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Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
I'm a *******
?Agony is ecstasy so wound me
?Cut every part of me that failed to please
?Watch my hands swimming on those cuts like your fingers sliding through your hair
?Feed me more for I'm a zombie feeding on myself?
Savor every moment because I won't stand tall to go down again
?Crack me wide open to find no part of me crying in pain
?Knife your name all over me and peel like an artist disowning her sickest masterpiece
?One doesn't bleed love and nothing you did could **** the you inside me?
It was love that got me ready to bleed for your delight

Love was when I refused to fight

Bisect my heart in two

I die in love with you

Drink your fill like a vampire before you hand me to the pyre

Love was when I surrendered to please your desire
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
I don't know what I'm doing,
I don't know what this is,
I don't want to think of the twists and bends,
I don't want to know where this river ends,
I just know that its beautiful
And there's nothing as true as what I feel for you

Waking up to your messages,
Text you if you have not and wait for your text,
Smile when the thing called 'pop notification' pops with your name,
A quick look into your part of the world-Text you back and  you text back again,
Keeping each other updated about each other but not knowing why
Keep talking about the lines but letting nothing divide
I don't know what this could be,
Time flies so I choose not to think about it,
I want to let it be and live with it-drape myself with it and just live

Funny how we talk for hours and there's always something new to talk about,
Funny how we agreed on not thinking about tomorrow and live now,
Funny how we make inane requests and bring up crazy topics to make sure the music does not stop,
Funny how we have given so much but could not have enough,
Funny how we use 'we' like we are one soul trapped inside two bodies,
Like you and me is one unit
Funny how I still think of you as some faceless entity

You are like the missing piece of the puzzle,
The light at the end of the tunnel,
You are the answer to why i have so much and still nothing,
You complete me
I don't want to think about it and beyond,
I just want this to go on and on
Maybe forever
Or at least until we go back to where we belong
As dust or as ashes
Maybe even after but until then, i want us to remain
  Aug 2015 Atript Abhinav
SE Reimer

where clear blue sky meets water's deep
his sunbeams reach her waves to tease,
to warm her currents, foaming spray;
dawn to dusk when daylight fades,
till only afterglow remains,
an interlude of celestial stage.

he speaks to her on written sky
and in the mournful sea-bird's cry,
wraps sultry ribbons in her tresses,
his fingers linger in caresses,
and in soothing choreography
he gently stirs her ocean's breeze.

he sends her gifts of palm and dates,
wrapped on waves in salty sprays;
watches her with much delight,
he sings to her each eventide,
love songs with the calling gull,
and rocks her tween the gusts and lulls.

wedded at horizon’s edge,
devotion to her he has pledged,
to have forever and to hold,
his comfort to her storm-tossed soul;
his tender kiss on tear-stained cheek,
where clear blue sky meets water's deep.


post script.

when one gazes
into the vastness
of sea and sky,
of what is from
height to depth
an endless blue,
one cannot but think
of eternal devotion,
of the relationship
between two who have
pledged their forever troth!

as i wonder from what recesses
this one came, i remember…
our 36th wedding anniversary
is fast approaching...
i’ve been thinking of what to gift her
that will make her cry anew.

**thank you to Hello Poetry for
the tremendous honor bestowed
with their designation of this poem as the daily
and to all who have expressed their heartfelt
love and appreciation... your message
came through loud and clear...
there can be no denying it,
i am an incredibly blessed man
because of each of you!  
thank you, truly,
from the bottom of my heart!
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Sometimes I feel like being naive is a bliss
Sometimes I feel like there are so many things that I'm missing
I try to make myself believe that I want this
But the fact remains, there are so many things that I cannot see
So many feelings that I cannot feel
So much hatred and so much greed
Evil forces never succeeded in corrupting me
But look what my goodness has done to me
Jaded, frustrated , depressed
Will I ever be the same?
Why do we always realize our mistakes when its too late??
Will I ever be able to redeem myself?
the man i see in the mirror lives in the lies
Ragged, exhausted- so many questions in his eyes
The distance mundane
A state of despair
Wish I could paint my walls with all the colors in this world and live confined
Wish I could borrow some light from that big ball of fire up there and take it to the corners where the Sun never shined
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
In the end you'll question your beliefs
In the end you'll realize that your faith in god was actually the fear of hell
Everything you did - you did in vain
It was not god behind the rain
I'll be all ears when you walk back into your life
I'll forgive you before you apologize
I'll hit you with all the good you failed to see
But before i begin, I'll walk you to the corners where the sun never reached
The crowd ready to stone the woman accused of adultery
The pyre set for the woman accused of sorcery
Devils inside schizophrenics
A rabbi unclothing a girl to check if she's a ******
Nuns and monks thinking of a world behind silver lines
How many of you have noticed that its golden sometimes??
Babas and Gurus telling tales of their encounter with god
Pastors making up stories to blind the herd
Glue sniffers in every street of this country
Billions spent on religious groups and nothing for the hungry
Its funny how I got blackballed when I said that the way we cremate is wrong
And that's religion polluting this world
European Islamists are not even worth talking about
Sadly we live in the world where Robert Mugabe walks proud
Believe me when i say there's no god for those 6 million non-Zanus
The world has moved on so lets not be talking about Tutsis and Hutus
How many of you have read about the latest genocide?
Buddhists beheading Muslims and children left to die
Need I write more????
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
And hand in hand we danced together,
I pulled her closer and YOU smiled,
I kissed you through her
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
She sleeps beneath the spot where I am standing
This casket is my palanquin,
Decorate it with roses plucked from my garden and thorns from her orchard
Lay me on this red velvet I bought from the market of love and take me to her,
On the shoulders of my friends and kin I had abandoned long ago,
Or in the hearse painted red for the union of our souls
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