakes
My first bottle of Malibu
Our first high and the succubus inside you
Gift me a lobotomy before you leave
Or erase everything from my memories
I will never be happy without you
Memories won't die with you
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